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Mule Maven Plugin 2.2 Release Notes

MuleSoft is pleased to announce the release of the Mule Maven Plugin 2.2. This release fixes several issues and introduces support for Maven credentials encryption.

Hardware and software requirements

JRE 1.7.0 (Recommended JRE 1.7.0_79/80), JRE 1.8, Maven 3.3.x


  • Access Management API 1.0

  • ARM Rest API 1.1

  • CloudHub API 1.0

  • Runtime Manager Agent API 1.0

  • Mule Kernel, Mule 3.x

Features and Functionality

New Features

  • MMP-135: Allow configuring credentials via Maven server

  • MMP-19: Implement failIfNotExists for application undeployment

Resolved Issues

  • MMP-136: Plain text credentials are shown in the debug log

  • MMP-39: Undeploy goal fails to read encrypted credentials from settings.xml

  • MMP-36: Undeploy goal fails when no applications are deployed

  • MMP-68: Plugin properties are not being recognized by the XML schema.
