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Scheduling Testing and Monitoring

You can schedule, run, and monitor an API test in Anypoint Platform using the default schedule and use a cron job to change the schedule. BAT is deployed by default in the Production environment of Anypoint Platform when you execute the bat login command. After deploying BAT, you execute a bat schedule <options> command. By default, if you don’t include the optional cron expression in the command, the test runs every 15 minutes. The last step in this procedure changes the default to use a cron expression that runs the test once a day for a month.

After running the command, BAT creates a monitor in Anypoint Platform. The monitor collects information about the scheduled execution of the test. To obtain this information, you need to set up a third-party reporting tool as described in the linked topic.

To schedule testing and monitoring:

  1. Log in to Anypoint Platform using BAT CLI. For example:

    bat login --client-id=<value> --client-secret=<value> or bat login --username=<value> --password=<value>

  2. Create a schedule using the default and monitor the testing. Provide an arbitrary endpoint URL and optionally specify the current directory by using --init-folder to store scheduling information. For example:

    bat schedule endpoint --init-folder

    The schedule is published to Exchange using the default login profile.

    Output looks like this in Mac OSX:

    BAT Version: 1.0.51
    #  File: ./tests/step.0.dwl
          ✓ GET (1316.85ms)
            ✓ 200 must equal 200
    #  File: ./tests/step.1.dwl
                ✓ 10 must equal 10
    #  Reporter: bat/Reporters/JSON.dwl >> /var/folders/w5/_cc_5_z12pq3qnymf3f0zh840000gq/T/bat_report_20180226111256.json
    #  Reporter: bat/Reporters/HTML.dwl >> /var/folders/w5/_cc_5_z12pq3qnymf3f0zh840000gq/T/bat_report_20180226111256.html
    #Creating artifact...
      + exchange.json
      + .DS_Store
      + tests/step.0.dwl
      + tests/step.1.dwl
      + main.dwl
      + bat.yaml
    # Creating artifact...OK
    # Uploading
    # Version 0.0.1 published
    scheduleId: 99c24a04-b82b-4366-b02b-4682fa405ead
  3. Go to the path for one of the local reporters listed in the output to see information about the executed test. For example, on Mac OSX, go to /var/folders/w5/_cc_5_z12pq3qnymf3f0zh840000gq/T/bat_report_20180226111256.html.

  4. Go to Exchange and view the asset named after the monitor URL that you provided in the bat schedule endpoint command. It is in this example.

  5. List the schedule of tests.

    bat schedule list [--profile=<value>]

  6. Schedule a test to run repeated using a cron expression. For example, run the test at 12:00 PM every day for one month:

    bat schedule create --cron="0 0 12 1/1 * ? *"

Next, configure and view test reports.

Limits for Schedule Intervals by Location

The minimum interval for schedules that run in private locations is always five minutes.

The minimum interval for schedules that run in public locations depends on the number of schedule entitlements, or API monitor entitlements, that you have. If you have more than five, the limit is five minutes. Otherwise, it is fifteen minutes.

The limit depends on the type of location, not on whether the API is public or private, because you can test a public API from a private location.

Location Type Number of Entitlements Account Type Interval Time Allowed


5 or less


15 minutes


5 or less


15 minutes


More than 5


15 minutes


More than 5


5 minutes


Any number


5 minutes