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DataFormat Types (dw::extension::DataFormat)

DataWeave 2.2 is compatible and bundled with Mule 4.2. This version of Mule reached its End of Life on May 2, 2023, when Extended Support ended.

Deployments of new applications to CloudHub that use this version of Mule are no longer allowed. Only in-place updates to applications are permitted.

MuleSoft recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of Mule 4 that is in Standard Support so that your applications run with the latest fixes and security enhancements.

Type Definition Description


type DataFormat = { binaryFormat?: Boolean, defaultCharset?: String, fileExtensions?: Array<String>, acceptedMimeTypes: Array<MimeType>, reader: (content: Binary, charset: String, settings: ReaderSettings) -> Any, writer: (value: Any, settings: WriterSettings) -> Binary }

  • binaryFormat?: Boolean: True if this is data format is represented in a binary representation instead of text. If not present, false.

  • defaultCharset?: String: The default charset of this format, if any.

  • fileExtensions?: Array<String>: Returns the list of file extensions with the . (".json", ".xml", etc…​) that should be assigned to this Data Format

  • acceptedMimeTypes: Array<MimeType> The list of MimeTypes that are accepted.

  • reader: (content: Binary, charset: String, settings: ReaderSettings) → Any: This function will be in charge of reading the raw content and transform it into the DataWeave canonical model.

  • writer: (value:Any, settings:WriterSettings) → Binary: This function will be in charge of writing the DataWeave canonical model into Binary content.


type EmptySettings = Object

Represents a configuration with no settings.


type EncodingSettings = { encoding?: String }

Represents encoding settings:

  • encoding?: String: Encoding that the writer uses for output. Defaults to "UTF-8".


type MimeType = String

Represents a MIME type, such as application/json.

Introduced in DataWeave version 2.2.0.


type Settings = Object

Reader or writer configuration settings.

Introduced in DataWeave version 2.2.0.