Anypoint Visualizer Release Notes - 2020

May 20, 2020

New Feature

You can now access the Troubleshooting visualization for an app in the Application Network section of the Built-In Dashboards page in Anypoint Monitoring. The Application Network section enables you to view direct callers and callees for a single app for the most recent seven days.

April 20, 2020

IE 11 is not supported in Anypoint Visualizer.


If you are using Mule version 4.x released on April 7, 2020 or later, header injection is now enabled by default. For more information on how this change affects connection-level metrics compatibility, see Supported Connection-Level Metrics.

January 28, 2020

New Features and Enhancements

  • Anypoint Visualizer is redesigned to host three use case-specific visualizations (Architecture, Troubleshooting, and Policy). You can open your defined views in each of these contexts to see different metadata for each of your services.

  • Anypoint Visualizer now provides the Policy visualization. This visualization shows the relationships between your Mule app deployments and the APIs they are implementing. It has an overview mode that shows all of the policies applied to your APIs, and a compliance mode in which you can select individual policies from a list and see which APIs are compliant or noncompliant through visual indicators in the canvas.

Known Limitations

If you are using Runtime Fabric, the Policy visualization is not yet supported.