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Downloading Flex Gateway

Download and install Flex Gateway as a Linux service, or download the Flex Gateway image from the container registry. Downloading is a prerequisite to registering and running a gateway as a Linux service or in a container, Kubernetes cluster, or OpenShift cluster.

To run Flex Gateway inside a virtual machine (VM), download and install it as a Linux service. To run Flex Gateway in a container, Kubernetes cluster, or OpenShift cluster, download the Flex Gateway image.





See Reviewing Prerequisites for details about hardware and software requirements.

Download and Install as a Linux Service

You can download and install Flex Gateway as a service in one of the following Linux environments:







Software Requirements

Flex Gateway runs on the following Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Ubuntu:

  • Ubuntu (Bionic, Focal, Jammy)

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To download and install Flex Gateway as a Ubuntu service run the command block which performs the following actions:

  • Retrieves the public package keys and adds the package repository

  • Updates the package list

  • Updates apt-get

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

curl -XGET | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mulesoft.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y flex-gateway

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.


Software Requirements

Flex Gateway runs on the following Long Term Support (LTS) versions of Debian:

  • Debian (Buster, Bullseye, and Bookworm starting with Flex Gateway 1.6.2)

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To download and install Flex Gateway as a Debian service run the command block which performs the following actions:

  • Retrieves the public package keys and adds the package repository

  • Updates the package list

  • Updates apt-get

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

curl -XGET | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mulesoft.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y flex-gateway

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.

Amazon Linux

Software Requirements

Flex Gateway runs on the following Long Term Support (LTS) version of Amazon Linux:

  • Amazon Linux 2

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To download and install Flex Gateway as an Amazon Linux service run the command block which performs the following actions:

  • Adds the Flex Gateway package repository with a reference to its public key

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/flex-gateway.repo <<\EOF
name = Anypoint Flex Gateway
baseurl =$releasever/main

sudo yum install -y flex-gateway

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Software Requirements

Flex Gateway runs on the following Long Term Support (LTS) versions of RHEL:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (8, 9)

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To download and install Flex Gateway as a Red Hat Enterprise Linux service run the command block which performs the following actions:

  • Adds the Flex Gateway package repository with a reference to its public key

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/flex-gateway.repo <<\EOF
name = Anypoint Flex Gateway
baseurl =$releasever/main

sudo yum install -y flex-gateway

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.


Software Requirements

Flex Gateway runs on the following Long Term Support (LTS) version of CentOS:

  • CentOS 8

Before You Begin

Before getting started, ensure that you have installed the following:

Run Installation Commands

To download and install Flex Gateway as an CentOS service run the command block which performs the following actions:

  • Adds the Flex Gateway package repository with a reference to its public key

  • Installs the Flex Gateway package

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/flex-gateway.repo <<\EOF
name = Anypoint Flex Gateway
baseurl =$releasever/main

sudo yum install -y flex-gateway

Due to issues with the CentOS package manager you might encounter the following error:

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

If you encounter this error, run the following command:

sudo sed -i -e "s|mirrorlist=|#mirrorlist=|g" -e "s|#baseurl=|baseurl=|g" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.

Download Flex Gateway for Use in a Container

You can download and install Flex Gateway in one of the following containers:




Download Flex Gateway for Use in a Docker Container

Download the Flex Gateway container image to prepare for registering and running a gateway in a Docker container:

  1. Download the Flex Gateway Docker image:

    docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:1.6.0
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    docker images mulesoft/flex-gateway

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.


Download Flex Gateway for Use in a Podman Container

Download the Flex Gateway container image to prepare for registering and running a gateway in a Podman container:

  1. Download the Flex Gateway container image:

    podman pull
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    podman images

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading and installing, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode. For more detail, see Connected Mode vs. Local Mode.

Download Flex Gateway for Use in a Kubernetes Cluster

Download the Flex Gateway container image to prepare for registering and running a gateway in a Kubernetes cluster. You can use the following container runtimes:

  1. Download the Flex Gateway container image:

    docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:1.6.0
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    docker images mulesoft/flex-gateway

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading the image, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode.

  1. Download the Flex Gateway container image:

    podman pull
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    podman images

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading the image, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode.

Download Flex Gateway for Use in an OpenShift Cluster

Download the Flex Gateway container image to prepare for registering and running a gateway in an OpenShift cluster. You can use the following container runtimes:

  1. Download the Flex Gateway container image:

    docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:1.6.0
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    docker images mulesoft/flex-gateway

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading the image, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode.

  1. Download the Flex Gateway container image:

    podman pull
  2. Verify that the download succeeded:

    podman images

    When successful, the command lists the Flex Gateway container image, for example:

    REPOSITORY                   TAG
    mulesoft/flex-gateway        1.6.0

After downloading the image, register Flex Gateway in Connected or Local Mode.