Mule Maven Plugin 2.1 Release Notes

MuleSoft is pleased to announce the release of the Mule Maven Plugin 2.1. This release adds support for deploying applications to Business Groups and to Anypoint Runtime Manager Private Cloud Edition.

Hardware and software requirements

JRE 1.7.0 (Recommended JRE 1.7.0_79/80), JRE 1.8, Maven 3.x


  • Access Management API 1.0

  • ARM Rest API 1.1

  • CloudHub API 1.0

  • Mule Agent API 1.0

  • Mule Kernel, Mule 3.x

Features and Functionality

New Features or Functionality

Support for deploying to Anypoint Runtime Manager Private Cloud Edition. You can point to a specific installation by simply configuring the uri attribute. If your instance of Anypoint Runtime Manager uses HTTPS without a certificate signed by a trusted authority, you can disable HTTP certificate validation by using the armInsecure attribute.

Support for Business Groups when deploying to Anypoint Runtime Manager and CloudHub. You can configure the target business group by configuring the businessGroup property. Use a backslash (\) to configure parent\child business groups.
