xmlns:jms "http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms"
JMS Transport Reference
JMS (Java Message Service) is a widely-used API for Message Oriented Middleware
. It allows communication between different components of a distributed application to be loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous.
Mule 3.8 and newer supports non-blocking request-response when the non-blocking processing strategy is used. For more information on setting the strategy, see Flow Processing Strategies.
For ActiveMQ versions starting with 5.12.2 or 5.13.0, depending on your flow and use case, you may need to set the new org.apache.activemq.SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES
system property to define which packages are allowed to be serialized in an object message. You can pass the system property through the command line when starting Mule, or set the property using a Spring bean.
JMS supports two models for messaging:
Queues - Point-to-point
Topics - Publish and subscribe
Mule’s JMS transport lets you easily send and receive messages to queues and topics for any message service which implements the JMS specification.
Transport Info
Transport | JMS |
Doc |
Inbound |
Outbound |
Request |
Transactions |
Streaming |
Retries |
MEPs |
Default MEP |
one-way, request-response |
Maven Artifact |
org.mule.transport:mule-transport-jms |
Transport - The name/protocol of the transport.
Docs - Links to the JavaDoc and SchemaDoc for the transport.
Inbound - Whether the transport can receive inbound events and can be used for an inbound endpoint.
Outbound - Whether the transport can produce outbound events and be used with an outbound endpoint.
Request - Whether this endpoint can be queried directly with a request call (via MuleClient or the EventContext).
Transactions - Whether transactions are supported by the transport. Transports that support transactions can be configured in either local or distributed two-phase commit (XA) transaction.
Streaming - Whether this transport can process messages that come in on an input stream. This allows for very efficient processing of large data. For more information, see Streaming.
Retry - Whether this transport supports retry policies. Note that all transports can be configured with Retry policies, but only the ones marked here are officially supported by MuleSoft
MEPs - Message Exchange Patterns supported by this transport.
Default MEP - The default MEP for endpoints that use this transport that do not explicitly configure a MEP.
Maven Artifact - The group name a artifact name for this transport in Maven
Namespace and Syntax
XML Namespace:
XML Schema Location:
Connector Syntax:
<jms:connector name="myConnector" specification="1.1" connectionFactory-ref="myConnectionFactory" username="myuser" password="mypass"/>
Endpoint Syntax:
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="my.queue"/>
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="my.topic"/>
In the point-to-point or queuing model, a sender posts messages to a particular queue and a receiver reads messages from the queue. Here, the sender knows the destination of the message and posts the message directly to the receiver’s queue.
It is characterized by the following:
Only one consumer gets the message
The producer does not have to be running at the time the consumer consumes the message, nor does the consumer need to be running at the time the message is sent
Every message successfully processed is acknowledged by the consumer
The publish/subscribe model supports publishing messages to a particular message topic. Subscribers may register interest in receiving messages on a particular message topic. In this model, neither the publisher nor the subscriber know about each other. A good analogy for this is an anonymous bulletin board.
The following are characteristics of this model:
Multiple consumers (or none) receive the message
There is a timing dependency between publishers and subscribers. The publisher has to create a message topic for clients to subscribe.
The subscriber has to remain continuously active to receive messages, unless it has established a durable subscription. In that case, messages published while the subscriber is not connected redistribute when it reconnects.
Supports both versions of the JMS specification: 1.0.2b and 1.1
Supports queues and topics, durable or non-durable subscriptions
ConnectionFactory and Queues/Topics can be looked up via JNDI
Supports local (JMS), distributed (XA), and multi-resource transactions Enterprise
Tested with a variety of JMS providers
Vendor-specific configuration available for popular providers
WebSphere MQ Enterprise Mule Enterprise includes an enhanced transport for WebSphereMQ which is recommended if you are using WebSphereMQ as your JMS provider. |
Declaring the Namespace
To use the JMS transport, you must first declare the JMS namespace in the header of your Mule configuration file. You can then configure the JMS connector and endpoints.
JMS Namespace
<mule ...cut...
xsi:schemaLocation=" ...cut...
http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms/current/mule-jms.xsd">
Configuring the Connector
There are several attributes available on the connector, most of which are optional. Refer to the schema documentation below for complete information.
