Flex Gateway新着情報
Monitoring API ManagerJuly 13, 2017
We are happy to announce the new release of MUnit version 2.0.0-BETA.
This new release provides:
Simplified syntax
New Assertion DSL
Support for testing Mule 4 applications
Simpler error handling
Support for compatibility mode
Leverage use of new embedded container
Tags for test [new feature]
Cleaner Maven Integration
Improved Maven summary report
Leverage use of new mule-maven-plugin
Microsoft Windows 8
Apple Mac OS X 10.10
Linux (tested on Ubuntu 15)
Java 8
Maven 3.3.3, 3.3.9
MUnit 2.0 is the next major version of MUnit built for Mule 4.
It features an easier to use DSL, and integration with Mule 4’s major new capabilities. It leverages new Mule 4’s mechanisms ensuring that integration with Mule 4 will run smoothly now and for any upcoming releases.
We have a brand new feature call Tags. You can now “tag” each and every single MUnit test you code. The tag works as a transversal grouping of test across all your Test Suites, offering a new way to organize your test. You can also have them run by these tags allowing you to tune your CICD times and grouping your tests, for instance, in nightly test, smoke test, full regression, etc.
MU-854 - Improve message for ExpectedErrorType mismatch
MU-948 - Fix munit-extension unit test
MU-954 - Remove embedded-impl dependency
MU-961 - mock-when without then-return should return same event
MU-997 - Create extension model for MUnit DSL
MU-1001 - Enable/Disable sources not work as expected
MU-1005 - MimeType and Encoding parameters should be optional
MU-1021 - Despite Before suite failing, tests are being run
MU-1022 - Assertion Errors are being notified as Errors and not failures
MU-1035 - Fix extension model to be correctly serialized
MU-1036 - Review expect failure integration tests
MU-1040 - Assertion errors on before/after test/suite are being notified as error instead of failure
MU-1041 - Re enable validateAssertionErrorGetPropagatedEvenWithErrorHandler
MU-1042 - Fix failure expectations tests
MU-1043 - Fix set event IT tests
MU-1044 - Re enable http extension IT
MU-1045 - ContainerFactory fails when log4j config is not present
MU-1046 - Cannot assert with exported exceptions from SDK connectors
MU-1048 - Apps with parent pom fails while deploying
MU-1051 - Fix mule-app-properties.xml & spring-util-test.xml IT
MU-1054 - Mocking flow/subflow is not working
MU-1056 - Variables are being lost when a mock is used
MU-1058 - Test fail when asserting null charset
MU-1059 - Not able to define old message elements inside mock
MU-1060 - Change MunitProcessorInterceptor to adapt to new API
MU-1062 - If the payload is not defined, the mock set it as NullObject
MU-1064 - Unable to filter tests by name from Maven Plugin
MU-1066 - Cannot run test in Windows
MU-1069 - Set event processor does not create event error properly
MU-1070 - Do not force order of elements in event SDK
MU-1071 - Avoid trying to run coverage in M1
MU-1072 - Implement attachment I/O for mock-when processor
MU-1078 - Fix mel-evaluation-test.xml
MU-1079 - Workaround ESB memory leak
MU-1091 - Remove references to coverage in munit-maven plugin
MU-1093 - Update commons-lang library
MU-1094 - Unexpected Error is thrown when running integration tests in Windows
MU-1100 - Send container type to the embedded container factory
MUSP-343 - Remove error marker from the munit:config tag
MUSP-365 - src/test/munit need to be a source folder
MUSP-366 - Not displaying all projects when creating test if focus on XML view
MUSP-373 - Keep Order from schema when modifying xml
MUSP-387 - Run fail on MUnit end up in an error does not stop UI server
MUSP-390 - Update MUnit dependencies added to the pom
MUSP-398 - Remove MunitClasspathVerifier
MUSP-399 - Refactor org.mule.tooling.ui.contribution.munit.MunitFirstTimeDetector
MUSP-413 - Upgrade mule runtime is shown every time munit test suite is created
MUSP-416 - Update editors so Mock MPs appear in Setup section of Test
MUSP-417 - Validate test context menus
MUSP-428 - Configuration files with MUnit namespace are shown with MUnit icon
MUSP-456 - Copy StackTrace context menu appearing in successful tests
