Deploy an API Proxy to Runtime Fabric
Runtime Fabric enables you to deploy API proxies to a Mule runtime.
Before you Begin
To deploy API proxies to a Mule runtime, you must have the following permissions on your account:
Manage APIs Configuration permission
Deploy API Proxies permission
You must ensure that you are using API Gateway version 3.8.7, 3.9.1, or 4.1.2.
From Anypoint Platform, select API Manager.
Click Manage API, then click Manage API From Exchange
Under API Configurations, enter the appropriate information.
Ensure that you select Runtime Fabric under Proxy deployment target .
Click Save
Under Deployment Configuration section configure the following:
Select the Runtime Fabric target.
Select the Runtime version.
Enter the name of the proxy
By default, the resources allocated to the proxy app are:
CPU: 0.2 vCores
Memory: 1.024 GB
You can update resource allocation settings on the application’s Settings page in Runtime Manager.
API Manager deploys the API proxy to Runtime Fabric. While deploying, a deployment status dialog appears similar to the following:
After deployment, you can manage the deployed API proxy from Runtime Manager.
Enable an HTTPS Proxy
To enable the proxy to support HTTPs requests:
Download the API gateway and deploy from API Manager using the instructions in Downloading an API Proxy.
Open the gateway in Anypoint Studio and insert a keystore (SSL cert) using the instructions in Use Anypoint Studio to Configure TLS.
Export and deploy the gateway using Runtime Manager according to the instructions in Deploy a Mule Application to Runtime Fabric.
Enable last-mile security on the application using the instructions in How to enable last-mile security in Runtime Fabric (RTF).