Connector Attributes
<jms:connector name="myConnector"
password="mypass" />
Configuring the ConnectionFactory
One of the most important attributes is connectionFactory-ref
. This is a reference to the ConnectionFactory object which creates new connections for your JMS provider. The object must implement the interface javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
<spring:bean name="connectionFactory" class="com.foo.FooConnectionFactory"/>
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector1" connectionFactory-ref="connectionFactory" />
There are also a few attributes which allow you to look up the ConnectionFactory from a JNDI Context:
ConnectionFactory from JNDI
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector"
connectionFactoryJndiName="cn=ConnectionFactory,dc=example,dc=com" />
JMS Performance For performance it is important to use the "Caching Connection Strategy" between your JMS Connector and the actual JMS ConnectionFactory implementation. For more information, see Caching Connection Factory below. |
Configuring the Endpoints
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="my.queue"/>
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="my.queue"/>
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="my.topic"/>
<jms:outbound-endpoint topic="my.topic"/>
By default, Mule’s subscription to a topic is non-durable (that is, it only receives messages while connected to the topic). You can make topic subscriptions durable by setting the durable
attribute on the connector.
When using a durable subscription, the JMS server requires a durable name to identify each subscriber. By default, Mule generates the durable name in the format mule.<connector name>.<topic name>
. If you want to specify the durable name yourself, you can do so using the durableName
attribute on the endpoint.
Durable Topic
<jms:connector name="jmsTopicConnector" durable="true"/>
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="some.topic" durableName="sub1" />
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="some.topic" durableName="sub2" />
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="some.topic" durableName="sub3" />
Number of Consumers In the case of a topic, the number of consumers on the endpoint is set to one. You can override this by setting |
The default transformers applied to JMS endpoints are shown in the following Javadoc pages:
Inbound = JMSMessageToObject
Response = ObjectToJMSMessage
Outbound = ObjectToJMSMessage
These automatically transform to and from the standard JMS message types:
javax.jms.TextMessage - java.lang.String
javax.jms.ObjectMessage - java.lang.Object
javax.jms.BytesMessage - byte[]
javax.jms.MapMessage - java.util.Map
javax.jms.StreamMessage - java.io.InputStream
Looking Up JMS Objects from JNDI
If you have configured a JNDI context on the connector, you can also look up queues/topics via JNDI using the jndiDestinations attribute. If a queue/topic cannot be found via JNDI, it’s created using the existing JMS session unless you also set the forceJndiDestinations
There are two different ways to configure the JNDI settings:
Using connector properties (deprecated):
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector" jndiInitialFactory="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" jndiProviderUrl="ldap://localhost:10389/" connectionFactoryJndiName="cn=ConnectionFactory,dc=example,dc=com" jndiDestinations="true" forceJndiDestinations="true"/>
xml -
Using a
. AJndiNameResolver
defines a strategy for lookup objects by name using JNDI. The strategy contains a lookup method that receives a name and returns the object associated to that name.
At the moment, there are two simple implementations of that interface:
SimpleJndiNameResolver: Uses a JNDI context instance to search for the names. That instance is maintained opened during the full lifecycle of the name resolver.
CachedJndiNameResolver: Uses a simple cache to store previously resolved names. A JNDI context instance is created for each request that is sent to the JNDI server and then the instance is freed. The cache can be cleaned up restarting the name resolver.
Default JNDI name resolver example: Define the name resolver using the default-jndi-name-resolver tag and then add the appropriate properties to it.
<jms:activemq-connector name="jmsConnector"
Custom JNDI Name Resolver Example:
Define the name resolver using the custom-jndi-name-resolver tag, then add the appropriate property values using the Spring’s property format.
<jms:activemq-connector name="jmsConnector"
<jms:custom-jndi-name-resolver class="org.mule.transport.jms.jndi.CachedJndiNameResolver">
<spring:property name="jndiInitialFactory" value="org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"/>
<spring:property name="jndiProviderUrl"
<spring:property name="jndiProviderProperties" ref="providerProperties"/>
Changes in JmsConnector
There are some property changes in the JmsConnector definition. Some properties are now deprecated as they should be defined in a JndiNameResolver and then using that JndiNameResolver in the JmsConnector.