MUSP-470 - Generated Editors XML Order does not follow extension order when serializing
MUSP-471 - Point plugin to 2.0.0-BETA-SNAPSHOT
MUSP-472 - Cannot run MUnit in Windows
MUSP-473 - Update Runner View to manage new Suite Paths
MUSP-475 - Test editor is not mapped with latest dsl changes for expected exception
MUSP-478 - MUnit modules sometimes don’t appear in palette when editing Suite
MUSP-479 - Improve handling of error when MUnit Module is not loaded before creating test in suite
MUSP-480 - Add Memory leak WA in studio
MUSP-485 - MUnit configuration not serializing flow list
MUSP-488 - Re run failed just execute the first failed suite
MUSP-489 - Send container type to RemoteRunner
MUSP-494 - Disable Scaffolding preferences
MUSP-502 - Not able to create suite when design view is empty
MU-760 - Validate Mocks
MU-761 - Validate Domain Support
MU-792 - Validate error handle component on munit tests
MU-797 - Remove devkit support from munit poms
MU-800 - Clean MUnit pom files
MU-811 - Validate spring:import inside Tests
MU-831 - Move Assert QA IT into munit project
MU-838 - Extract CustomAssertion in a separate dependency
MU-893 - Remove Munit extension as runner dependency
MU-960 - Re-enable tests with flow-ref
MU-980 - Remove log4j dependencies from munit-remote
MU-1004 - Analyse if we want to support expressions for our POJO fields
MU-1015 - Move Set Event QA IT into munit project
MU-1016 - Move matchers QA IT into munit project
MU-1017 - Move mock QA IT into munit project
MU-1025 - Migrate DSL from munit-ext to munit-tools
MU-1026 - Analyse if we can have an empty test
MU-1030 - Tag IT on runtime
MU-1034 - Check munit-tools failWithMessage test case
MU-1096 - Change MUnit M1 to BETA
MU-1098 - Define changes in the documentation
MU-1103 - Run regression for BETA release
MU-1104 - Release runtime BETA
MU-1138 - Run regression with Mule 4.0.0-BETA.4
MUSP-380 - Remove workaround that deletes jruby-core from m2
MUSP-382 - Update license headers
MUSP-384 - Validate top level elements from SDK
MUSP-393 - Configure formatter in studio code
MUSP-414 - Remove common and visitors package
MUSP-415 - Validate MUnit editors can be contributed with the hardcoded extension model
MUSP-422 - Update munit-extension to munit-tools dependency
MUSP-441 - Validate test wizards
MUSP-442 - Validate internal repo
MUSP-443 - Validate pom population for MUnit dependencies
MUSP-444 - Validate canvas and palette
MUSP-445 - Validate Xml serialization
MUSP-446 - Validate tests runs
MUSP-447 - Validate test runner view
MUSP-448 - Validate editors and context menus
MUSP-449 - Validate import/export apps containing munit
MUSP-492 - Validate Studio packaged Embedded Container EE dependencies
MUSP-496 - Release plugin BETA
MU-229 - Add test grouping concept
MU-635 - Deprecate usage of the Interceptor Module
MU-650 - Combine the When and the throw-an message processor into one
MU-684 - Change name of MUnit config attribtues
MU-710 - Update Integration test due to change in default EL
MU-722 - Deprecate MUnit Java API
MU-754 - Create EL functions for hamcrest Matchers
MU-809 - Create munit-runtime bom
MU-858 - Add Maven support for test tagging
MU-861 - Improve summarizing tests results code
MU-866 - Make MUnit a mule-plugin
MU-867 - Merge setEvent and ThenReturn Models in EventModel
MU-871 - Merge Anthony back to Ant-man
MU-873 - Implement MuleEvent Builder
MU-877 - Make MUnitFlow to wait for all sync task to finish
MU-886 - Make Verify attributes to support expressions when done with SDK
MU-891 - Migrate Mock When and Verifiy to SDK
MU-901 - Implement Throw an exception
MU-902 - Register MUnit Interception API properly
MU-903 - Create MunitInterceptorProcessor through ProcessorInterceptorFactory
MU-907 - Implement Embebed mode API
MU-910 - Finish implementing set event processor with the mule builder
MU-911 - Re implement setEvent as part of the Munit extension
MU-913 - Add logs to show the classpath used to run munit
MU-924 - Create new MUnit Plugin Server Protocol
MU-925 - Remove context creation code from the runnner
MU-926 - Finish Embedded PoC
