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Salesforce Connector Release Notes - Mule 3

Support Category: Select

Anypoint Connector for Salesforce (Salesforce Connector), starting with v6.0.2, is licensed commercially with Anypoint Platform as with other Select connectors. Prior versions are freely available to the community.

In Salesforce Connector v8.1.0 and later, in the Replay Topic and Replay Stream Channel operations, the FROM_REPLAY_ID value in the replayOption field is not supported for use in CloudHub.


August 3, 2022


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

Fixed Issues

Issue ID

Connector DevKit is updated to fix connection management issues.



April 11, 2022


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed SAML connection issues. (W-10925355)


January 6, 2022


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

Fixed Issues

  • Upgraded library dependencies. (CONN-9639, SE-23872)


August 31, 2021


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

Fixed Issues

  • Updated the Jetty IO from org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.19.v20190610 to org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.39.v20210325 to fix security vulnerabilities. (SE-21942)


March 25, 2021


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

Fixed Issues

  • The connector reconnection mechanism for sources sometimes created the Bayeux client multiple times, which caused the connector to receive platform events twice. (SE-19315)

  • Updated Apache Log4J log4j:log4j:1.2.17 to org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.8.2 to fix security vulnterabilities. (SE-20064)


February 9, 2021


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48, v49, v50, v51

New Features

  • Added support for API v51.0.


January 20, 2021


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48

Fixed Issues

  • The resume from last replay ID functionality of the Replay Topic and Replay Streaming Channel operations did not work properly when the retention window for a specific ID expired. (SE-19209)


September 25, 2020


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48

Fixed Issues

Multitenancy for JWT, SAML, and OAuth 2.0 Username-Password connection types was not supported. (SE-17752)


July 22, 2020


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48

Fixed Issues

  • The Upsert metadata operation failed to update the picklist metadata. (CONN-4637)

  • Too many sessions were created to communicate with the Salesforce API. (SE-16335)


May 8, 2020


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0, v48

New Features

  • Added support for API v48.0.

  • Added support for subscribing to these newly-added platform events: FOStatusChangedEvent, OrderSummaryCreatedEvent, and OrderSumStatusChangedEvent.

  • Added support for using the new RecordVisibilityContext clause when using the WITH filteringExpression in a query.

Fixed Issues

  • Salesforce Connector threw warning messages related to the replayId when starting a mule application that did not contain replay sources. (SE-15575)

  • The access token was not refreshed correctly when using the OAuth2 connection. (SE-15288)

  • A Query operation failed with MALFORMED_QUERY when it was written using the DataSense Query Language. (SE-15509)

  • Upgraded the DevKit to version to 3.9.9 to avoid errors related to the Enterprise License. (SE-13409)

  • Create operations did not support Long values for the object fields. (CONN-5423)


March 26, 2020


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0

Fixed Issues

A ClassCastException error occurred when using sources in a Mule app. (SE-14607)


February 17, 2020


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0

Fixed Issues

Salesforce connector duplicating request when accessing the returned payload. (SE-14400)


November 26, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0, v47.0


Added new metadata operation types. (CONN-3823)

Fixed Issues

NexusIQ Security Vulnerabilities. (CONN-4019)


September 27, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0

Fixed Issues

Reconnection failed with the Replay sources operation when the replayId expired. (SE-12782)


August 16, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.2 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0



Fixed Issues

The connector didn’t validate a query, and if a query was syntactically incorrect, the exception thrown wasn’t properly handled in Anypoint Studio. (SE-12581)


July 31, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0, v44.0, v45.0, v46.0


Added support for Salesforce v44.0, v45.0, and v46.0.

Fixed Issues

An UnknownHostException did not trigger the Reconnection Strategy. (SE-12134)


May 28, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0



Fixed Issues

  • The Read Metadata operation filtered null values from the Salesforce response. (CONN-1664)

  • The Update operation was unable to send a proper request to Salesforce if a CustomField of type Picklist contained the ValueSet or ValueSetDefinition nested objects. (CONN-1693)


April 2, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0



Fixed Issues

Metadata not populated correctly in Salesforce query-all with a nested query. Query Operations now have proper DataSense support for nested queries. (SE-10720)


March 14, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0


  • Added new connection providers to match the behavior of the Salesforce API that provides a single connection with the same credentials.

