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Salesforce Einstein Analytics Cloud Connector 3.13 - Mule 4

Anypoint Connector for Salesforce Einstein Analytics Cloud (Salesforce Analytics Connector) enables you to connect to the Salesforce Analytics Cloud application using the Salesforce External Data API. The connector exposes convenient methods for creating, deleting, and populating datasets into the Salesforce Analytics Cloud system. Load data into Salesforce Einstein Analytics Cloud from many different data sources whether they are on-premise or on the cloud. Go beyond .csv files with this connector.

For software requirements and compatibility information, see Salesforce Einstein Analytics Connector Release Notes.

Before You Begin

To use this connector, you must be familiar with:

  • The Salesforce Einstein Analytics API

  • Anypoint connectors

  • Mule runtime engine (Mule)

  • Elements in a Mule flow

  • Global elements

  • How to create a Mule app using Anypoint Studio

Before creating an app, you must have login credentials to test your connection to your target resource.

POM File Information

The Apache Maven pom.xml file generated by Anypoint Studio contains dependencies for a Mule app. If you code a Mule app manually, include this XML snippet in your pom.xml file to enable access to this connector:


Replace x.x.x with the version that corresponds to the connector you are using.

To obtain the most up-to-date pom.xml file information:

  1. Go to Anypoint Exchange.

  2. In Exchange, click Login and supply your Anypoint Platform username and password.

  3. In Exchange, search for <connector-name>.

  4. Select the connector.

  5. Click Dependency Snippets near the upper right of the screen.

Required Parameters for Basic Username Password Authentication

  • Username
    Salesforce Einstein Analytics username

  • Password
    Password that corresponds with the Salesforce Einstein Analytics username

  • Security Token
    Corresponding security token

Basic Authentication

Required Parameters for the OAuth 2.0 Configuration

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app.

  • Consumer Secret
    Consumer secret for the connector to access Salesforce.

OAuth Authentication

Required Parameters for the OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Configuration

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app

  • Keystore File
    See Generating a Keystore File

  • Store Password
    Password for the keystore

  • Principal
    Salesforce username

JWT Bearer Configuration

Required Parameters for the OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer Configuration

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app.

  • Keystore File
    Path to the keystore used to sign data during authentication. Note that only the Java keystore format is allowed.

  • Store Password
    Keystore password.

  • Principal
    Salesforce username.

SAML Bearer Configuration

Generating a Keystore File

The Keystore is the path to the keystore used to sign data during authentication. The following example shows how to generate a JKS file:

  1. Go to your Mule workspace, and open the command prompt (for Windows) or Terminal (for Mac).

  2. Type keytool -genkeypair -alias salesforce-cert -keyalg RSA -keystore salesforce-cert.jks and press enter.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Password for the keystore

    • Your first name and last name

    • Your organization unit

    • Name of your city, state, and the two letter code of your county

      The system generates a Java keystore file containing a private or public key-pair in your workspace.

  4. Provide the file path for the keystore in your connector configuration.

    Type keytool -exportcert -alias salesforce-cert -file salesforce-cert.crt -keystore salesforce-cert.jks and press enter.

    The system now exports the public key from the keystore into the workspace. This is the public key that you need to enter in your Salesforce instance.

  5. Verify that you have both the keystore (salesforce-cert.jks) and the public key (salesforce-cert.crt) files in your workspace.

Add the Connector in Studio

  1. In Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.

  3. In Add Modules to Project, type "analytics" in the search field.

  4. Click this connector’s name in Available modules.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Finish.

Configure the Connector in Studio

  1. Drag the desired Salesforce Analytics operation to the Studio canvas.

  2. To create a global element for the connector, on the General tab, configure the authentication as described in the authentication sections.

    The following authentication connection types are available:

  3. Configure these fields to upload external data into new dataset and start the processing operation:

    • Type
      Type of the records to insert. Select a JSON file representing the schema of the dataset to create.

    • Records
      DataSense expression; the records to insert.

    • Operation
      Specify the operation to use when you’re loading data into a dataset.

