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JAR Signature Validator

By default, the application validator service implements a JAR signature validator to prevent the deployment of non-authorized artifacts. Each signed entry in the artifact JAR file must match one of the keystore aliases. You can indicate which keystore alias to use to validate all artifacts deployed in the runtime. Artifacts signed with expired certificates are allowed.

Configure the JAR Signature Validator

Modify the $MULE_HOME/conf/mule-agent.yml file to include the following:

    enabled: true
    - type: jarSignatureValidator
      name: defaultJarSignatureValidator
      enabled: true
        truststore: signers-truststore.jks
        truststoreType: JKS
        truststoreAlias: code-signer-alias-1
        truststorePassword: '![PBEWITHSHA1ANDDESEDE,U/nA0wV714oNi9LHoAkDtiwg22ngG6b7yFTtg7fk2d4=]'

Use the following properties to configure the JAR signature validator:

Key Description


Required. jarSignatureValidator is the validator type implemented in the Runtime Manager agent plugin to verify the signature of all JAR files used for deployments in Mule runtime.


Required. A validator type can have multiple implementations. The name for the jarSignatureValidator type implemented in the Runtime Manager agent is defaultJarSignatureValidator.


Optional. Set to true to enable the validator implementation or false to disable it. The default value is true.

Use the following arguments to configure the JAR signature validator:

Key Description


Optional. The truststore filename that contains one or more certificates used to validate the signature of all JAR files that you use for deployments. The default location is $MULE_HOME/conf. You can use a relative path to reference the truststore file. If you don’t provide a path, the validator loads the cacerts truststore file used by the JVM.


Optional. JKS (default) or PKCS12.


Optional. Each certificate stored in a truststore file is identified by an alias string. This property specifies a single alias used to validate all JAR files. If you don’t provide an alias, the validator uses all certificates in the truststore file to match the signature in the JAR files.


Optional for JKS, required for PKCS12. The truststore file password.

Start Mule Runtime Engine

Start Mule runtime engine and verify that the validator configuration is successful. The console shows the following logs:

AgentApplicationValidatorService: Initializing Artifact Validator service
AgentApplicationValidatorService: Total validators loaded: 1
AgentApplicationValidatorService: Validators listed by type:
AgentApplicationValidatorService: Type: jarSignatureValidator Names: [defaultJarSignatureValidator]

Use Case 1: Deploy a JAR File Signed by a Trusted Code Signer - Success

Required files:

  • app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar

  • signers-truststore.jks

File: mule-agent.yaml

    enabled: true
    - type: jarSignatureValidator
      name: defaultJarSignatureValidator
      enabled: true
        truststore: signers-truststore.jks
        truststoreType: JKS
        truststorePassword: mulesoft

Curl command:

curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:9999/mule/applications/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"url": "file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar", \
          "configuration": {}


  "application": {
     "name": "app-signed-by-trust-signer-01"
  "status": "Deployment attempt started"

Console logs:

AgentApplicationService: Deploying the app-signed-by-trust-signer-01 application from URL file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar
KeystoreUtils: Loading Jar Signers Truststore from '/private/tmp/trash/server-yahoo/conf/signers-truststore.jks'
JarSigner: Jar Signature verified: File /var/folders/sq/71l1hxdn171dpc46fn675yk80000gq/T/mule-received-artifact-5158252349422012120/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar
AgentApplicationValidatorService: Application validation success for application: 'app-signed-by-trust-signer-01'

Use Case 2: Deploy a JAR File Signed by a Trusted Code Signer and Validate with the Truststore Alias Signer - Success

Required files:

  • app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar

  • signers-truststore.jks

File: mule-agent.yaml

    enabled: true
    - type: jarSignatureValidator
      name: defaultJarSignatureValidator
      enabled: true
        truststore: signers-truststore.jks
        truststoreType: JKS
        truststoreAlias: code-signer-alias-01
        truststorePassword: mulesoft

Curl command:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:9999/mule/applications/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"url": "file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar",\
          "configuration": {}


  "application": {
     "name": "app-signed-by-trust-signer-01"
  "status": "Deployment attempt started"

Console logs:

AgentApplicationService: Deploying the app-signed-by-trust-signer-01 application from URL file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar
KeystoreUtils: Loading Jar Signers Truststore from '/private/tmp/trash/server-yahoo/conf/signers-truststore.jks'
JarSigner: Jar Signature verified using certificate alias 'code-signer-alias-01': File '/var/folders/sq/71l1hxdn171dpc46fn675yk80000gq/T/mule-received-artifact-3796117303843373481/app-signed-by-trust-signer-01.jar'
AgentApplicationValidatorService: Application validation success for application: 'app-signed-by-trust-signer-01'

Use Case 3: Deploy a JAR File Signed by an Expired Code Signer - Failed

Required files:

  • app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer.jar

  • signers-truststore.jks

File: mule-agent.yaml

    enabled: true
    - type: jarSignatureValidator
      name: defaultJarSignatureValidator
      enabled: true
        truststore: signers-truststore.jks
        truststoreType: JKS
        truststoreAlias: expired-code-signer
        truststorePassword: mulesoft

Curl command:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:9999/mule/applications/app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"url": "file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer.jar", \
          "configuration": {}


  "type": "class com.mulesoft.agent.exception.ApplicationValidationException",
  "message": "CertificateExpiredException - NotAfter: Wed Dec 22 14:45:54 AST 2021"

Console logs:

AgentApplicationService: Deploying the app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer application from URL file:/tmp/yahoo/app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer.jar
KeystoreUtils: Loading Jar Signers Truststore from '/private/tmp/trash/server-yahoo/conf/signers-truststore.jks'
MuleAgentSignatureValidator: There was an error validating the certificate with the alias 'expired-code-signer' - CertificateExpiredException Reason: 'NotAfter: Wed Dec 22 14:45:54 AST 2021'
ApplicationsRequestHandler: Error performing the deployment of app-signed-by-expired-trusted-signer. Cause: ApplicationValidationException: CertificateExpiredException - NotAfter: Wed Dec 22 14:45:54 AST 2021