Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Release Notes - Mule 3

Support Category: Select

Anypoint Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows you to connect to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud web services using the Salesforce Marketing Cloud API. The connector exposes convenient methods for managing objects and calling services provided by Salesforce Marketing Cloud.


December 17, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector version 1.3.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fuel SDK


Connector DevKit


Fixed Issues

  • Fixed a reconnection issue when using OAuth V2 Client Credentials authentication. (SE-13714)


November 20, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector version 1.3.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fuel SDK


Connector DevKit



  • Added support for OAuth V2 Client Credentials authentication.

  • Upgraded the Fuel SDK version to support the latest Marketing Cloud API version.


November 4, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector version 1.2.3 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Connector DevKit


Fixed Issues

  • For an OAuth connection type, the connector now reconnects in case of a token expired exception. (SE-13714)


October 8, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector version 1.2.2 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where DataExtensionObject cannot be retrieved if the column name contains spaces in the where clause. (SE-13384)


September 26, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Version 1.2.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where DataExtensionObject could not be retrieved if column name contains spaces. (SE-13215)


April 24, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Version 1.2.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API



  • Support for Salesforce Marketing Cloud API v43.

Fixed Issues

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector cannot retrieve DataExtensionObject. This issue has been fixed by adding support for the ClientId property in the connector’s configuration and also adding support for SQL-like queries in the Retrieve operation. (SE-10134)

    Users can now select Native Query as the query to use with this operation, and write queries on custom data extensions.

    For example:

    SELECT PRODUCT_TYPE_CODE, MSG_CONTENT, CREATION_DATE from DataExtensionObject[My_Custom_Data_Extension] WHERE CREATION_DATE > '2019-04-24T06:11:00.000+03:00'


April 16, 2019


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Version 1.1.1 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fixed Issues

  • Wrapped this exception in a more readable one: Cannot connect to Salesforce Marketing: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in prolog. (SE-10880)


March 15, 2018

This release provides new features and a bug fix.


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector Version 1.1.0 is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Marketing Cloud API


Fixed Issues

  • Fixed NullPointerException when trying to fetch DataSense.


  • Added OAuth2 authentication support. Check the connector guide for more details.

  • Added documentation in the connector guide on how to set up a system proxy.


February 12, 2016

Release notes for version 1.0.0 of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector.


The Version 1.0.0 Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


3.5.0 and later

Exact Target API



  • Configure Create - Calls the "Configure" command with "Create" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud Web service.

  • Configure Delete - Calls the "Configure" command with "Delete" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud Web service.

  • Configure Update - Calls the "Configure" command with "Update" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud web service.

  • Create - Creates a new object within the Marketing Cloud web server.

  • Delete - Deletes an existing object within the Marketing Cloud Web server.

  • Perform get max count - Calls the "Perform" command with "GetMaxCount" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud web service.

  • Perform start - Calls the "Perform" command with "Start" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud web service.

  • Perform stop - Sends "Perform" command having "Stop" as action to Marketing Cloud SOAP Web service.

  • Retrieve - Retrieves objects from the Marketing Cloud web server in a SQL query like fashion.

  • Schedule start - Calls the "Schedule" command with "Start" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud web service.

  • Update - Updates an existing object within the Marketing Cloud Web server.

  • Upsert - Creates an object when the object does not already exist, or deleting an existing object from within the Marketing Cloud web server. This operation is completed by using the "Create" method from the Marketing Cloud API.

Fixed Issues

  • This is the first version of the connector, thus no fixes were required; there are only new features.

Known Issues

Provide a Subclass as Type to a Complex Field

  • Some objects have complex fields that represent a base class from Salesforce Marketing. So, if instead of the base class, you want to pass a subclass of it as value to that field, that is not possible because the connector cannot recognize the fields that do not belong to the base class. You must manually map those fields in Transform Message and add a field named "concreteClassType" with the name of the subclass as value. For more information and an example, read the User Guide.

Retrieve Fields From a Hierarchy Not Possible

  • Querying fields that are lower than level 1 in the hierarchy is not supported by the API. For example,queries like "Select Attributes.Name from Subscriber" because "Name" is at level 2 in the hierarchy.

Server Results that Contain an Automation Object Structure Causes an Exception

  • When performing operations on an Automation object, the result of the operation causes an exception to be thrown because the response has a field that cannot be parsed by the API. To bypass this, make those types of operations asynchronous. For more information and an example on this issue, please read the User Guide.