    • Description

    • Label

    • Data Set Name

      Upload external data

Username Password

On the General tab of the Global Element Properties screen, enter the following information to configure Basic authentication:

  • Username
    Enter the Salesforce username.

  • Password
    Enter the corresponding password.

  • Security Token
    Enter the corresponding security token.

The following screenshot shows an example of configuring Basic authentication:

To configure authentication
Figure 1. Basic authentication fields

OAuth 2.0

On the General tab of the Global Element Properties screen, enter the following information to configure OAuth 2.0 authentication:

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app.

  • Consumer Secret
    Consumer secret for the connector to access Salesforce.

The following screenshot shows an example of configuring the OAuth 2.0 authentication:

To configure authentication
Figure 2. OAuth 2.0 authentication fields

OAuth 2.0 JWT

On the General tab of the Global Element Properties screen, enter the following information to configure OAuth 2.0 JWT authentication:

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app

  • Keystore File
    See Generating a Keystore File

  • Store Password
    Password for the keystore

  • Principal
    Salesforce username

To configure authentication
Figure 3. OAuth 2.0 JWT authentication fields

OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer

On the General tab of the Global Element Properties screen, enter the following information to configure OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentication:

  • Consumer Key
    Consumer key for the Salesforce connected app

  • Keystore File
    See Generating a Keystore File

    • Store Password
      Password for the keystore.

    • Principal
      Salesforce username

To configure authentication
Figure 4. OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentication fields

Use Case: Studio

This use case provides an example of how to use the Salesforce Einstein Analytics Connector and contains this end to end flow:

  • Uses an HTTP Listener as the input source.

  • Configures a connection using a username, password, and the security token.

  • Uses a Salesforce Analytics operation with the parameters to use.

The example that follows contains these components:

  • HTTP Listener, which accepts data from HTTP requests.

  • Transform Message, which provides the records input data required by Salesforce Einstein Analytics connector.

%dw 2.0
output application/java
		"Id": 1,
		"Country": "Country",
		"City": "City",
		"Year": 428742153,
		"Distance": 284644936,
		"CreationDate": "20/12/2017" as Date {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
		"Id": 2,
		"Country": "Country",
		"City": "City",
		"Year": 1432651434,
		"Distance": 1336594394,
		"CreationDate": "20/12/2017" as Date {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
  • Salesforce Analytics Connector, which connects with Salesforce, and performs an operation to push data into Salesforce Einstein Analytics Cloud.

Use case

Use Case: XML

Paste the XML code provided in this example into the Configuration XML tab in Anypoint Studio to experiment with the flow described in the previous section.

Keep in mind that you must still provide the metadata.json file describing the schema of the dataset to be created.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mule xmlns:salesforce-analytics=""
 	<configuration-properties file="" />
	<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" >
		<http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />
	  doc:name="Salesforce Analytics Salesforce Analytics" >
		<salesforce-analytics:basic-connection username="${salesforce.username}"
		   password="${salesforce.password}" securityToken="${salesforce.securityToken}"
	<flow name="upload-all-in-one-with-append" >
		<http:listener doc:name="Listener" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="append"/>
		<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" >
			<ee:message >
				<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/java
		"Id": 1,
		"Country": "Country",
		"City": "City",
		"Year": 428742153,
		"Distance": 284644936,
		"CreationDate": "20/12/2017" as Date {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
		"Id": 2,
		"Country": "Country",
		"City": "City",
		"Year": 1432651434,
		"Distance": 1336594394,
		"CreationDate": "20/12/2017" as Date {format: "dd/MM/yyyy"}
		  doc:name="Upload external data into new data set and start processing"
		  config-ref="Salesforce_Analytics_Salesforce_Analytics" operation="APPEND"
		  description="${allInOne.dataSetDescription}" label="${allInOne.dataSetLabel}"
		  dataSetName="${allInOne.dataSetName}" edgemartContainer="${allInOne.dataSetContainerName}"
		  type="metadata.json" notificationSent="ALWAYS" notificationEmail="${}"/>

See Also

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