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Accessing Policy Metadata

PDK exposes a Metadata injectable that provides metadata about the policy, the Flex instance, the API instance, and the Anypoint Organization. The Metadata struct is as follows:

pub struct Metadata {
    pub flex_metadata: FlexMetadata,
    pub policy_metadata: PolicyMetadata,
    pub api_metadata: ApiMetadata,
    pub platform_metadata: PlatformMetadata,

The Metadata struct references the following structures:

  • FlexMetadata:

    pub struct FlexMetadata {
        pub flex_name: String,
        pub flex_version: String,
  • PolicyMetadata:

    pub struct PolicyMetadata {
        pub policy_name: String,
        pub policy_namespace: String,
  • ApiMetadata:

    pub struct ApiMetadata {
        pub id: Option<String>,
        pub name: Option<String>,
        pub version: Option<String>,
        pub slas: Option<Vec<ApiSla>>, // API SLA tiers in the platform
    // Each ApiSla contains the limits for each SLA.
    pub struct ApiSla {
        pub id: String,
        pub tiers: Vec<Tier>, // Limits within an API SLA tier in the platform
  • PlatformMetadata:

    pub struct PlatformMetadata {
        pub organization_id: String,
        pub environment_id: String,
        pub root_organization_id: String,

Inject Metadata into the #[entrypoint]

To inject metadata into the #[entrypoint] configuration function, see the following code snippet:

async fn configure(launcher: Launcher, metadata: Metadata) -> Result<()> {
    logger::info!("Flex instance name is: {}", metadata.flex_metadata.flex_name.to_string());


Inject Metadata into the Wrapped Functions

You cannot directly inject metadata into the wrapped functions. To use metadata in the wrapped functions, first inject the data into the #[entrypoint] function and then the wrapped function:

async fn configure(launcher: Launcher, metadata: Metadata) -> Result<()> {
        .launch(on_request(|r| request_filter(r, &metadata)))

async fn request_filter(_: RequestState, metadata: &Metadata) -> Flow<()> {
    let mut vec = Vec::new();
    let headers = &mut vec;