Deprecated properties in JmsConnector:
Added property:
jndiNameResolver: Sets a proper JndiNameResolver. Can be set using the default-jndi-name-resolver or custom-jndi-name-resolver tags inside the JmsConnector definition.
JMS Selectors
You can set a JMS selector as a filter on an inbound endpoint. The JMS selector simply sets the filter expression on the JMS consumer.
JMS Selector
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="important.queue">
<jms:selector expression="JMSPriority=9"/>
JMS Header Properties
Once a JMS message is received by Mule, the standard JMS headers such as JMSCorrelationID
and JMSRedelivered
are made available as properties on the MuleMessage object.
To set the
This creates the Outbound property which is then mapped to the |
Retrieving JMS Headers
String corrId = (String) muleMessage.getProperty("JMSCorrelationID");
boolean redelivered = muleMessage.getBooleanProperty("JMSRedelivered");
You can access any custom header properties on the message in the same way.
Configuring Transactional Polling
The Enterprise version of the JMS transport can be configured for transactional polling using the TransactedPollingJmsMessageReceiver
Transactional Polling
<jms:connector ...cut...>
<service-overrides transactedMessageReceiver="com.mulesoft.mule.transport.jms.TransactedPollingJmsMessageReceiver" />
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="my.queue">
<spring:entry key="pollingFrequency" value="5000" /> ❶
❶ Each receiver polls with a 5 second interval
Disable Reply Message
When an incoming message has the replyTo
property set, you may wish to disable the automatic reply message on a flow starting with a one-way JMS inbound endpoint. To do so, set the following variable anywhere in your flow to prevent Mule from automatically sending a response.
<set-variable variableName="MULE_REPLYTO_STOP" value="true" doc:name="Variable"/>
JMS Session Pooling
As of 3.5.0, you can use JMS session pooling to obtain better performance when under a high load of traffic.
To implement this, you must:
Configure a bean for the JMS connection factory
<spring:bean name="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"> <spring:property name="brokerURL" value="..."/> </spring:bean>
xml -
Create a
pointing to the previous connection factory bean:<jms:caching-connection-factory name="cachingConnectionFactory" connectionFactory-ref="connectionFactory" cacheProducers="false" sessionCacheSize="100"/>
xml -
Inside a flow, create a JMS connector that references the caching connection factory:
<jms:activemq-connector name="JMS" connectionFactory-ref="cachingConnectionFactory" specification="1.1" validateConnections="true" maxRedelivery="-1" numberOfConsumers="4"/>
Implementing Message Groups
Message groups provide ordering of related messages, load balancing across multiple consumers, and auto failover to other consumers if JVM goes down. Messages in a group deliver to the same consumer as long as it’s available but switch to another consumer if the first goes away.
You can implement a message group by setting JMSGroupID property on the client producer (outbound endpoint) before sending it off. By default, all messages deliver in the same order as they arrive, but it’s also possible to set the JMSXGroupSec property to control in which order different messages should be delivered.
An example in a flow is:
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="orders.car" connector-ref="amqConnector">
<message-properties-transformer scope="outbound">
<add-message-property key="JMSXGroupID" value="#[xpath://type]"/>
For more information, see Message Sequencing with Mule and JMS Message Groups.
Modifying Message Priorities
To modify the priority of a JMS message, set the priority
key as the name of the property instead of using the JMSpriority
<message-properties-transformer doc:name="Message Properties">
<add-message-property key="priority" value="6"/>
This won’t work:
<message-properties-transformer doc:name="Message Properties">
<add-message-property key="JMSPriority" value="6"/>
Example Configurations
<mule ...cut...
http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms/current/mule-jms.xsd"> (1)
<spring:bean name="connectionFactory" class="com.foo.FooConnectionFactory"/>
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector" connectionFactory-ref="connectionFactory" username="myuser" password="mypass" />
<flow name="MyFlow">
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="in" />
<component class="com.foo.MyComponent" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out" />
1 | Import the JMS schema namespace |
Example Configuration with Transactions
<mule ...cut...
