Flex Gateway新着情報
Monitoring API ManagerMule Maven Plugin 3.5.2 is focused on fixing issues.
Microsoft Windows 8+
Apple Mac OS X 10.10+
Linux (tested on Ubuntu 15)
Java 8
Maven 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 3.8.1
Mule 4.x
Anypoint Studio 7.x
OpenJDK 11, when using Mule 4.2 or later
To use the new Mule runtime version schema introduced with Mule 4.5 to deploy apps, you must use Mule Maven plugin version 4.1.0 or later. |
Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect deployment verification for deployed applications that had the same name.
Fixed an issue that caused a null pointer exception
error when trying to deploy to Runtime Fabric.
Fixed an issue that prevented building mule applications when using Maven profiles.