  • Added keep-alive functionality to the connection providers, meaning that a connector can try to keep the session alive even if it is not used. This functionality can be enabled or disabled by users.

Fixed Issues

If a custom endpoint was specified in the config, it was not used for connection validation causing issues. This is now fixed.


February 6, 2019


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0

Fixed Issues

  • Using the Replay streaming channel causes frequent disconnects and reconnects.

  • The application using Replay streaming channel records 401 and 403 error codes after some time and stops receiving messages.

  • The connector now generates the base URL from the endpoint configured by the client so that no problems arise when using a URL redirection service.

  • There was an issue performing a queryAll operation that instead of using the queryAll HTTP request, the connector was sending a query HTTP request. Fixed by properly handling queryAll use cases.


November 19, 2018


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0, v42.0, v43.0


Added support for Salesforce v43.0 API version.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed parsing of the SOQL for comma separated values and added support for date functions in where clauses.

  • Fixed nonpaginated query containing: count()

    The count() method was not supported in query operations. Now this can be used in the Non-Paginated Query operation and it returns the count for the specified entity.

  • query operation ignores the fetch size.

    In the previous implementation, the fetch size parameter was not taken into account and the Salesforce Connector pagination was handled automatically by Salesforce auto-paging. The current paging implementation performs successive queries to obtain the pagination mechanism using LIMIT and OFFSET statements. However, this approach contains a limitation caused by Salesforce OFFSET statement being limited to 2000, so the connector is able to bring up to 2000 + FETCH_SIZE records.

  • getJobInfo operation fails if the contentType of the created job is not XML.

    The newly added parameter contentType can be set according to the contentType of the job. The default is XML.

  • Unable to reconnect to Salesforce Streaming API

    With the OAuth 2.0 Username-Password configuration, the connector is not able to re-establish a Streaming API connection when authorization expired (401::Authentication invalid) or streaming session has been deleted on the server (403::Unknown Client Error). For more details see Handling Streaming Errors.

  • Salesforce Connector is not parsing MEL expressions for the OAuth 2.0 Username Password configuration.

    Mule expression language (MEL) in configuration parameters was only working for the Basic Authentication and not for the others. This was fixed by moving configurable parameters to the connect method, which allows them to support MEL expressions. Expression support was added to the OAuth Username Password, OAuth JWT Bearer and OAuth SAML Bearer connection providers.

  • Fixed an issue regarding the GlobalValueSetTranslation metadata object not being properly mapped to the Salesforce structure.


March 28, 2018


Salesforce Connector version 8.6.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0


Added extra parameter bufferSizeInBytes for Replay Streaming Channel source. User can set the internal buffer size for the message consumer. Default value is 26 MB.

Fixed Issues

  • Customer received no error or exception on 403::Organization total events daily limit exceeded.

    In previous versions when error=403::Organization total events daily limit exceeded occurred, the connector would throw an exception to let the customer know about this issue. The connector now fires an event when the reconnection count is greater than 10, but in case this never occurs, a custom notification is fired. The notification ID for this error is always 100888 and it contains the appropriate message.

  • Salesforce Connector invoked the REST Apex and ignored null values.

    When the Salesforce Connector invoke-apex-rest-method sends a JSON to Salesforce, it ignores all null fields. We need those null fields so we can update fields in Salesforce to null, otherwise Salesforce won’t update those fields.

  • Salesforce Streaming flow when set to processingStrategy as Synchronous does not catch exception strategy.

    Using Salesforce Connector with operation Replay Streaming Channel as the message listener and explicitly specifying the flow processing strategy as synchronous does not forward the exception thrown to the exception strategy defined. Whereas if no processingStrategy is defined in the flow, then the exception is handled by the exception strategy.

  • Salesforce topic disconnected when proxy with CONNECT.

    Using previous versions to subscribe to a Salesforce Topic fails with an exception when the connection sets a proxy. The bug is documented here: Fixed by upgrading to jetty-9.2.24.