http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms/current/mule-jms.xsd">
<spring:bean name="connectionFactory" class="com.foo.FooConnectionFactory"/>
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector" connectionFactory-ref="connectionFactory" username="myuser" password="mypass" />
<flow name="MyFlow">
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="in">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" /> ❶
<component class="com.foo.MyComponent" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_JOIN" /> ❶
❶ Local JMS transaction
Example Configuration with Exception Strategy
<mule ...cut...
http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms/current/mule-jms.xsd">
<spring:bean name="connectionFactory" class="com.foo.FooConnectionFactory"/>
<jms:connector name="jmsConnector" connectionFactory-ref="connectionFactory" username="myuser" password="mypass" />
<flow name="MyFlow">
<jms:inbound-endpoint queue="in">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_BEGIN" />
<component class="com.foo.MyComponent" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out">
<jms:transaction action="ALWAYS_JOIN" />
<commit-transaction exception-pattern="com.foo.ExpectedExceptionType"/> (1)
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="dead.letter"> (2)
<jms:transaction action="JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE" />
1 | Set exception-pattern="*" to catch all exception types |
2 | Implements a dead letter queue for erroneous messages |
Vendor-Specific Configuration
Mule Enterprise includes an enhanced transport for WebSphereMQ which is recommended if you are using WebSphereMQ as your JMS provider.
ActiveMQ is also widely-used with Mule and has simplified configuration.
Information for configuring other JMS providers can be found here. Beware that some of this information may be out-of-date.
Configuration Reference
JMS Transport
The JMS transport provides support for sending messages via JMS queues.
The connector element configures a generic connector for sending and receiving messages over JMS queues.
Attributes of connector
Name | Description |
The acknowledgement mode to use: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. Type: enumeration |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). Note: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. Type: boolean |
The ID of the JMS client. Type: string |
Reference to the connection factory, which is required for non-vendor JMS configurations. Type: string |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. Type: string |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination is automatically set to receive a response from the remote JMS call. Type: boolean |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. Type: boolean |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. Type: boolean |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. Type: boolean |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. Type: boolean |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. Type: boolean |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. Type: boolean |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. Type: string |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: Use Type: string |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: Use Type: string |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. Type: integer |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. Type: boolean |
The number of concurrent consumers that are used to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, you should not configure the 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) Type: integer |
The password for the connection. Type: string |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent if the application has problems if the message is lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. Type: boolean |
Reference to the redelivery handler. Type: string |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1, Type: enumeration |
The user name for the connection.
Type: string |
Child Elements of connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
Inbound Endpoint
The inbound-endpoint element configures an endpoint on which JMS messages are received.
Attributes of inbound-endpoint
Name | Description |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that automatically is set to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
(As of 2.2.2) Allows the name for the durable topic subscription to be specified. |
he queue name. This attribute cannot be used with the topic attribute (the two are exclusive). |
The topic name. The "topic:" prefix is added automatically. This attribute cannot be used with the queue attribute (the two are exclusive). |
Child Elements of inbound-endpoint
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
- |
0..1 |
- |
Outbound Endpoint
The inbound-endpoint element configures an endpoint to which JMS messages are sent.
Attributes of outbound-endpoint
Name | Description |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination is set automatically to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
The queue name. This attribute cannot be used with the topic attribute (the two are exclusive). |
The topic name. The "topic:" prefix is added automatically. This attribute cannot be used with the queue attribute (the two are exclusive). |
Child Elements of outbound-endpoint
Name | Cardinality |
0..1 |
0..1 |
The endpoint element configures a global JMS endpoint definition.
Attributes of <endpoint…>
Name | Description |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that’s set automatically to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
The queue name. This attribute cannot be used with the topic attribute (the two are exclusive). |
The topic name. The "topic:" prefix is added automatically. This attribute cannot be used with the queue attribute (the two are exclusive). |
Child Elements of endpoint
Name | Cardinality |
0..1 |
selector |
0..1 |
These are transformers specific to this transport. Note that these are added automatically to the Mule registry at start up. When doing automatic transformations these are included when searching for the correct transformers.
Name | Description |
The jmsmessage-to-object-transformer element configures a transformer that converts a JMS message into an object by extracting the message payload. |
The object-to-jmsmessage-transformer element configures a transformer that converts an object into one of five types of JMS messages, depending on the object passed in:
Filters can be used to control which data is allowed to continue in the flow.
