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Example of a Test Suite

To see the content of an example test suite, in a terminal create a directory in your computer’s filesystem. Then, change to that directory and run the bat init command. The command creates these folders and files:

├── bat.yaml
├── config
│   ├── default.dwl
│   ├── devx.dwl
│   ├── qax.dwl
│   └── stgx.dwl
└── tests
    └── HelloWorld.dwl

The bat.yaml file is the main file for the test suite. This example contains these lines:

  name: "Hello World Suite"
  - file: tests/HelloWorld.dwl
    - type: HTML
      outFile: /tmp/HTML.html
  # - type: SumoLogic
  #   options:
  #     SUMO_ENDPOINT: <sumo_source>
  # - type: PagerDuty
  #   options:
  #     PAGER_DUTY_ROUTING_KEY: <routing_key>
  # - type: Slack
  #   options:
  #     SLACK_WEBHOOK: <webhook_url>
  # - type: Email
  #   options:
  #     EMAILS: <email_list>
  # - type: NewRelic
  #   options:
  #     NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: <license_key>
  # - type: JSON
  #   outFile: /tmp/JSON.json
  # - type: JUnit
  #   outFile: /tmp/JUnit.xml

Every test suite must contain a bat.yaml file at its root level.

The suite Section of the example bat.yaml File

The suite section names the suite. You can use any names that you like for the suites that you write.

The files Section of the example bat.yaml File

This example test suite contains only one test. The test is listed in the files section as the file HelloWorld.dwl in the tests folder.

As you create tests, you add references to them in your bat.yaml file. For example, suppose that in your test-suite directory you create a folder named api-tests and write a test named first-test.dwl in that folder. In the files section of your bat.yaml file, you add the following indented line:

  file: api-tests/first-test.dwl

If you write a second test, this one named second-test.dwl, you add this line next:

  file: api-tests/second-test.dwl

The order in which you list the tests determines the order in which the BAT CLI runs them. In this example, the test orderFulfillment.dwl runs before the test shoppingCart.dwl:

  file: retail-site-tests/orderFulfillment.dwl
  file: retail-site-tests/shoppingCart.dwl

To run the orderFulfillment.dwl test after the shoppingCart.dwl test, you can change the order in which they are listed:

  file: retail-site-tests/shoppingCart.dwl
  file: retail-site-tests/orderFulfillment.dwl

Finally, you can create more than one folder to contain the tests in a test suite. You can even create subfolders within the folders that contain your tests. Just be sure that you provide the correct relative path when you list a test in the files section of your bat.yaml file.

The reporters Section of the bat.yaml File

This section is for configuring various tools or third-party applications to report test failures. In this example, a failure of the HelloWorld.dwl test prompts the BAT CLI to write a report of the failure to the file /tmp/HTML.html. For information about setting up reports, see Configure and View Test Reports.

The secrets Section of the bat.yaml File

If you plan to run a test suite from a private location, you can use the BAT CLI’s integration with Anypoint Secrets Manager to use shared secrets in your tests.

The config Folder

You can store variables in the files in the config folder. For example, suppose that you’re developing an API and you deploy it to two different environments: dev and qa. The endpoint URL for the first is and for the second The API is intended to behave the same in both environments.

You want to test the API in both environments. However, instead of coding two tests, one for the deployment of the API in dev and one for the deployment of the API in qa, you can create a configuration file for each environment. In each configuration file, you can place a variable named url that holds that endpoint URL for the corresponding environment:

The content of dev.dwl, the configuration file for the dev environment
url: ""
The content of qa.dwl, the configuration file for the qa environment
url: ""

In your test, you can use the url variable by placing it within this syntax: $(config.variable), where variable is the name of the variable that you want to use. Here is an example test that uses the url variable in a GET request to test the assertion that the response code must be 200:

import * from bat::BDD
import * from bat::Assertions
suite("Hello world suite") in [
  it must 'answer 200' in [
    GET `$(config.url)` with {} assert [
      $.response.status mustEqual 200

When you run the test, you can use the --config parameter to specify which configuration file to use. (If you upload your test suite as a monitor to API Functional Monitoring in Anypoint Platform, you can specify the configuration to use when you create a schedule for the monitor.)

Use JSON for the format of your configuration files, and .dwl as the file extension. You can put as many variables as you need in each file.

The tests Folder

In the example test suite, the test HelloWorld.dwl is in a folder named tests. As explained in the section about the bat.yaml file in this example, the files section in the bat.yaml file points to the tests in a test suite.

  - file: tests/HelloWorld.dwl

In your own test suites, the folders that contain your tests can have any name that is valid for your filesystem. You can also place tests in multiple folders.