  • CVE Security Vunerabilities in jackson-databind-2.4.3.

    CVE-2017-7525 jackson-databind: Deserialization vulnerability via readValue method of ObjectMapper See and Upgraded to 2.9.4 jackson-databind dependency.


February 22, 2018

This release adds support for Salesforce API v41.0.


Salesforce Connector version 8.5.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0, v41.0


The connector is now updated to support the new Salesforce API v41.0.


January 19, 2018


Salesforce Connector version 8.4.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0

Fixed Issues

  • SFDC Connector: Buffering capacity exceeded. In previous versions, low buffering capacity could cause the capacity to be exceeded when several events have been queued. Now, the buffering capacity has been increased.

  • Reply topic losing messages. In previous versions, when there’s a network failure for less than 40 seconds (the amount of time needed to pass so that a resubscription to the topic triggers) and there are events that are sent for the pending HTTP request, those events are lost. Currently a resubscription is triggered when the connection is lost.


October 26, 2017

This version of the Salesforce Connector provides support for Salesforce v40.0 and new operations.


Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0, v40.0


  • Added support for Salesforce API v40.0.

  • Support for publishing platform event messages using the Publish platform event message operation.

  • Added new metadata types

  • Provided new operations for Convert lead, Find duplicates by ids, and Change own password.

Fixed Issues

  • Apex SOAP call did not work when reconnection was triggered. In previous versions when the session was invalidated, the connector threw an error with this message Failed to invoke invokeApexSoapMethod caused by the org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault No operation specified in request (the Body element has no child elements) exception. With this fix, the payload is retained and the calls work correctly after the reconnection.

  • There was a leak when the Salesforce Connector performed a reconnection. In previous versions when the Salesforce Connector performed a reconnection, HttpClient objects were leaking. With this fix, there are no leaks when reconnecting.

  • No error received by clients when the Organization total events daily limit was exceeded. In the previous version when there was an error of type 403::Organization, the total events daily limit exceeded the connector and did not throw an error or exception. In current version besides throwing an exception a notification is fired. The notification ID for this error is always be 100888 and it also contains the appropriate message.


July 3, 2017

Salesforce Connector version 8.3.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0

Fixed Issues

  • Failure to refresh metadata

    In the previous version Refresh Metadata failed when references (__r) were used in a SELECT statement. Currently statements like: `SELECT a.OtherObject_r.CustomFieldc FROM MyCustomObject_c a' should work.

  • Salesforce topic subscription failure with API v37 v38 and v39

    In previous versions, in long-running salesforce applications subscribed to a topic it threw a org.cometd.3_0_10.shade.common.TransportException: {httpCode=404}. Currently, after a proper configuration, topic subscription shouldn’t fail after a long-running. Check User Manual - Subscribing to a Topic


April 17, 2017

Salesforce Connector version 8.3.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.x and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0, v39.0


  • Added support for Salesforce API v39.0

  • Added support for the "WITH HIGHLIGHT" operator in the Query All operation

Fixed Issues

Content Type is now supported in the Create Job operation.


March 10, 2017


Salesforce Connector version 8.2.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0

Fixed Issues

In the previous version 8.2.0, the name of the parameter given to operations that were expecting an object of type BatchInfo as input was changed from batch-info to batch-to-retrieve, which affected existing apps using those operations. In version 8.2.1 batch-to-retrieve has been changed back to batch-info and batch-to-retrieve has been removed.

Example of operation using batch-to-retrieve:

<sfdc:batch-info config-ref="Salesforce__Basic_Authentication" doc:name="Salesforce">
    <sfdc:batch-to-retrieve ref="#[payload]"/>

In version 8.2.1, this operation has been changed back to how it was in the past:

<sfdc:batch-info config-ref="Salesforce__Basic_Authentication" doc:name="Salesforce">
    <sfdc:batch-info ref="#[payload]"/>


March 2, 2017


Salesforce Connector version 8.2.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0


  • Added new configuration which is using OAuth2.0 Username-Password authentication flow, see: Username-Password OAuth Authentication Flow.

