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To Map RAML Resources to Actions

After you generate backend flows and reference exception strategies, you map RAML resources to actions as shown in this procedure.

  1. Click the APIkit Router to open the Properties Editor.

  2. In Router configuration, click Plus button..

    The Global Element Properties wizard appears.

    *Global Element Properties* dialog with the *Router configuration* tab highlighted.
  3. Browse to the RAML file you created within Studio.

  4. In Mappings, click Plus button. to create a new mapping.

    The New Mapping dialog appears.

  5. Use the drop-down to map the resources to actions.

    • In the Resource drop-down, select /sales.

    • In the Action drop-down, select Post.

    • In the Flow drop-down, select the flow that contains the post action:


  6. Click OK.

    *New Mapping* dialog with resources mapped.
  7. Repeat the previous steps for each resource-action pairing in the API.