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Insert, Update, and Delete Data from a Database Examples - Mule 4

Anypoint Connector for Database (Database Connector) supports the Insert, Update, and Delete operations that enable you to manage data from a database.

In the following example, you insert, update ,and delete data from a database schema named Products that has a table named electronic. The table contains columns named id, name, description, price, and discount.

The following SQL statement creates the table:

CREATE TABLE electronic(
    name VARCHAR(100),
    description VARCHAR(255),
    price SMALLINT,
    discount TINYINT

Configure the Insert Operation in Studio

Given that the table electronic is already created and there is a Database Connector connection configuration named dbConfig, you can configure the Insert operation that inserts a new record in the table:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Insert operation.

  2. In the connector configuration screen, set the SQL Query Text field to the query to execute, for example:

    INSERT INTO electronic(name, description, price, discount)
    VALUES ('Coffee Machine', 'Model: XYZ99. Uses small size capsules.', 120, 5)

The id parameter is not passed in the query because it is an auto-increment key that is generated automatically by the database.

The following screenshot shows the configuration in Studio:

The Insert operation configuration

In the XML editor, the <db:insert> configuration looks like this:

<db:insert config-ref="dbConfig">
    INSERT INTO electronic(name, description, price, discount)
    VALUES ('Coffee Machine', 'Model: XYZ99. Uses small size capsules.', 120, 5)

Configure the Input Parameters Field in the Insert Operation

To benefit from the advantages of input parameters, structure the equivalent SQL query as follows:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Insert operation.

  2. In the connector configuration screen, set the SQL Query Text field to the query to execute, for example:

INSERT INTO electronic(name, description, price, discount)
VALUES (:name, :description, :price, :discount)
  1. In the Input Parameters field, set the following parameters:

    name: 'Coffee Machine',
    description: 'Model:XYZ99. Uses small size capsules.',
    price: 120,
    discount: 5

The following screenshot shows the Input Parameter field configuration:

The Input Parameter field configuration

In the XML editor, the <db:input-parameters> configuration looks like this:

<db:insert config-ref="dbConfig">
        INSERT INTO electronic(name, description, price, discount)
        VALUES (:name, :description, :price, :discount)
        name: 'Coffee Machine',
        description: 'Model:XYZ99. Uses small size capsules.',
        price: 120,
        discount: 5}]

Configure the Auto Generate Keys Fields in the Insert Operation

The Insert operation outputs a Statement Result object that contains two fields: an affectedRows integer that indicates how many rows were affected by the query, and a generatedKeys map that contains the autogenerated keys.

In the following example, the output shows that the generatedKeys map is empty, although a row is successfully added to the table. The map is empty because this information is disabled by default to avoid overhead.

  "affectedRows": 1,
  "generatedKeys": {


To activate the information and generate keys, follow the next steps:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Insert operation.

  2. In the Advanced tab, set the Auto generate keys field to True.

The following screenshot shows the configuration in Studio:

The Input Parameter field configuration

In the XML editor, the <autoGenerateKeys> configuration looks like this:

<db:insert config-ref="dbConfig" autoGenerateKeys="true">

If the statement generates multiple keys per affected row, you can specify which columns should be returned by setting a list that contains the desired column names, for example:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Insert operation.

  2. In the Advanced tab, set the Auto generate column names field to Expression or Bean reference to set the field to a DataWeave list with a single string element.

  3. Set the expression field to ['id'] to ensure that only the id column is returned.

The following screenshot shows the configuration in Studio:

The Auto generate column names field configuration

In the XML editor, the <autoGeneratedKeysColumnNames> configuration looks like this:

<db:insert config-ref="dbConfig" autoGenerateKeys="true" autoGeneratedKeysColumnNames="#[['id']]">

Configure the Update Operation in Studio

Given the electronic table previously defined, to update data from the table (for example, setting the discount to 10 percent for all items that have a price value above 100), configure the Update operation:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Update operation.

  2. In the connector configuration screen, set the SQL Query Text field to the query to execute, for example, "UPDATE electronic SET discount = :discount WHERE price > :price".

  3. Set the Input parameters field to the following parameters:

      discount: 10,
      price: 100

The following screenshot shows the configuration in Studio:

The Update operation configuration

In the XML editor, the <db:update> configuration looks like this:

<db:update doc:name="Update">
			<db:sql ><![CDATA["UPDATE electronic SET discount = :discount WHERE price > :price"]]></db:sql>
			<db:input-parameters ><![CDATA[#[{
        discount: 10,
        price: 100

The <![CDATA[…​]]> wrapper enables you to use special characters, such as > or ", in the query. Otherwise, you must use XML-escaped versions of those characters, such as &gt; and &quot;.

Configure the Delete Operation in Studio

Given the electronic table previously defined, to remove the record with id: 1, configure the Delete operation:

  1. In your Studio flow, select the Update operation.

  2. In the connector configuration screen, set the SQL Query Text field to the query to execute, for example, DELETE FROM electronic WHERE id = :id.

  3. Set the Input parameters field to {id: 1}.

The following screenshot shows the configuration in Studio:

The Update operation configuration in Studio

In the XML editor, the <db:delete> configuration looks like this:

<db:delete config-ref="dbConfig">
    <db:sql>DELETE FROM electronic WHERE id = :id</db:sql>
        id: 1
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