Flex Gateway新着情報
Monitoring API ManagerApr 30, 2020
Error handling responses revised for WSDL APIs to be compliant with SOAP 1.1 and 1.2.
Performance improvements are made to the header manipulation engine.
Several performance improvements made in error handling.
After the policy was applied, HTTP headers did not follow the RFC 2616 requirement of case-sensitivity:
An error occurred when handling invalid header values of the Basic Authentication policy.
When requests are made to the protected API endpoint with the Client ID Enforcement policy that does not include the client ID and/or secret, a log entry is now created with the details. However, this logging occurs only when you have specified the Debug level in the log4j settings.
Apr 26, 2019
Introduced support for encrypting sensitive information related to the policy. The runtime version must be correctly configured to support encryption. Encryption support was introduced in Mule Runtime v4.2.0.
Several performance improvements were introduced in this release.