  • Added support for providing custom headers in the Create Job operation that provides behavior similar to "PK Chunking", see: PK Chunking Header.

  • Added support for providing custom headers on Query Result Stream that lets you set headers on request. This can be useful if you want, for example, to receive data in GZIP format by adding "Accept-Encoding=GZIP" as a header.

  • Added support for providing custom headers on Batch Result Stream that lets you set headers on request. This can be useful if you want, for example, to receive data in GZIP format by adding "Accept-Encoding=GZIP" as a header.

Fixed Issues

When the connector was used as an inbound endpoint in case of a session expiration, it wasn’t able to refresh the session, but now is fixed.


December 2, 2016


Salesforce Connector version 8.1.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v37.0, v38.0


  • Added a new Salesforce header to the list of headers, which is DuplicateRuleHeader, that are accepted by create(), update(), upsert() and from now on, by findDuplicates()

  • Added support for find duplicates API core call. See: Find Duplicates Core Call

  • Added enhancements to the Streaming API. The connector stores the replay ID for the last processed event. The user now has the possibility to replay all unprocessed events within the 24 hour time-frame provided by Salesforce. The replay ID can now be specified as a MEL expression.

  • Added support for Batch Info List bulk API call. See: Get Information for All Batches in a Job

  • From now on, exception is thrown instead of hanging when a header from response is not recognized. (For example, for this use case: when a proxy is altering response from Salesforce.)

  • Proxy configuration was not taken in consideration by streaming inbound endpoints, fixed it.

  • When domain name was containing word "services" (for example, the computation of service endpoint to which upcoming requests are send was wrong, so it was fixed.

Known Issues

In the Replay Topic and Replay Stream Channel operations, the FROM_REPLAY_ID value in the replayOption field is not supported for use in CloudHub.

Migration Guide

Salesforce API v38 brings several API and Metadata API changes, as they are documented in the Salesforce release notes:


October 26, 2016


Salesforce Connector version 8.0.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later




  • Added Generic Streaming support

  • Added support for record-related events replay through Salesforce Streaming API.

Fixed Issues

Improved Apex classes parsing grammar

Migration Guide

Salesforce API v37 brings several API and Metadata API changes, as they are documented in the Salesforce release notes:

When migrating to version 8.0.0, you should consider the following changes:

The ChildRelationship SObject field junctionIdListName has become junctionIdListNames in API v37 and has changed type from String to String[].


August 23, 2016


Salesforce Connector version 7.2.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v37.0


  • Added SocketException and ConnectException to ReconnectionStrategy triggers.

  • Added a new checkbox to the configuration, allowing a user to clear fields that have a null value, without using fieldsToNull list.

  • Added new icons for the Studio Light Theme.

  • When fetching the metadata for Apex Rest Classes, if an exception is thrown for an Apex Class, the metadata is fetched for the other Apex classes, and that exception will be logged. A MetadataKey is created for that Apex Class that presents the exception message.

Fixed Issues

  • Reconnection Strategy now works if the session was invalidated when invoking an Apex Rest Class.

  • Corrected an issue that caused Salesforce Connector to fail in extracting the access token from the Salesforce Oauth response.

  • Now all 2xx HTTP status code responses are treated as success.

  • Corrected issues which caused some Apex Rest classes to be parsed incorrectly by the connector.


June 3, 2016


Salesforce Connector version 7.1.2 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v36.0

Fixed Issues

Support for TLS version configuration for JWT, SAML authentications. It can be specified same way as for JVM by adding "https.protocols" VM option (for example, -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2)


April 25, 2016


Salesforce Connector version 7.1.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v36.0

Fixed Issues

Fixed an issue regarding the dependencies used by the connector.


April 13, 2015


Salesforce Connector version 7.1.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v36.0


  • The connector now supports versions 32.0 to 36.0 of the Salesforce API.

  • Now the connector supports a trial version. This means that Salesforce Connector can be used with an evaluation/trial license for Mule EE

  • Added JSON support for Bulk API operations

  • Validate Configuration can now verify if the current session is valid

  • Validations are performed on Invoke Apex Rest Method to verify that restMethodName has the expected format

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue where Invoke Apex Soap Method sometimes failed to transform the result, returning null or an empty array instead.