Name | Description |
The property-filter element configures a filter that allows you to filter messages based on a JMS property. |
Custom Connector
The custom-connector element configures a custom connector for sending and receiving messages over JMS queues.
Activemq Connector
The activemq-connector element configures an ActiveMQ version of the JMS connector.
Attributes of activemq-connector
Name | Description |
The URL used to connect to the JMS server. If not set, the default is |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). NOTE: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
If set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls, a temporary destination is automatically set up to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
The number of concurrent consumers to use to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, don’t configure 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
The password for the connection |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent to indicate that the application would have problems if the message was lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
The user name for the connection |
Child Elements of activemq-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for |
ActiveMQ XA Connector
The activemq-xa-connector
element configures an ActiveMQ version of the JMS connector with XA transaction support.
Attributes of activemq-xa-connector
Name | Description |
The URL used to connect to the JMS server. If not set, the default is |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). NOTE: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that is automatically set to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
The number of concurrent consumers to use to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, don’t configure 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
The password for the connection |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent to indicate that the application would have problems if the message was lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
The user name for the connection |
Child Elements of activemq-xa-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
MuleMQ Connector
The mulemq-connector element configures a MuleMQ version of the JMS connector.
Attributes of mulemq-connector
Name | Description |
When auto acknowledgment mode is selected, rather than ack each event, each nth event is acknowledged, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
The URL used to connect to the JMS server. If not set, the default is |
Specifies the type of write handler the client uses to send events to the realm. This can be either standard, direct or queued. Unless specified, standard is used. For better latencies use direct, however, this impacts CPU since each write is not buffered but flushed directly. The queued handler improves the CPU and may give better overall throughput since there is some buffering between client and server. The best of both options is the standard, which attempts to write directly but can back off and buffer the I/O flushes when throughput increases and impacts CPU. |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). Note: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that is automatically set to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Indicates whether the client connection disconnects if the cluster fails, which causes an automatic reconnect to occur. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. |
If this is true, the session multiplexes on a single connection else a new socket is created for each session. |
Allows more than 1 durable subscriber on a topic sharing the same name, with only 1 consuming the events. When the first durable disconnects, the second takes over and so on. Default is false. |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
Sets that the default channel/queue capacity setting which prevents publishing of further events once topic or queue is full, valid range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
The maximum number of attempts a connection tries to connect to a realm on startup, 0 is infinite, range is Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
Specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged events a connection keeps in memory before beginning to remove the oldest. Range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Indicates the maximum number of threads each connection uses to deliver asynchronous events, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE |
Indicates the size of the map of redelivered events to store for each consumer, once this limit is reached the oldest is removed, default is 100, range is 1 to 100 |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
The number of concurrent consumers that is used to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, you should not configure the 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
When using queues, this specifies the number of messages that the server sends in each block between acknowledgments, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
The password for the connection |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent if the application can have problems if the message is lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
With multiple RNAMEs, the ability to randomize the RNAMEs is useful for load balancing between cluster nodes. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
If a transacted session commit fails, if this is true, the commit retries until either it succeeds or fails with a transaction timeout. |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
Sets the size of the write sync batch, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Sets the time interval between sync batches, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Sets whether each write to the store also calls sync on the file system to ensure all data is written to the disk. |
All JMS Topics require this setting to be true, however, if you wish to use different channel types with different fanout engines (in MULEMQ+ only), this can be set to false. |
The user name for the connection |
Child Elements of mulemq-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
Mulemq XA Connector
The mulemq-xa-connector
element configures a MuleMQ version of the JMS XA connector.
