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Mule Services Injection

Using Mule Services

When implementing your module, you might need to use some of the services that Mule provides. Examples of these services include ObjectStoreManager, LockFactory, and HttpService.

To achieve this, there is no need to get them from the registry of the MuleContext. You can simply inject them into your component (such as an operation, source, or configuration) through the @Inject annotation.

Here is a simplified example that injects a service from the registry into a component:

Example: Using the @Inject Annotation
public class ObjectStoreOperations {
// ...
  private ObjectStoreManager runtimeObjectStoreManager;
// ...
  public void store(String key,
                  @Content TypedValue<Serializable> value,
                  @Optional @ParameterDsl(allowInlineDefinition = false) ObjectStore objectStore) {
    ObjectStore os = objectStore == null ? runtimeObjectStoreManager.getDefaultPartition() : objectStore;
    os.store(key, value);
// ...

Here are some common Mule services:

  • LockFactory: All Mule components that require synchronization to access shared data must be synchronized using locks from the default implementation of this interface. For more information regarding LockFactory, refer to Distributed Locking.

  • ExpressionManager: Provides universal access for evaluating expressions embedded in Mule configurations, such as XML, Java, scripting, and annotations.

  • TransformationService: Service that tries to transform a value into another given type.

  • HttpService: Provides both HTTP server and client implementations. Whenever using an HTTP connection on your connector, you should try to use this service.

  • SchedulerService: Provides access to the different schedulers and thread pools that exist in the Mule runtime, allowing you to schedule tasks on those.

  • SoapService: Service that creates SOAP clients to consume SOAP services.

  • ObjectStoreManager: Manager in charge of creation and management of ObjectStore instances.