  • When querying for attachments, the body is now properly returned as a byte array, rather than Base64.

  • Fixed issue where Batch Commit was incorrectly reporting that all records were successfully upserted although some actually failed.

  • Default input value for Batch Result, Batch Result Stream, Query Result Stream and Batch Info is now correctly set to payload.

  • Multiple flows can now subscribe to the same Topic, fixing an issue where only one flow would actually subscribe.


December 9, 2015


Salesforce Connector version 7.0.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v34.0

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed how the way query results are returned. Exceptions related to "No converter found!" are no longer thrown for inner selects (for child relationships).

  • Because the converters introduced a huge impact on production performance it was decided that all fields are to be returned as Strings and DataWeave will be used for data transformation.

  • Batch Operation Results are reported correctly now, if Batch Commit component is used. Before the connector had problems reporting how many records were successful and how many where failed (all the recors were reported as successful).

  • Invocation of Apex Rest methods that are void no longer fails.

Known Issues

Batch Operation Results report all records as successful when the Batch Commit component is not used (only the Batch Step component is used).


December 1, 2015


Salesforce Connector version 7.0.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later

Anypoint Studio

5.4.0 and later


v32.0 to v34.0

This is a major version change, hence the connector might break backward compatibility for some existing flows. It uses DevKit 3.7 and its new features (like multi-level Datasense for invokeApexSoapMethod and invokeApexRestMethod) and dates are no longer passed as String, but as Dates and Calendars. To see how the new metadata key ids are formed for invokeApexSoapMethod and invokeApexRestMethod please read below.


  • The connector now supports versions 32.0 to 34.0 of the Salesforce API.

  • get-session-id

    • Added an extra optional input parameter to this operation, that forces the session validation.

  • describe-global and describe-sobject

    • Added an extra optional parameter to these operations in order to add Salesforce SOAP headers on the requests.

  • invoke-apex-rest-method

    • Added support for Custom Types and Apex Custom Types

    • Added multilevel Datasense (the user has to choose the Apex Class first and then in a following parameter, the user must choose a Method Name from the ones available for that class)

    • The resulting metadata key id will have the following format: 'apexClassName||apexMethodName^resourceUrl^httpMethod^outputType^inputParameters' where

      • apexClassName is the value chosen by the user for the "Apex Class" parameter under the General section of the connector tab;

      • apexMethodName is the value chosen by the user for the "Method Name" parameter under this General section;

      • resourceUrl is the value of urlMapping attribute from the '@RestResource' annotation of the apex class;

      • httpMethod is the http method annotation of the Apex Rest resource (for example, @HttpGet, @HttpPost) without the '@' symbol;

      • outputType is the method output type (for example, 'List<Account>');

      • inputParameters is a comma separated list of input parameters (their name and their type - for example, 'account=Account, someParameter=String');

      • '||' is a separator used between the class name and the method name;

      • '^' is a separator for the method details.

  • invoke-apex-soap-method

    • Added multilevel Datasense (the user has to choose the Apex Class first and then in a following parameter, the user must choose a Method Name from the ones available for that class)

    • The resulting metadata key ID will have the following format: 'apexClassName||apexMethodName' where:

      • apexClassName is the value chosen by the user for the "Apex Class" parameter under the General section of the connector tab;

      • apexMethodName is the value chosen by the user for the "Method Name" parameter under this General section;

      • '||' is a separator used between the class name and the method name.

  • Changed Test Connection to Validate Configuration and added a validation for Apex Classes and Proxy configurations if these are set in the connector configuration.

  • merge

    • This is a new operation to support merging of accounts.

  • reset-password

    • This is a new operation to offer support to users wanting to reset their password through the connector.

  • Added the ability to use external IDs in metadata (DataMapper or DataWeave).

  • Added support for List<String> for fieldsToNull.

Fixed Issues

  • Changed the creation of the URLs used for Apex SOAP and Apex REST requests, in order to support reverse proxies.

