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To Play and Share an API Notebook

API Notebook reached its End of Life in August 2021.

After creating an API Notebook, you play the notebook as described in this procedure. You can save the notebook to GitHub as a gist to share it. You are offered two links, one for sharing the URL, the other for embedding the Notebook into any site.

  1. After editing an API Portal to add API Notebook, click Live Portal.

    The Developer portal for the T-Shirt Ordering Service appears.

    tutorial create an api notebook 993e9
  2. From the bottom of the API Reference on the portal, copy the root RAML URL.

  3. Select the API Notebook from the list of visible components.

  4. In API.createClient, check that the URL matches the root RAML URL and replace if necessary.

  5. Click Play notebook to execute the Notebook code. The results reveal information about your API based on the RAML.

  6. On the Developer portal for the API, at the bottom of a published API Notebook, click Make your Own to save the API Notebook to Github as a gist.

    A copy of the Notebook appears.

  7. Click save.

    The Authenticate Notebook dialog says: Notebooks are saved as gists to your GitHub account. Authorize this application to save, edit, and share your notebooks.

  8. Click Authorize With GitHub and follow the GitHub prompts to authorize access to your account to save the notebook.

  9. Click share to share or embed your Notebook.