Attributes of mulemq-xa-connector
Name | Description |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent if the application can have problems if the message is lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). NOTE: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
specification |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
The user name for the connection |
The password for the connection |
The number of concurrent consumers to use to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, don’t configure 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
forceJndiDestinations |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
disableTemporaryReplyToDestinations |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls, a temporary destination is automatically set up to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. Default is false. |
The URL used to connect to the JMS server. If not set, the default is |
Specifies the type of write handler the client uses to send events to the realm. This can be either standard, direct, or queued. Unless specified, standard is used. For better latencies use direct, however, this impacts CPU since each write is not buffered but flushed directly. The queued handler improves CPU and may give better overall throughput since there is some buffering between client and server. The best of both options is the standard, which attempts to write directly but backs off and buffers the I/O flushes when throughput increases and impacts CPU. |
Sets whether each write to the store also calls sync on the file system to ensure all data is written to the disk, default is false. |
Sets the size of the write sync batch, default is 50, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Sets the time interval between sync batches, default is 20 milliseconds, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Sets that the default channel/queue capacity setting which prevents publishing of further events once topic or queue is full, default is 5000, valid range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged events a connection keeps in memory before beginning to remove the oldest, default is 100, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
All JMS Topics require this setting to be true, however, if you wish to use different channel types with different fanout engines (in MULEMQ+ only), this can be set to false. |
When using queues, this specifies the number of messages that the server sends in each block between acknowledgments, default is 100, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
When auto acknowledgment mode is selected, rather than ack each event, each nth event is acknowledged, default is 50, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. |
Allows more than 1 durable subscriber on a topic sharing the same name, with only 1 consuming the events. When the first durable disconnects, the second takes over and so on. |
With multiple RNAMEs, the ability to randomize the RNAMEs is useful for load balancing between cluster nodes. |
Indicates the maximum number of threads each connection uses to deliver asynchronous events, default is 30, range is 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE |
Indicates whether the client connection is disconnected when the cluster fails, which causes automatic reconnect to occur, default is true. |
The maximum number of attempts a connection tries to connect to a realm on startup, default is 2, 0 is infinite, range is Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE |
This indicates the size of the map of redelivered events to store for each consumer, once this limit is reached the oldest is removed, default is 100, range is 1 to 100 |
If a transacted session commit fails, if this is true, the commit retries until either it succeeds or fails with a transaction timeout, default is false. |
if this is true, the session multiplexes on a single connection or else a new socket creates for each session, default is false. |
Child Elements of mulemq-xa-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
WebLogic Connector
The weblogic-connector element configures a WebLogic version of the JMS connector.
Attributes of weblogic-connector
Name | Description |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent if the application can have problems if the message is lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). NOTE: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
specification |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
The user name for the connection |
The password for the connection |
The number of concurrent consumers to use to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, don’t configure 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref properties to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref properties to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref properties to configure this value. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that is set automatically to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. Default is false. |
Child Elements of weblogic-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
WebSphere connector
The websphere-connector
element configures a WebSphere version of the JMS connector.
Attributes of websphere-connector
Name | Description |
Optional reference to the connection factory. A default connection factory is provided for vendor-specific JMS configurations. |
Reference to the redelivery handler. |
The ID of the JMS client. |
Whether to make all topic subscribers durable. |
If set to true, a subscriber does not receive messages that were published by its own connection. |
If set to true, the JMS provider logs the message to stable storage as it is sent so that it can be recovered if delivery is unsuccessful. A client marks a message as persistent if the application can have problems if the message is lost in transit. A client marks a message as non-persistent if an occasional lost message is tolerable. Clients use delivery mode to tell a JMS provider how to balance message transport reliability/throughput. Delivery mode only covers the transport of the message to its destination. Retention of a message at the destination until its receipt is acknowledged is not guaranteed by a PERSISTENT delivery mode. Clients should assume that message retention policies are set administratively. Message retention policy governs the reliability of message delivery from destination to message consumer. For example, if a client’s message storage space is exhausted, some messages as defined by a site specific message retention policy may be dropped. A message is guaranteed to be delivered once-and-only-once by a JMS Provider if the delivery mode of the message is persistent and if the destination has a sufficient message retention policy. |
If set to true, the message’s QoS headers are honored. If false (the default), the connector settings override the message headers. |
The maximum number of times to try to redeliver a message. Use -1 to accept messages with any redelivery count. |
Whether to cache and re-use the JMS session and producer object instead of recreating them for each request. The default behavior is to cache JMS Sessions and Producers (previous to 3.6, the default behavior was to not cache them). NOTE: This is NOT supported with XA transactions or JMS 1.0.2b. |
Whether to create a consumer right when the connection is created instead of using lazy instantiation in the poll loop. |
The JMS specification to use: 1.0.2b (the default) or 1.1 |
The user name for the connection |
The password for the connection |
The number of concurrent consumers to use to receive JMS messages. (Note: If you use this attribute, don’t configure 'numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers', which has the same effect.) |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. Deprecated: use jndiNameResolver-ref property to configure this value. |
The name to use when looking up the connection factory from JNDI. |
Set this attribute to true if you want to look up queues or topics from JNDI instead of creating them from the session. |
If set to true, Mule fails when a topic or queue cannot be retrieved from JNDI. If set to false, Mule creates a topic or queues from the JMS session if the JNDI lookup fails. |
If this is set to false (the default), when Mule performs request/response calls a temporary destination that is set automatically to receive a response from the remote JMS call. |
Some application servers, like WebSphere AS, don’t allow certain methods to be called on JMS objects, effectively limiting available features. Embedded mode tells Mule to avoid those whenever possible. |
Child Elements of websphere-connector
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..1 |
A placeholder for jndi-name-resolver strategy elements. |
The transaction element configures a transaction. Transactions allow a series of operations to be grouped together so that they can be rolled back if a failure occurs. Set the action (such as ALWAYS_BEGIN or JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE) and the timeout setting for the transaction.
