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Anypoint Platform Pricing

This document applies only to select customers who are opted in to usage-based pricing. Details in this document are subject to change.

This document describes the changes introduced in Runtime Manager for CloudHub 1.0, CloudHub 2.0, Anypoint Runtime Fabric, and Access Management to support usage-based pricing.

Usage Reports Changes from Legacy Subscription Plans to Usage-Based Plans

When your organization opts into a usage-based pricing plan, such as the Anypoint Integration Advanced package, your apps must be redeployed. After redeploying your apps, your usage reports temporarily display both legacy vCore-based metrics and usage-based metrics for your apps. Usage reports cover an entire month, so usage reports appear for both the usage-based pricing packages and the legacy subscription-based vCore pricing for that month.

For CloudHub and CloudHub 2.0, apps are automatically redeployed during the monthly runtime patch update cycle. See CloudHub Runtime Continuous Updates and CloudHub 2.0 Operating System Patch Updates for more details.

For Runtime Fabric, you must redeploy apps manually. After you redeploy all RTF apps, usage reporting shifts from a mix of usage and vCore reports to all usage-based reporting. You must redeploy RTF apps in a timely manner to remain in compliance with your Anypoint Platform contract.

Supported Mule Runtime Versions

To benefit from the robust usage reports that accompany usage-based pricing plans, all of your applications (in production and sandbox) must use the following Mule versions:

Deployment Type Version Requirements

CloudHub 2.0

The latest date-patch versions for 4.3 and 4.4

CloudHub 1.0

The latest date-patch versions for 3.9, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4

Runtime Fabric

One of the following versions or any later date-patch:

Mule 4 images version:

  • 4.4.0-20230111-1

  • 4.3.0-20221212-2

  • 4.2.2-20221027-7

  • 4.2.1-20221027-7

  • 4.2.0-20221027-6

Mule 3 images version:

  • 3.9.5-20230424-2

  • 3.9.4-20230424-1

  • 3.9.3-20230424-1

  • 3.9.2-20230424-1

  • 3.9.1-20230424-1

After your organization onboards to usage-based pricing, you must redeploy your apps with a supported version, either manually or during the monthly patching cycle. The monthly patching cycle is applicable only for CloudHub 1.0 and CloudHub 2.0 applications. RTF customers must be using RTF agent version 1.13.112 or 2.1.30 or newer. You must also manually redeploy Runtime Fabric applications (with a supported date-patch version) after your organization is onboarded to usage-based pricing.

To roll back to a previous successful configuration of existing applications that use a Mule version that the usage-based pricing model does not support, choose a compliant version before deploying changes. After deployment, MuleSoft creates a new configuration with the previously chosen settings and a supported runtime.

Metrics Definitions

Usage-based pricing packages and their usage reports are based on your organization’s use of allotted Mule components.

For information about pricing concepts within Anypoint Platform, see Usage and Pricing Metrics.

Global Resource Pool Limits

Root organizations provisioned with usage-based pricing receive a global pool of shared CPU and memory resources that is shared for deployments into CloudHub 1.0 and CloudHub 2.0 across all business groups and environments in the organization. This pool of resources is large enough to consume all of the purchased flows and messages without interruption. If an organization runs out of resources, actions that consume more resources such as deploying new applications or starting stopped applications are blocked until sufficient resources are available.

You can free up resources by stopping or deleting unused applications, or reducing the replica size or resources that an existing application consumes. You receive a warning each time your organization approaches the resource limit on the Applications List UI, Application Deployment UI, and Manage Application UI. To avoid hitting limits, allocate only what you need by using granular replica sizes in CloudHub 1.0 and CloudHub 2.0. Contact Support if you require an exception when you reach the limit.

This limit does not impact applications configured with Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in CloudHub 2.0. You can continue to deploy applications with Horizontal Pod Autoscaling enabled even if you hit the Global Resource Limits.

CloudHub 2.0 Application Deployment

For organizations provisioned with a usage-based pricing package, CloudHub 2.0 uses replica sizing for application deployment. You can choose from the following replica sizes based on the application profile or size and display the equivalent in terms of legacy vCores. Replica sizes with the suffix .mem are memory-intensive options with the same compute.

Offering Equivalent vCore Size Total Memory Heap Memory Storage



1 GB

0.5 GB

8 GB



1 GB

0.5 GB

8 GB



2 GB

1 GB

8 GB



2 GB

1 GB

8 GB



3 GB

1.5 GB

10 GB



5 GB

2.5 GB

10 GB



4 GB

2 GB

12 GB



8 GB

4 GB

12 GB



7 GB

3.5 GB

20 GB



12 GB

6 GB

20 GB



15 GB

7.5 GB

20 GB

During the monthly patching cycle, your applications automatically migrate to an equivalent replica size. Application deployment through the Mule Maven Plugin is not yet supported. However, you can deploy using the Runtime Manager UI and the Application Manager Experience APIs by leveraging a new field under target.deploymentSettings called instanceType.

Access Management Entitlements

Accounts provisioned with a usage-based pricing package show flows, messages, and throughput entitlements instead of vCores on Access Management. These entitlements are available at the root organization level and cannot be allocated among business groups. Because vCores are no longer the purchased entity, they can no longer be tracked or allocated among business groups. To view your monthly usage of flows, messages, and throughput, access usage reports by using the Access Management UI.

See Also