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Mocking a Message Before and Inside a Foreach Processor

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Suppose you have a processor inside a foreach scope and you want to provide different values on each iteration:

<flow name="foreachFlow">
	<foreach doc:name="For Each">
		<flow-ref doc:name="Flow Reference" name="FlowToMock"/>

Use an munit-tools:mock-when processor to mock the processor in your flow and use the then-call operation to call a new flow that set payloads depending on the foreach status:

<munit-tools:mock-when doc:name="Mock when" processor="flow-ref">
	<munit-tools:with-attributes >
		<munit-tools:with-attribute attributeName="name" whereValue="FlowToMock" />
	<munit-tools:then-call flow="MockedFlow" />

Inside the flow that is called by the then-call you can use a Choice processor to evaluate a value and set a mocked payload. In this case, the foreach counter is evaluated to decide which payload to set:

<flow name="MockedFlow" >
	<choice doc:name="Choice">
		<when expression="#[vars.counter == 1]">
			<set-payload value='#["MOCKED1"]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
		<when expression="#[vars.counter == 2]">
			<set-payload value='#["MOCKED2"]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
		<otherwise >
			<set-payload value='#["DEFAULT"]' doc:name="Set Payload" />

Mock a Mule Message

To mock processors like file:list or ftp:list, you must return a Mule message collection as payload. MunitTools provides a function to mock these payloads:

fun createMessage(payload: Any, attributes: Any = null)

fun createMessage(payload: Any, mimeType: String|Null , attributes: Any, attributeMimeType: String|Null)
<flow doc:name="Flow" >
	<file:list doc:name="List" config-ref="File_Config" directoryPath="/tmp/"/>

<munit-tools:mock-when processor="file:list">
       <munit-tools:with-attribute attributeName="doc:name" whereValue="List"/>
       <munit-tools:payload value="#[[MunitTools::createMessage( &quot;ITEM-1&quot;,  &quot;text/plain&quot;, { property : 'ATTRIBUTE-1'}, null) , MunitTools::createMessage( &quot;ITEM-2&quot;,  &quot;text/plain&quot;, { property : 'ATTRIBUTE-2'}, null)]]" />