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Mule Maven Plugin 3.3.4 Release Notes

Mule Maven Plugin 3.3.4 is mainly focused on fixing bugs.

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 8+

  • Apple Mac OS X 10.10+

  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 15)

  • Java 8

  • Maven 3.3.3, 3.3.9, 3.5.0, 3.6.0


  • Mule 4.x

  • Anypoint Studio 7.x

  • OpenJDK 11, when using Mule 4.2

To use the new Mule runtime version schema introduced with Mule 4.5 to deploy apps, you must use Mule Maven plugin version 4.1.0 or later.

Features and Functionality

  • Added support to bypass proxy configuration when performing a deployment.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed incorrect deployment verifications used when updating an application deployed to Runtime Fabric

  • Fixed issue that deleted the application when Runtime Fabric deployment verification failed. The plugin only displays the failure.