Flex Gateway新着情報
Monitoring API ManagerSupport Category: Select
Anypoint Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector) enables you to connect to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud web services using the Salesforce Exact Target API. This connector exposes convenient methods for managing objects and calling services provided by the Salesforce Exact Target API, also known as Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
October 28, 2024
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.5.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.16.0 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The connector no longer incorrectly throws an error if you define a local WSDL file. |
W-16862135 |
September 19, 2024
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.5.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.16.0 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The |
W-16783690 |
July 24, 2024
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.5.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.16.0 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The proxy configuration is now also used when downloading the WSDL file. |
W-16063541 |
April 24, 2024
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.5.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.16.0 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The Bouncy Castle library (bcprov-jdk15on) is removed to address security vulnerabilities. |
W-15310626 |
February 20, 2024
The connector now supports multiple child organizations by specifying the Account Id field.
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.5.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.16.0 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
January 12, 2024
This connector is now compatible with Java 17.
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
OpenJDK |
8, 11, and 17 |
February 15, 2023
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
OpenJDK |
8 and 11 |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The connector no longer makes an extra API request for the Retrieve entities operation. |
W-12487851 |
January 23, 2023
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue Resolution | ID |
The connector no longer throws an error when filtering null values. |
W-12404291 |
The Apache CXF Core dependency is upgraded to version 3.5.5 to fix reported security vulnerabilities. |
W-12390525 |
The Commons-IO dependency is upgraded to version 2.11.0 to fix reported security vulnerabilities. |
W-12390525 |
December 14, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
The overall stability and performance of the connector are improved. |
W-11991934 |
November 9, 2022
The com.fasterxml.jackson.core library is upgraded to version 2.14.0.
The com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core library is upgraded to version 6.4.0.
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
The com.fasterxml.jackson.core library is upgraded to version 2.14.0 to address reported security vulnerabilities. |
W-12029613 |
The com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core library is upgraded to version 6.4.0 to address reported security vulnerabilities. |
W-12029613 |
September 28, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
The connector now properly handles null properties. |
W-11807779 |
June 20, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
The connector no longer contains a policy violation in the |
W-11282445 |
June 9, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the Spring Beans library from |
W-11226200 |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the CXF RT Transports HTTP library from |
W-11220137 |
April 20, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the Mule SOAP Engine library from |
W-10920502, W-10927724 |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the Jackson Databind library from |
W-10920505 |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the Spring Framework library from |
W-11001897 |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the Bouncy Castle library from |
W-11001900 |
January 7, 2022
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the XMLSec library from |
CONN-9832 |
December 7, 2021
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by removing the transitive dependency for the |
CONN-9296 |
October 21, 2021
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Issue | ID |
Fixed reported security vulnerabilities by upgrading the XMLSec library from |
CONN-8996 |
June 10, 2021
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
June 2, 2021
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
The Since parameter for sources supports date values included in a time zone.
The sources return values for all of the object fields.
The On Modified Objects source did not support all of the objects listed in the dropdown. The source uses the Modified Date field, which is not retrievable for all objects. The dropdown is now filtered to display only objects that retrieve the Modified Date field. (SE-20516)
There was a connection error while deploying the connector in a closed environment without internet access. To fix this, the connector resources now include an etframework.wsdl`and `ETFrameworkFault.xsd
. (SE-19993)
March 24, 2021
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
November 17, 2020
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
August 10, 2020
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
July 23, 2020
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
Fixed the NewObject and ModifyObject input sources to correctly parse date values that have the format yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss
. (CONN-1620)
Fixed the following vulnerability issues:
Updated the Commons Codec dependency commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13
to commons-codec:commons-codec:1.14
Excluded the Bouncy Castle dependency org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on
from org.mule.connectors:mule-soap-engine:1.3.2
and org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.4
Excluded the Bouncy Castle dependency org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on
from org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.4
May 7, 2020
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.2.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7.3 and later |
The OAuth access token was not refreshed correctly when it expired. (SE-15630)
Upgraded the following dependency versions to fix vulnerability issues:
Jackson Databind com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.9.3
upgraded to com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.10.0
Cryptacular org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.1.1
upgraded to org.cryptacular:cryptacular:1.2.4
Apache CXF Core org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:3.3.0
upgraded to org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:3.3.6
Apache CXF RT Management org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-management:3.3.1
upgraded to org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-management:3.3.6
Woodstox Core com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:5.0.3
upgraded to com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.1.1
Commons Bean Utils commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.2
upgraded to commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.4
Dom4j org.dom4j:dom4j:2.1.1
upgraded to org.dom4j:dom4j:2.1.3
Commons Codec commons-codec:commons-codec:1.11
upgraded to commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13
XMLSec org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:2.1.2
upgraded to org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:2.1.5
May 6, 2019
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.1.1 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7 and later |
Fuel SDK |
v1.2.2 |
SFMC (Salesforce Marketing Connector) no longer erroneously appends a timestamp to the value in a SQL statement(SE-11603).
Now works with Mule 4.2.0 and Java 11. Added the following missing dependencies: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj:saaj-impl:1.5.1, javax.ws.rs:javax.ws.rs-api:2.1.1 and javax.xml.ws:jaxws-api:2.3.1
January 19, 2018
Release notes for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector.
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud connector is compatible with:
Application/Service | Version |
Mule |
4.0 and later |
Anypoint Studio |
7 and later |
Exact Target API |
v145.3 |
Configure Create - Calls the "Configure" command with "Create" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud SOAP web service.
Configure Delete - Calls the "Configure" command with "Delete" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP web service.
Configure Update - Calls the "Configure" command with "Update" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP web service.
Create - Creates a new object on the Marketing Cloud API web server.
Delete - Deletes an existing object on the Marketing Cloud API web server.
Perform get max count - Calls the "Perform" command with "GetMaxCount" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP web service.
Perform start - Sends a "Perform" command having "Start" as an action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP web service.
Perform stop - Sends a "Perform" command having "Stop" as an action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP Web service.
Retrieve - Retrieves objects from the Marketing Cloud API web server in a SQL query-like fashion.
Schedule start - Calls the "Schedule" command with "Start" as the action attribute when connected to the Marketing Cloud API SOAP web service.
Update - Updates an existing object on the Marketing Cloud API web server.
Upsert - Creates an object if the object does not already exist, or delete an existing object on the Marketing Cloud API web server. This operation is achieved by using "Create" method of the Marketing Cloud API SOAP API.
This is the first version of the connector, thus no fixes were required; there are only new features.
Some objects have complex fields that represent a base class from Salesforce Marketing. So, if instead of the base class, you want to pass a subclass of it as value to that field, that is not possible because the connector is not recognize the fields that do not belong to the base class. You must manually map those fields in Transform Message and add a field named "concreteClassType" with the name of the subclass as value. For more information and an example, read the connector guide.
Querying fields that are lower than level 1 in the hierarchy is not supported by the API. For example,queries like Select Attributes.Name from Subscriber
because Name is at level 2 in the hierarchy.
When performing operations on an Automation object, the result of the operation causes an exception to be thrown because the response has a field that cannot be parsed by the API. To bypass this, make those types of operations asynchronous.