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Use Ops Center to Monitor Runtime Fabric on VMs / Bare Metal

You can use the built-in Ops Center to monitor the health of your Runtime Fabric on VMs / Bare Metal clusters.

Access Ops Center

You can use the Ops Center to monitor dashboards, view logs, and download debugging information within Anypoint Runtime Fabric.

During the installation process for Runtime Fabric, one of the last outputs to the logs includes the following information required to log into Ops Center.

Ops Center access:
URL:      https://<any-node-ip>:32009/web
User:     admin@runtime-fabric
Password: ***********************
You must retrieve the Ops Center URL from the logs on the installer node. Although the log file is available on all nodes of the cluster, only the installer node has the URL and credentials for the Ops Center.
  1. Using a terminal, open a shell/SSH connection to the installer VM.

  2. Run this command to open the log file and search for the credentials:

    cat /var/log/rtf-init.log | grep -B 1 -A 3 "Ops Center"
  3. Store the details in a safe location.

  4. Open a web browser and navigate to the URL, replacing <any-node-ip> with a public or private IP address of any controller VM.

  5. Log into the Runtime Fabric Ops Center using the credentials obtained from the log.

Verify port 32009 is open and accessible in your Security Group, Network Security Group or firewall rules. If using a private IP address, ensure you have access to the same internal network as the VM resides in.

Regain Access to the Ops Center

If you lose the install logs, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal into one of the controller nodes.

  2. From the SSH terminal, run the following command to create a new user with admin rights to log into the Ops Center. Provide the appropriate values for --email and --password.

sudo gravity planet enter -- --notty /usr/bin/gravity -- user create --ops-url=https://gravity-site.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:3009 --insecure --password=myNewPassword --type=admin

Viewing Dashboards

After logging into Ops Center, you’ll see a list of tabs on the left of the page. Navigate to "Monitoring" to view the dashboards available for viewing.

View Metrics from an Application

From Ops Center, you can view metrics from a deployed application.

  1. In Ops Center, click * Monitoring on the left sidebar.

  2. Click the * Cluster tab to open the dashboards pane and click * Applications.

  3. Select the environment ID where the application was deployed on the Environment dropdown.

  4. Select the application name on the Application dropdown.

The dashboad should populate the metrics for your application. By default, Ops Center displays a set of graphs that show CPU, JVM heap memory, total memory, network, and file system usage.

JVM Heap Memory is also displayed in Anypoint Monitoring.


The dashboards are divided into the following categories:

  • Cluster shows metrics on the overall Runtime Fabric cluster. Filters include the nodename, allowing you to filter by specific VM.

  • Applications shows metrics on all the replicas for an application deployment. Filters include the environment ID the application is deployed in, and the application deployment name.

  • Ingress shows metrics on all the replicas running the internal load balancer.

  • Pods shows metrics on each individual service running within the Runtime Fabric cluster. Filters include the namespace and podname, allowing you to specify the specific service to monitor.

    • When selecting namespace, you’ll see GUIDs which correspond to your Anypoint environment IDs under which your applications are deployed.

    • When selecting podname, you’ll see values prefixed by the application name. These refer to replicas of each application deployment.

Download Debug Info

If you encounter an issue with Runtime Fabric, MuleSoft Support team may ask for a packaged file containing debugging information. Follow these steps to generate the debug information package:

  1. From Ops Center, click Admin in the left side of the page.

  2. Click Download Debug Info in the upper right corner of the page.

    A new tab might open while the request is being processed by Runtime Fabric. Generating this file can take several minutes.

    Ops Center downloads a file named report.tar.gz.