Updated the XML Beans dependency to 3.1.0.
Fixed an issue that caused a CXF proxy response with an empty SOAP:BODY to throw an exception when it was read.
Updated the Guava dependency to 30.1-android.
Resolved a NullPointerException caused by the http:header builder.
Fixed a problem in which an exception in a catch exception strategy did not roll back the transaction.
Updated the Jetty dependency to 9.4.35.
Updated the Apache HttpClient (httpclient) dependency to 4.5.13.
Updated the JUnit dependency to 4.13.1.
Resolved an issue in which the target parameter of HTTP Request Connector did not work properly with flow variables whose names were escaped by single quotes.
Fixed problem in which the WMQ outbound endpoint with transacted set in a request-response context stopped processing with no warning.
Updated the WSS4J dependency to 1.6.19.
Added back-support behavior in scenarios requiring a correlationId to work as it did until version 3.9.3.
In the earlier behavior, the correlation ID remained the same for messages that were split and aggregated within the application’s flows. The newer behavior adds a sequence suffix to the "split" instances of such messages. The new mule.compoundCorrelationId.disable property has a default value of false . Setting it to true disables the newer mechanism (with the sequence suffix) and uses the previous one in which the correlation ID remains the same.
Resolved an issue in which the Until Successful scope (until-successful ) did not retry on asynchronous events.
Fixed problem in which connection errors were not computed in the application error count statistics.
Resolved a problem in which transformers and response transformers were registered in dynamic endpoints when they should not be registered.
Updated the Bouncycastle dependency to 1.67.
Updated the jetty-webapp dependency to 9.4.34.v20201102.
Updated the Jackson dependency to 2.11.
Updated the jruby-joni dependency to 2.1.40.
Removed the esapi dependency.
Updated the opensaml dependency to 2.6.6.
JMS sessions are now transacted.
Updated the rhino dependency to 1.7.12.
Updated the Spring dependency to 4.3.29.
Updated the Apache Commons Codec dependency to 1.15.
Updated the Apache Commons IO library dependency to 2.8.
Updated the Apache Ant dependency to 1.10.9.
Fixed an issue in which an XML-to-JSON transformation failed when the XML depth exceeded 64.
Resolved a problem in which the JRuby component failed when assigning variables.
Fixed serialization issues that caused an out-of-memory (OOM) error when splitting big XML documents in cluster mode.
Resolved a problem in which cached variables in MEL reported the same error on subsequent transactions.
Fixed a problem in which the JMS transport was not validating a timeout.
Resolved an issue in which wire logging was not showing the complete XML in the response.
Updated the Jetty Server dependency to 9.4.31.v20200723.
Updated the JRuby dependency to
Fixed an issue in which it was not possible to resolve the Database connector’s connectionTimeout property.
Resolved an issue in which the application logged FlowStack : <empty> when LoggerContext.updateLoggers() was called.
Updated the ognl dependency to 3.0.12.
Updated the Spring Security dependency to 4.2.18.
Updated the Dom4J dependency to 2.1.3.
Fixed a problem in which HTTP Listener Connector returned a chunked transfer-encoded response under HTTP 1.0.
Resolved a problem in which an application was stuck in "starting" status when SFTP was configured to "reconnect forever" and the connection failed on startup.
Resolved a file leak in TlsConfiguration .
Fixed an incorrect mail batch-count verification when using the IMAP transport.
Resolved an issue in which the in-memory object store did not expired in a secondary node.
Fixed an issue in which a stored procedure with the CLOB In Out parameter failed to execute on an Oracle database.
Resolved an issue in which HTTP Connector leaked sockets that were in the CLOSE_WAIT state when the client used HTTP/1.0.
Fixed an issue with the rollback exception strategy in which redelivery attempts were not honored in the correct way.
Fixed an issue in which Grizzly returned incorrect error codes with a long header request and a long URI request.
Resolved a deadlock that occurred when handling a failed deferred response in HTTP.
Resolved an issue in which the out body was cut under high-load scenarios.
Fixed an issue in which a payload that was set to a target variable altered the original message MIME type.
Used the graceful shutdown timeout to allow persistent connections to make a last request.
The corresponding response contains the Connection: close header.
