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Download an Asset

Download lets you download a copy of the asset, or in the case of a Custom asset, the optional file attached to the asset when it was created.

After creating a REST asset, Exchange generates a Mule 3 connector and a Mule 4 connector. Exchange also generates an OAS 2.0 version for RAML assets, and a RAML version for OAS 2.0 and OAS 3.0 assets. After you create a new REST asset it may take a few minutes for these assets to appear on the Download menu.

When you change the asset name, description, labels, or categories of the REST asset, Exchange updates these attributes for the generated connectors.

RAML versions have been automatically generated for all OAS assets published since January 12, 2019, and OAS 2.0 versions have been automatically generated for all RAML assets published since that date. If you find an older asset that does not include one of these versions, you can generate all versions by downloading the asset and uploading it again.

Click Download from the asset details pane.

The results vary by file type:


    If you choose As RAML, the original RAML file downloads as a zip file. If you choose As OAS, Exchange downloads the API specification as a zip file containing a JSON file for the specification in OAS 2.0 format. If you choose As Mule 4 connector, it downloads as a jar file you can add to a Studio 7 Mule project. If you choose As Mule 3 connector, it downloads as a zip file you can add to a Studio 6 Mule project.


    If you choose As RAML, Exchange downloads the API specification as a zip file containing a RAML file for the specification. If you choose As OAS, it downloads as a zip file containing a file in the original format of either JSON or YAML. If you choose As Mule 4 connector, it downloads as a jar file you can add to a Studio 7 Mule project. If you choose As Mule 3 connector, it downloads as a zip file you can add to a Studio 6 Mule project.


    Downloads as a WSDL file.

  • Connector

    Downloads as a jar file.

  • Template

    Downloads as a jar or zip file.

  • Example

    Downloads as a zip file.

  • Policy

    If you choose As Mule policy, Exchange downloads the policy as a JAR file. If you choose As Policy definition, Exchange downloads the definition YAML file.

  • Custom with a file

    Downloads the same format file that you uploaded, but the file name is based on your application name.

    For example, if you upload a text file for the Inventory Distribution project, Exchange downloads inventory-distribution.txt.

  • Custom without a file

    The Download button does not appear.

  • API Group

    The Download button does not appear.

  • AsyncAPI

    Downloads the API specification as a zip file containing a YAML file for the specification and a JSON file that contains the metadata of the asset.