  • Modified some Java documentation that incorrectly appeared as explanations in Studio elements like configurations.

  • Corrected the parsing of dates from Apex REST invocation responses.

  • Added validation for the existence of IDs when using the retrieve operation, to avoid possible exception thrown when it is called.

  • Dates are now returned as Calendars rather than Strings, for easier use (comparison or alteration).

  • Fixed issue with Apex REST URL not supporting certain characters like period ('.').

  • Improved overall performance for Apex REST invocation by avoiding the download and parsing of the Apex REST class at every invocation; instead we are relying on the information obtained during Datasense and data stored in the metadata key id related to the method to be invoked.

  • Removed default proxy port from the configuration as it is confusing.

  • Handle the Salesforce Address type as an object in metadata rather than a String, as before.

Known Issues

  • This version of the connector breaks backward compatibility:

    • the way some metadata key ids are created was changed due to some performance enhancements (invokeApexSoapMethod and invokeApexRestMethod are affected by this).

    • the way the connector works with Dates has been changed: dates are no longer expected/returned as Strings; they are used as Dates or Calendars, for easier use (comparison and calculations), depending on their types.

  • Salesforce has a know issue with creating correct WSDLs for the Apex SOAP classes created under version 34.0 and 35.0 of the API. As a workaround Salesforce suggested that the Apex SOAP classes should be created under version 32.0 to be able to use them.

  • For versions v28.0, v29.0 of the Salesforce API use version v5.4.12 of the connector.


July 23, 2015

Fixed Issues

Fixed an error where session expiration would not be handled correctly even with a reconnection strategy set, in operations that returned a SalesforcePagingDelegate (query, queryall).


July 22, 2015

Fixed Issues

  • A bug that logged warning messages as errors once a session expired even if you had reconnection on has been fixed.

  • Support for session concurrency in multi-threaded applications has now been improved.


June 19, 2015


Salesforce Connector version 6.2.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later


v31.0 to v32.0

Migrate From Older Versions of the Connector

If you’re using an older version of the connector, a small popup appears in the bottom right corner of Anypoint Studio that says Updates Available.

  1. Click that popup and check for available updates.

  2. Click the Salesforce Connector version 6.2.1 checkbox, click Next, and follow the instructions provided by the user interface.

  3. Restart Studio.

  4. After the restart, when creating a flow and using the Salesforce Connector, if you have several versions of the connector installed, you might be asked which version you would like to use. Select the version you would like to use.

  5. Keep Mule and Studio updated.

Fixed Issues

  • IDENTITY_URL_TEMPLATE hardcoded to breaks sandbox requests - there was no way of differentiating the test sandbox from the production environment (this is done through the URL the user is logged in to). Renamed in the SalesforceBasicAuthConfig the parameter URL to Authentication Url

  • Added to JWT and SAML configurations the parameter Token Endpoint ObjectStore callback attributes are not properly loaded - fields instanceId , userId , and accessToken were renamed

  • Re-added fields instanceId, userId, and accessToken taken from ObjectStore provided by user

  • "remoteUserId" variable is not set any more in the postAuthorize Re-added the remoteUserId flow variable in postAuthorize

Known Issues

  • Connector v6.2.1 does not work with versions v28.0, v29.0, and v30.0 of the Salesforce API.

  • Connector v6.2.1 does not support for Apex Rest the following data types:

    • Custom Types

    • Lists of Lists or Maps

    • Maps of Lists or Maps

    • Object (not able to perform DataSense on it)

    • Blob (not supported by Salesforce Rest methods as input/output)

  • For versions v28.0, v29.0 of the Salesforce API use version v5.4.12 of the connector.


June 9, 2015


Salesforce Connector 6.2.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5 and later


v31.0 to v32.0

Update the Connector

When a new version of a connector is released, Anypoint studio displays a popup in the bottom right corner of you screen with the following message: Updates Available.

To upgrade to the later version of the Salesforce Connector:

  1. Click the popup and check for the available updates.

  2. Select the Salesforce Connector 6.2 checkbox and click Next.

  3. Follow the instructions provided by the user interface.

  4. Restart Studio when prompted.

  5. After restarting, if you have several versions of the connector installed, Mule asks you for the version of the connector you like to use.


