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BAT CLI Reference

BAT CLI provides an API Functional Monitoring command line interface through an integration with Anypoint Platform. The command line interface lets you run tests locally and schedule monitors for continuous API testing. You can schedule tests in the cloud using the CLI-xAPI.

This reference covers the syntax and key options you can use with the bat commands. Using the bat commands, you can debug and run tests, get credentials for scheduling tests, schedule tests, list test schedules, and perform additional operations.

For commands to execute successfully, the account under which BAT CLI logs in must have the required permissions for the action the command is executing.

Permissions Required

To use all of the bat commands to execute the corresponding actions in Anypoint Platform, you must have the following permissions.

Permission Actions

Create Applications (Runtime Manager)

Create private locations

Delete Applications (Runtime Manager)

Delete private locations

Manage Settings (Runtime Manager)

Update private locations

View Environment

Log in using BAT CLI

View Organization

Use Secrets Manager through BAT CLI

Exchange Contributor (Exchange)

Create or modify a monitor; add or modify a schedule

Exchange Administrator (Exchange)

Create, modify, or delete a monitor; add, modify, or delete a schedule

Grant access to secrets (Secrets Manager)

Use Secrets Manager

Login Options

To use the bat commands to execute API Functional Monitoring actions, you must first log in using one of the following login methods.

Login Using Connected Apps

bat [login --client-id --client-secret [--profile=<value>] --host=<value>]

This option logs in to an Anypoint Platform account using the client ID and client secret from a connected app. This provides an alternative way to log in using MFA (multi-factor authentication) so that a second factor is not required. MFA is now required for non-SSO accounts unless they are on your organization’s exemption list. For information about connected apps, which are configured by organization administrators, see Connected Apps.

Login Using a Username and Password

bat [login --username=<value> [--profile=<value>] --host=<value>]

This option logs in to an Anypoint Platform account using a username and password. It displays an interactive command for the password.

password for user [username]: <password>

You can include the option --password=<password> in the login command.

Execute Commands Stored in a File

bat [<file> …​ | <option> …​]


  • file is the relative path to the path and file name.

    The file must have one of the following base names and one of the following extensions:

    • base file names: main, bat

    • extensions: .yaml, or .yml

      When you execute bat without any arguments, BAT reads the YAML in the current directory and runs the specified tests. You can create a config folder and add different configuration files in config for the environments.

  • bat ~/path/to/folder/
    Executes from the desired folder. BAT searches for and executes the bat.yaml and main.dwl files.

  • bat ./folder/file.dwl
    Executes using the desired file. The root of the project is the current folder. The root of the project is used to resolve imports and load libraries and files.

bat Command Options

  • --help

    Displays information about how to use the command.

  • --validate | -V

    Validates the file or folder. Also works with --config to validate specific configurations.

  • --config=<name>

    Selects a configuration file (from the config folder) and registers the result as a global variable.

  • --version

    Prints to standard output the version numbers of installed BAT and wrapper. If the latest version is not installed, that version is downloaded.

  • --update

    Updates the BAT CLI to the latest version and configures a .bat-version file in the current folder. The program always respects the .bat-version configuration when running tests. If the specified version is not installed, it is downloaded and installed before execution.

  • --debug

    Sends troubleshooting information to standard output during an execution.

  • --track

    Sends data from the local executions.

  • --bat-version=<version>

    Executes BAT using the specified version.

  • --init-folder

    Stores the files exchange.json and main.dwl, which you generate when you create a monitor in the current directory. Optional.

  • --init

    Same as the bat init command, which sets up a basic project folder. The folder contains the following files:

    ├── bat.yaml
    ├── config
    │   ├── default.dwl
    │   ├── devx.dwl
    │   ├── qax.dwl
    │   └── stgx.dwl
    └── tests
        └── HelloWorld.dwl
  • --password=<value>

    The value is the password for the Anypoint Platform user name. If is not present, the value of the environment variable ANYPOINT_PASSWORD is used. If a value for this variable is not set, the default password from credentials file is used.

  • --profile=<value>

    Profile is:

    • The name of a profile for accessing an Anypoint Platform location and retaining the login information between BAT sessions. Using this option eliminates the need to relogin between sessions. Optional.

    • The name of a profile for scheduling a test that can be different from the BAT login profile you used. By default, BAT uses the login profile for scheduling. Optional.

    • If it is not present, the value of the environment variable ANYPOINT_PROFILE is used. If a value for this variable is not set, the default profile is used.

  • --username=<value>

    The value is an Anypoint Platform user name. If it is not present, the value of the environment variable ANYPOINT_USERNAME is used. If a value for this variable is not set, the default username from the credentials file is used.

  • --useProxy

    Use this option with each bat command if your system requires that you access Anypoint Platform through a proxy.

  • --client-id

    The client ID from your connected app. You must use this option with the login command if you log in using a connected app.

  • --client-secret

    The client secret from your connected app. You must use this option with the login command if you log in using a connected app.

bat Commands

You can use the following bat commands to manage cloud integration and to schedule and configure tests and monitors using Anypoint Platform.

  • init

    Sets up a basic project folder with config files, HelloWorld basic test, and a yaml descriptor file.

  • schedule ls | list

    List all of the schedules that exist in the given profile’s organization.

  • schedule create [--cron="<expression>"] [--location=<id>]

    Create a scheduler using a cron expression and generating a ZIP file that includes the tests and all the files. If you do not enter a cron expression, tests are scheduled to run every 15 minutes.