No child elements for transaction
Client Ack Transaction
The client-ack-transaction element configures a client acknowledgment transaction, which is identical to a transaction but with message acknowledgements. There is no notion of rollback with client acknowledgement, but this transaction can be useful for controlling how messages are consumed from a destination.
No child elements of client-ack-transaction
Default JNDI Name Resolver
Attributes of default-jndi-name-resolver
Name | Description |
The initial factory class to use when connecting to JNDI. |
The URL to use when connecting to JNDI. |
Reference to a Map that contains additional provider properties. |
to a javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory implementation that’s' used to create the JNDI context. |
No child elements of default-jndi-name-resolver
Custom JNDI Name Resolver
Attributes of custom-jndi-name-resolver
Name | Description |
An implementation of the LifecycleAdapter interface. |
Child Elements of custom-jndi-name-resolver
Name | Cardinality | Description |
0..* |
Spring-style property element for custom configuration. |
Caching Connection Factory
Deprecated: This element is deprecated from Mule 3.6. This can still but used in 3.6, but it not necessary given that from Mule 3.6 JMS connections cache Sessions/Producers by default when a CachingConnectionFactory has not been configured explicitly.
Attributes of caching-connection-factory
Name | Description |
Indicates whether to cache JMS MessageProducers for the JMS connection. |
Reference to the connection factory |
Identifies the pool so that a connector can reference it.+ Type: name (no spaces), Required: yes, Default: none |
Defines the maximum amount of connections that can be in the pool. NOTE: This cache size is the maximum limit for the number of cached Sessions per session acknowledgement type (auto, client, dups_ok, transacted). As a consequence, the actual number of cached Sessions may be up to four times as high as the specified value - in the unlikely case of mixing and matching different acknowledgement types. |
The password for the connection |
The user name for the connection |
No child Elements of caching-connection-factory
XML Schema
Import the XML schema for this module as follows:
xmlns:jms="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/jms/current/mule-jms.xsd"
Complete schema reference documentation.
If you are using Maven to build your application, use the following groupId and artifactId to include this module as a dependency:
The JMS 1.0.2b specification has the limitation of only supporting queues or topics for each ConnectionFactory. If you need both, configure two separate connectors, one that references a QueueConnectionFactory
, and another that references a TopicConnectionFactory
. You can then use the connector-ref
attribute to disambiguate the endpoints.
Workaround for 1.0.2b Specification
<spring:bean name="queueConnectionFactory" class="com.foo.QueueConnectionFactory"/>
<spring:bean name="topicConnectionFactory" class="com.foo.TopicConnectionFactory"/>
<jms:connector name="jmsQueueConnector" connectionFactory-ref="queueConnectionFactory" />
<jms:connector name="jmsTopicConnector" connectionFactory-ref="topicConnectionFactory" />
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="my.queue1" connector-ref="jmsQueueConnector"/>
<jms:outbound-endpoint queue="my.queue2" connector-ref="jmsQueueConnector"/>
<jms:inbound-endpoint topic="my.topic" connector-ref="jmsTopicConnector"/>