  • Salesforce APEX REST API: The connector now supports the following Apex operation:

    • Invoke Apex Rest method: Lets you invoke an operation from an Apex class that has previously been created in your organization. The operations from the Apex class have to be exposed as a REST service.

  • OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow: Allows you to authenticate salesforce via OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow.

  • OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer Assertion Flow: Allows you to authenticate salesforce via OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer Assertion Flow.

Fixed Issues

  • Created getServerURL operation to return the URL of the server.

  • Added support for Proxy configuration for all authentication types.

  • Added Fetch All Apex SOAP Metadata checkbox (The connector tries to perform Datasense for all Apex SOAP classes only if this checkbox is selected. )

  • NullPayloadToXMLStreamReader is hidden from the Studio as it is for internal use only.

  • SubscribeTopic operation now supports topic names without leading /'.

  • Added support for CSV batch uploads (when contentType is set to CSV). Renamed the invokeApexMethod operation to invokeApexSoapMethod.

Known Issues

  • This version is not compatible with Salesforce API v28.0, v29.0 and v30.0.

  • It doesn’t support the following data types for Apex Rest:

    • Custom Types

    • Lists of Lists or Maps

    • Maps of Lists or Maps

    • Object (not able to perform DataSense on it)

    • Blob (not supported by Salesforce Rest methods as input/output)


March 31, 2015


  • Mule 3.5 and later

  • Anypoint Studio October 2014

  • Salesforce v32.0


  • Salesforce Apex API - the connector now supports the following Apex operation:

    • invokeApexMethod - invokes any operation from an Apex class that is exposed as SOAP web service.

  • Added Query Builder for querySingle and queryAll operations.

  • Added payload as default value for the Ids input for retrieve() and emptyRecycleBin() operations.


February 25, 2015

Fixes an issue where the Salesforce 6.0.0 connector didn’t work with Java 6. The connector now works correctly with Java 6 and 7. Everything else is the same as Salesforce 6.0.0.


February 23, 2015


  • Mule 3.5 and later

  • Anypoint Studio October 2014

  • Salesforce v30.0 to v32.0

Migrate From Older Versions

If you’re currently using an older version of the connector, a small popup appears in the bottom right corner of Anypoint Studio appears as Updates Available. Click that popup and check for available updates. Click the Salesforce Connector version 6.0.0 checkbox, click Next, and follow the instructions provided by the user interface. When prompted, restart Studio.

When creating a flow and using the Salesforce Connector, if you have several versions of the connector installed, you might be asked which version you would like to use. Choose the version you would like to use.


Salesforce Metadata API - the connector now supports the following Metadata operations:

  • createMedatada - Adds one or more new metadata components to your organization.

  • deleteMetadata - Deletes one or more metadata components from your organization given an object’s API names.

  • describeMetadata - Retrieves the metadata which describes your organization. This information includes Apex classes and triggers, custom objects, custom fields on standard objects, tab sets that define an app, and many other components.

  • deployMetadata - Use this call to take file representations of components and deploy them into an organization by creating, updating, or deleting the components they represent.

  • listMetadata - Retrieves property information about metadata components in your organization.

  • readMetadata - Returns one or more metadata components from your organization for one or more object’s API Names.

  • renameMetadata - Renames a metadata component in your organization, given its old API name and the new name.

  • retrieveMetadata - This call retrieves XML file representations of components in an organization.

  • updateMetadata - Updates one or more metadata components in your organization.

  • upsertMetadata - Creates or updates one or more metadata components in your organization.


  • Security token is not required when IP restrictions apply.

  • Made API version configurable for OAuth connections.

  • Added ability to set readTimeout and connectionTimeout.

  • Fixed: Issue regarding missing fields on EXO created through the connector.

  • This connector no longer throws NullPointerException when an object to retrieve by ID has been deleted in Salesforce.

  • The useDefaultRule option now is passed in a SOAP request message.

  • Exposed operation to get SessionID from Salesforce Connector.

Known Issue

This version is not backward compatible with Salesforce API versions v28.0 and v29.0.


