DataFormatDescriptor |
type DataFormatDescriptor = { name: String, binary: Boolean, defaultEncoding?: String, extensions: Array<String>, defaultMimeType: String, acceptedMimeTypes: Array<String>, readerProperties: Array<DataFormatProperty>, writerProperties: Array<DataFormatProperty> }
Description of a DataFormat that provides all metadata information.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
DataFormatProperty |
type DataFormatProperty = { name: String, optional: Boolean, defaultValue?: Any, description: String, possibleValues: Array<Any> }
Type that describes a data format property. The fields include a name ,
description , array of possible values (possibleValues ), an optional default
value (defaultValue ), and an optional flag that indicates whether the property
is required or not.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
EvalSuccess |
type EvalSuccess = { success: true, value: Any, logs: Array<LogEntry> }
Data type of the data that returns when an eval function executes successfully.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
ExecutionFailure |
type ExecutionFailure = { success: false, message: String, kind: String, stack?: Array<String>, location: Location, logs: Array<LogEntry> }
Data type of the data that returns when a run or eval function fails.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
Location |
type Location = { start?: Position, end?: Position, locationString: String, text?: String, sourceIdentifier?: String }
Type that represents the location of an expression in a DataWeave file.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
LogEntry |
type LogEntry = { level: LogLevel, timestamp: String, message: String }
Type for a log entry, which consists of a level for a LogLevel value,
a timestamp , and message .
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
LogLevel |
type LogLevel = "INFO" | "ERROR" | "WARN"
Identifies the different kinds of log levels (INFO , ERROR , or WARN ).
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
LoggerService |
type LoggerService = { initialize?: () -> Object, log: (level: LogLevel, msg: String, context: Object) -> Any, shutdown?: () -> Boolean }
Service that handles all logging:
initialize :
Function called when the execution starts. DataWeave sends
the result to every log call through the context parameter,
so that, for example, a logging header can be sent at
initialization and recovered in each log.
log :
Function that is called on every log message.
shutdown :
Function called when the execution completes, which is a common time
to flush any buffer or to log out gracefully.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
MimeType |
A String representation of a MIME type.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
Position |
type Position = { index: Number, line: Number, column: Number }
Type that represents a position in a file by its index and its line and column.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
ReaderInput |
type ReaderInput = { value: Binary, encoding?: String, properties?: Dictionary<SimpleType>, mimeType: MimeType }
Input to the DataWeave reader created for the specified MIME type, which includes
the Binary input and MIME type, as well as optional encoding and properties values.
value : The input, in Binary format.
encoding : The encoding for the reader to use.
properties : The reader properties used to parse the input.
mimeType : The MIME type of the input.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
RunSuccess |
type RunSuccess = { success: true, value: Binary, mimeType: MimeType, encoding?: String, logs: Array<LogEntry> }
Data type of the data that returns when a run function executes successfully.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
RuntimeExecutionConfiguration |
type RuntimeExecutionConfiguration = { timeOut?: Number, outputMimeType?: MimeType, writerProperties?: Dictionary<SimpleType>, onException?: "HANDLE" | "FAIL", securityManager?: SecurityManager, loggerService?: LoggerService, maxStackSize?: Number, onUnhandledTimeout?: (threadName: String, javaStackTrace: String, code: String) -> Any }
Configuration of the runtime execution that has advanced parameters.
timeOut :
Maximum amount of time the DataWeave script takes before timing out.
outputMimeType :
Default output MIME type if not specified in the DataWeave script.
writerProperties :
Writer properties to use with the specified the outputMimeType property.
Specifies the behavior that occurs when the execution fails:
securityManager :
Identifies the SecurityManager to use in this execution. This security manager
is composed by the current SecurityManager .
loggerService :
The LoggerService to use in this execution.
maxStackSize :
The maximum stack size.
onUnhandledTimeout :
Callback that is called when the watchdog was not able to stop the execution
after a timeout, which is useful for logging or reporting the problem.
The callback is called with the following:
threadName : Name of the thread that hanged.
javaStackTrace : Java stack trace where the hang occurred.
code : The DataWeave code that caused the hang.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
SecurityManager |
type SecurityManager = (grant: String, args: Array<Any>) -> Boolean
Function that is called when a privilege must be granted to the current execution.
grant is the name of the privilege, such as Resource .
args provides a list of parameters that the function requesting the privilege calls.
Experimental: This type is an experimental feature that is subject to change or removal from future versions of DataWeave.
TryResult |
type TryResult = { success: Boolean, result?: T, error?: { kind: String, message: String, stack?: Array<String>, stackTrace?: String, location?: String } }
Object with a result or error message. If success is false , data type provides
the error . If true , the data type provides the result .
Starting in Mule 4.4.0, if the stack is not present, the stackTrace field is available
with the native Java stack trace.