MU-933 - RemoteRunner should receive mule-runtime version as parameter
MU-935 - Activate logs when running MUnit
MU-943 - Move munit test DSL to munit-runner module
MU-944 - Refactor MOJO/RemoteRunner-Cli Interface impl
MU-947 - Use same protocol Between (Maven|Studio), RemoteRunner and MUnitServer
MU-967 - Refactor Processor manager and ProcessorCallAction hierarchie
MU-968 - Notify number of tests when notifying the start of a suite
MU-971 - Make MUnit Run from target folder
MU-984 - Refactor Suite Logic
MU-985 - Refactor org.mule.munit.remote.RemoteRunnerTest
MU-986 - Create test for FlowRunner
MU-988 - Use container thread pool to start RunnerServer
MU-989 - Create IT for async
MU-990 - Provide support to shutdown message sources
MU-994 - Send host to org.mule.munit.remote.notifiers.SocketNotifier
MU-999 - Leverage embedded container application structure
MU-1000 - Inject MunitModule to Test
MU-1002 - Define field order in MUnit MPs with SDK annotations
MU-1003 - Change MUnit Extension name, and add prefix
MU-1006 - Change munit:config dsl to match extension model capabilities
MU-1008 - Test module org.mule.runner.model
MU-1009 - Test package org.mule.munit.common.model
MU-1010 - Test package org.mule.munit
MU-1011 - Test package org.mule.munit.extension.assertion
MU-1020 - Handle Unknown code notifications
MU-1023 - Send pom location inside target not from root folder
MU-1024 - Suite should not be run if there are no tests to be run
MU-1027 - Redefine MUnit Test DSL
MU-1029 - Use camel case for mojo properties
MU-1039 - Allow only one before/after suite/test scope per config file
MU-1052 - Update mule-plugin.json with required tooling client feature to load extension model
MU-1061 - Trim spaces when comparing tags attributes
MU-1082 - Send suite relative paths to RemoteRunner
MU-1087 - Remove resultOfScript melFunction
MUSP-38 - Add canvas support for test tagging
MUSP-327 - Listen for connector third party libraries event
MUSP-330 - Reformat MUnit bundle structure
MUSP-336 - Re enable features related missing DSL components * error handling
MUSP-347 - Update Serialiser to reflect new set event processor
MUSP-368 - Add Studio support for test tagging
MUSP-371 - Contribute MUnit to the new Studio palette
MUSP-372 - Force MUnit into al new created project
MUSP-381 - Use Studio api to obtain mule-application.json model
MUSP-383 - Refactor RunStatus notification handling
MUSP-386 - Remove MUnit Utils update site
MUSP-388 - Remove assert and mock schema from munit XML template
MUSP-389 - Remove test resources section from the pom
MUSP-391 - Send log4j2 config file location to RemoteRunner
MUSP-392 - Place tag images on the bottom of a test
MUSP-396 - Create feature to load mule-application.json
MUSP-397 - Refactor getAllMunitTestSuitesConfigurations
MUSP-401 - Remove unnecessary custom editors
MUSP-402 - Bundle MUnit Scaffolder into contribution
MUSP-403 - Obtain gson from orbit
MUSP-404 - Remove syncrhonize contribution from plugin
MUSP-405 - Listen to number of tests notification to update UI
MUSP-407 - Remove MunitRuntimeClasspathContainerPage
MUSP-408 - Refactor util classes
MUSP-409 - Make MUnit run from target
MUSP-421 - Update Studio CLI client to run MUnit
MUSP-424 - Implement new Test custom editor and
MUSP-426 - Handle notifications when no tests were run similar to Maven
MUSP-430 - Trim spaces when showing tags in canvas
MUSP-431 - Provide MUnit dependencies through org.mule.tooling.core.m2repository
MUSP-435 - Maven plugin should have muleVersion referencing app.runtime property
MUSP-437 - Temporarily set runCoverage to false when generating pom
MUSP-450 - Create Coverage deactivation
MUSP-451 - Deactivate Debug MUnit option
MUSP-459 - Update munit config editor with new changes on the dsl
MUSP-460 - Generate application structure to run munit
MUSP-461 - Improve packaging phase performance before running tests
MUSP-462 - Make coverage tab be disable by default
MUSP-474 - Add expected error type field on test editor
MUSP-500 - Make Runner View relative to Outline since Connections Explorer is gone
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