March 11, 2015

  • Security token is not required when IP restrictions apply.

  • Made API version configurable for OAuth connections.

  • Added ability to set readTimeout and connectionTimeout.

  • Fixed: issue regarding missing fields on EXO created through the connector.

  • Fixed: SFDC connector throws NullPointerException when object to retrieve by Id has been deleted in Salesforce.

  • Fixed: useDefaultRule option not been passed in soap request message.

  • Exposed operation to get SessionID from Salesforce Connector.

  • Support for the SAML "bearer assertion flow".


  • Mule 3.5 and later

  • Anypoint Studio October 2014

  • Salesforce v28.0 to v29.0

Migration Information

If you currently use an older version of the connector (5.4.10 for example):

  1. In Anypoint Studio, click the Updates Available popup, which appears in the lower right corner of Studio.

  2. Click the Salesforce Connector Version 5.4.12 checkbox.

  3. Click Next and then follow the instructions provided by the user interface. When prompted, restart Studio.

  4. After restarting, when creating a flow and using the Salesforce Connector, if you have several versions of the connector installed, you may be asked which version you would like to use. Choose the version you would like to use.

MuleSoft recommends that you install the latest version of Studio.


October 28, 2014

  • Fixed a critical bug related to URL population in the connector

  • Updated DevKit version support

  • Bug fix: Problem with retrieving metadata when a URL is not specified in a connector configuration.

  • Compatibility:

    • Mule and DevKit 3.5.1

    • Anypoint Studio October 2014

    • Salesforce SOAP, Bulk, and Streaming API: 3


September 18, 2014

  • Updated Salesforce SOAP, Bulk, and Streaming APIs to support version 31

  • Validated and documented support for SAML assertion flows using SFDC configuration

  • Tested and validated the Salesforce Connector for use with CloudHub

  • Added guidelines for connector version migration

  • Fixed issue related order-by in a query operation

  • Fixed bug related to importing a working cascade SFDC project


  • Added Salesforce SOAP API headers support

  • Added new exception handling for REST and SOAP API

  • Removed Paginated Query operation (since AutoPaging for Query and QueryAll)

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Added NonPaginatedQuery operation for backward compatibility since

  • Query uses Mule 3.5 AutoPaging

  • Added batchSize for queries

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Fixed new Jetty dependencies for Mule 3.5.0

  • Fixes for authorizationUrl and accessTokenUrl in OAuth

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Added compatibility with the new Mule Batch module

  • Added configurable for MAX_DEPTH for BULK API

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Added getServerTimestamp operation

  • New exception handling for reconnection strategy

  • Fixed issues with proxies


  • Added Mule 3.5 AutoPaging support for Query and QueryAll

  • Added DSQL support

  • Added operation to retrieve JobInfo

  • Added a way to allow empty security tokens

  • Fixed Date values for Nested SObjects in Bulk API

  • Fixed QueryResultStream issue when service return more than one page

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Moved force-wsc as a dependency

  • Added support for API v28

  • Added support for recursive SObjects

  • Added sessionId and serviceUrl parameters on connection

  • Fixes for streaming API reconnection

  • Added support for reference types that differ from the field name

  • DevKit 3.5.0


  • Upgraded DevKit to 3.4.0

  • Added support for streaming with OAuth

  • Fixes for streaming API


  • Upgraded DevKit to 3.4.0

  • Added Mule 3.4 metadata support


  • Upgraded to API v26

  • Added setPassword operation

  • Fixed documentation issues


  • Upgraded to DevKit 3.3.2.

  • Added paging capabilities with paginated-query method.

  • Added support for Object Search queries using SOSL.

  • Fixed SessionTimedOutException INVALID_SESSION_ID when doing.

  • Fixed several concurrent requests with a timed out session.

  • Fixed get-deleted and get-updated operations.

  • Fixed blocking account when trying to disconnect if credentials are wrong.

  • Updated documentation and fixed documentation issues.


Fixed issue related to ObjectStoreManager injection and get-updated-objects.


Fixed issue related to URL transformer with DevKit 3.3.1.