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Allow Addresses for API Platform Proxies

By default, proxy requests are enabled for the domain name where the platform runs.

For versions 3.2.2 and later, refer to Trusted Domains.

To allow addresses in versions 3.2.0 and 3.2.1:

  1. Log in to Ops Center and select Kubernetes on the left side-bar.

  2. Select the api-manager namespace from the drop-down menu on the top, and then select Configmaps. Find the api-platform-web-env configmap and then click on Edit Config Map.

  3. Select the APW_FEATURES_PROXYWHITELIST tab and ensure that value is set to true. (You’ll have to hover your mouse over the tabs to get a tooltip with the full name to find the right tab)

    If not, set it to true and then select Apply.


  5. Write your rules separated by commas.

    The following example defines regular expressions that allow requests to be made to the and domains, where * is any part of a DNS name or URL:

  1. Select Apply to save changes to the api-platform-web-env config map.

  2. Re-create the pods to ensure that each node in the cluster uses the most recent configuration:

    kubectl delete pod -n api-manager -l component=api-platform-web

Trusted Domains

Every HTTP request you make to an external resource goes through the API Console Proxy. For security reasons, you must register the domain as an allowed domain in Anypoint Platform.

By default, proxy requests are blocked for external domains on authenticated requests.

To add a new domain:

  1. Log in to Anypoint Platform using an account that has the Organization Administrator permission.

  2. In the navigation bar, click Access Management.

  3. Click Trusted domains.

  4. Click Add domain.

    The domain must not match an existing domain, must not be a domain or subdomain of MuleSoft or Anypoint Platform, and must be written in the format NOTE: Regular expressions are not supported.

  5. Type the domain name and click Add domain.

    The domain is added to your list of trusted domains. You are redirected to the trusted domains page, where you can edit or delete your domains. If you register a domain on a parent organization, the domain is allowlisted for all of your business groups.


When using the proxy, there are two authentication modes:

  • Strict Authentication:

    (Default) All requests that reach the proxy must be authenticated, which means that user token credentials must be included in the ms-authorization header of the request.

    If requests to external domains from the Exchange Public Portals go through the API Console Proxy, they fail because no Anypoint user is involved in the call.
  • Non-Strict Authentication:

    API Console Proxy continues to be unauthenticated but it allows unauthenticated requests. The incoming request must provide either the user’s token or a reference to the Organization ID that the request belongs to. The Organization ID must be sent on the ms-organization-id header.

To change the authentication method from strict to non-strict, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Ops Center and select Kubernetes on the left side-bar.

  2. Select the api-console-proxy namespace from the drop-down menu on the top, and select Configmaps.

  3. Locate the service-env configmap and then click on Edit Config Map.

  4. Select the STRICT_AUTHENTICATION_FF tab and ensure that the value is set to false. (To find the right tab, hover your mouse over the tabs to get a tooltip with the full name.)

  5. Click Apply to save changes to the service-env config map.

  6. Recreate the pods to ensure that each node in the cluster uses the most recent configuration:

    kubectl delete pod -n api-console-proxy -l component=service