Added a tolerance time to wait for connections to close upon Mule shutdown.
Fixed an issue in which MVEL interpreted a Bean property as a Mule variable when using MVEL caching.
Improved the handling of inflight events and the cleanup of associated resources (such as connections) during shutdown.
Added a Connection: close header when stopping Mule applications.
This change is needed to produce a graceful shutdown during redeployments.
Updated the Mule launching script to avoid a readlink error.
Resolved the closing of all connections (including persistent connections) during Mule shutdown.
This change is needed for redeployments.
Fixed an issue with IBM MQ and JMS connectors that occurred when a channel was closed and the listener did not recover correctly.
Resolved a ClassLoader leak that led to application undeployment errors on Windows OS because temporary files could not be properly cleaned up.
Fixed an issue in which SOAP Kit routed requests to an incorrect path because it was not properly managing override rules.
Fixed an issue in which Salesforce Connector 'sfdc:oauth-callback' was not properly registered.
Resolved a problem in which MVEL incorrectly inferred the returnType on a substatement that was surrounded by parentheses.
Fixed an issue in which the Mule runtime engine did not start on macOS Catalina.
Updated the Tanuki wrapper dependency to 3.5.45.
Resolved an issue in which the correlationID was not properly resolved in the WMQ transport when the value of the correlationID was defined through an expression.
Removed FileUtils.deleteFile from the gateway domain script.
Enhanced the User-Agent sent by API Gateway to improve request tracing by Anypoint Monitoring.
Resolved exceptions from CORS misconfigurations, which were raised when the application started and stopped.
Added flow and application names to API Analytics events and exposed generation information about those events.
SE-15047: Fixed a problem in which an autogenerated proxy was incorrectly propagating headers back to Headers Response at Exception (504) .
Updated the woodstox dependency to 5.3.0.
Resolved an issue that caused throttling and rate limiting policies to behave incorrectly when nodes in a Mule cluster were out of sync.
Enhanced the OAuth Provider to accept a bearer header in lowercase.
Fixed an issue in which starting and stopping an application broke the throttling and rate limiting policy.
Resolved a CORS 'Error setting up policy' issue that was caused by a cluster race condition.
SE-16641: Fixed a high CPU utilization issue with the agw-policy-watcher thread.
SE-15324: Resolved a duplicated Spring object warning that occurred when applying a throttling policy.
Resolved an issue with the handling of the Basic Auth Policy response.
Updated the Jersey dependency to 2.33.
Updated the xstream dependency to 1.4.15.
SE-15049: Fixed a problem in which a PKCS12-based keystore with several aliases prevented an application from starting.
Resolved an issue in which the JMS consumer could not reconnect when the session was closed, which disrupted the operation.
Updated the jcifs dependency to 1.3.19.
Updated the mule-agent dependency to 1.15.3.
Updated the Hazelcast dependency to 3.12.11.
Updated the licm dependency to 1.2.4.
Resolved an issue in which an application failed to redeploy because of a StackOverflow condition.
Fixed an issue with the NTLM dance renegotiation protocol that was caused by the underlying async libraries.
Resolved an issue in which it was not possible to undeploy an application that was using an XSLT transformation on Windows.
This issue was caused by dependencies on files that could not be removed.
Avoided adding the Content-length: 0 header for HTTP methods with undefined body semantics (GET, HEAD, and DELETE).
Upgraded an underlying library dependency to resolve a java.security.SignatureException: Invalid encoding for signature (java.io.IOException) issue that occurred when using SFTP Connector.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue with close streams on lookup.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue in which OutputStream did not close, causing deferred mode failures for XML.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue with memory management.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue in which variables that can be consumed more than once could not be accessed in more than one script.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue to avoid stack overflow on append inside reduce .
DataWeave: Fixed a problem in which namespaces were not processed correctly when dynamically loading an externalized DataWeave script.
DataWeave: Updated the log4j dependency to version 2.8.2 in the FlatFile module.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue in which high CPU usage during transformation caused workers to stop processing.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue in which a packed decimal was converted incorrectly in the FlatFile module.
DataWeave: Added an option to catch the exception similar to previous behavior.
DataWeave: Fixed an issue with property handling.