  • schedule endpoint <monitor-URL> [--cron="<expression>"] [--name=<suiteName>] [--location=<id>] [--new-relic-license-key=<newRelicLicenseKey>] [--slack-webhook=<slackWebHook>] [--email-list=<emails>] [--sumo-logic-endpoint=<sumoLogicEndpoint>] [--pager-duty-routing-key=<pagerDutyRoutingKey>] [--custom-report-url=<customReportUrl>] [--custom-report-headers=<header1,header2,…​,headerN>] [--custom-report-transformation=<pathToDwlFile>][--init-folder] [--status-code=<code>]

    Create a monitor in Exchange using a URL, such as the following example URL: Optionally, you can add options to generate the bat.yaml with different parameters.

    • [--cron="<expression>"] By default, tests are scheduled to run every 15 minutes. You can change with the cron expression.

    • [--name="<suiteName>"] To set the name of the suite.

    • [--location="<id>"] Set a specific location ID to the monitor.

    • [--new-relic-license-key="<newRelicLicenseKey>"] Add the New Relic report to the bat.yaml.

    • [--slack-webhook="<slackWebHook>"] Add the Slack report to the bat.yaml.

    • [--sumo-logic-endpoint="<sumoLogicEndpoint>"] Add the Sumo Logic report to the bat.yaml.

    • [--pager-duty-routing-key="<pagerDutyRoutingKey>"] Add the PagerDuty report to the bat.yaml.

    • [--custom-report-url="<customReportUrl>"] [--custom-report-headers="<header1,header2,…​,headerN>"] | [--custom-report-transformation="<pathToDwlFile>"] Add the custom report to the bat.yaml file and optionally you can add the transformation file.

    • [--init-folder] Store generated exchange.json, bat.yaml and main.dml in the current directory.

    • [--status-code=<code>] Use code as HTTP code for test templates.

  • schedule rm | remove <id>

    Deletes a schedule by its ID.

  • schedule disable <id> Disables the schedule that is identified by the specified ID.

  • schedule enable <id>

    Enables the schedule that is identified by the specified ID. Use this command only when you want to enable a schedule that you have disabled with the bat schedule disable <id> command.

  • whoami

    Prints basic user information to standard output. Other profiles can be used with the --profile option.

  • worker register [--name=<value>]

    Generates a post with the machine name and create a dummy target.

  • worker unregister [--name=<value>]

    Unregisters worker.

  • worker id

    Gets worker ID.

  • location create <name>

    Creates a private location in the given profile’s organization in Anypoint Platform. See Monitoring the Endpoints of Public APIs and Monitoring the Endpoints of Private APIs for more information about private and public locations.

  • location delete <id>

    Deletes a private location from the list of private locations in the given profile’s organization in Anypoint Platform.


    Specify the ID that identifies the location. You can obtain the ID by running the bat location ls command.

  • location ls|list

    Lists the private and public locations that exist in the given profile’s organization in Anypoint Platform. This command replaces target ls|list.

  • location update <id>

    Updates a location by its ID. If a new version of the worker available, updates the location using latest version. This option is valid only for Mule locations.

  • get_token

    Returns the token for accessing Anypoint Platform in the credentials file. Requires that you first run bat login to generate a profile.

  • grant

    Grants API Functional Monitoring permission to access a shared secret that is stored in Anypoint Secrets Manager. You must grant API Functional Monitoring permission to access any shared secret that you use in a test or to access a reporter.

    Run the bat grant command before configuring a test or a reporter to use a shared secret. The aliases that you create in the command are what you specify in tests and configurations for reporters.

    bat grant -g=MySecretGroupName -s=MyAlias1:MySecretName1,MyAlias2:MySecretName2,…,MyAliasN:MySecretNameN [--forceUpdate]

    Specify the name of the group in Anypoint Secrets Manager in which the shared secret is stored.


    Specify an alias, a colon, and the name of the shared secret. The alias can be any combination of alphanumeric characters. The name of the shared secret is the name that identifies the shared secret in the group. If you want to use a single command to grant the BAT CLI permission to use more than one shared secret from the same group, separate each alias:name pair with a comma. +The secret must be created in a secrets group that is in the same environment that you are using in the BAT CLI. To find out which environment you are using in the BAT CLI, run the command bat whoami. The output contains the ID for the environment. Run the command bat environment ls to list the environments that you have access to. Match the ID from the bat whoami command with one of the environments listed. If you need to switch to the environment that your secrets group is in, run the command bat environment switch name, where name is the name of the environment.


    Specify this option if API Functional Monitoring lost access to a shared secret and you need to grant access again.

  • execution ls|list

    Lists the monitors that are running for the specified profile. If no profile is specified, the default profile is used. The monitors listed are all of those in the current environment and for the current profile that were written and started through the BAT CLI, and any that were created online in Anypoint Platform.

    The output looks like this:

    Last executions:
    	daily-retail-test:1.0.1                  PASSED     10 seconds ago
    	internal-run-api-check:1.0.0             PASSED     11 minutes ago
  • environment ls|list

  • environment switch <name>

    The two options ls and list list the environments that are available for the specified profile. If no profile is specified, the default profile is used.

    The switch option enables you to use one of the listed environments. Add the name of the environment to the end of the command, as in this example that uses the environment Sandbox:

    bat environment switch Sandbox

BAT Command Examples

  • Run multiple test files from the bat.yaml file.

    bat bat.yaml

  • Run a single file.

    bat ./test/myFile.dwl

  • Determine the installed version.

    bat --version

    Example output if you do not have the latest version is:

    Updating Version: You have an older BAT version.
    The new version is downloaded in /Users/<username>/.bat/bat-cli-1.0.51
    Downloading version 1.0.51. Please wait`.......................
    BAT Wrapper: 1.0.53
    BAT Version: 1.0.51