Anypoint Visualizer Release Notes - 2018
December 15, 2018
September 28, 2018
Version: 1.3.0
New Features and Enhancements
Side Panel
Added API/Application monitoring metrics for selected node.
Added embedded chart from Anypoint Monitoring for selected node.
In-line metrics displayed for the selected node.
Drop-down to choose metric and time frame.
Improved color themes.
Removed the Visualizer viewer permission. Starting this release, Anypoint Visualizer uses the CloudHub Application Read permission to display which applications should be shown.
July 27, 2018
Version: 1.0.2
New Features and Enhancements
Changes to how permissions are managed
Users can only see the environments in which they have Runtime Manager Read applications permission, or the administrator role.
Users can only see the business groups that they have access to, and at least have one environment where they have view permissions.
Collapsed layers maintain the width of the canvas view
June 30, 2018
Version: 1.0.0
New Features and Enhancements
This is the initial release of Anypoint Visualizer. Anypoint Visualizer provides a graphical representation of the APIs, and Mule applications, and third-party systems within your application network.
See Anypoint Visualizer for more information.
Upgrade Requirements
To use Anypoint Visualizer, you must deploy you application to a supported version of Mule Runtime on CloudHub.
Compatibility Notes
Anypoint Visualizer supports the following Mule runtimes running on CloudHub:
Mule Runtime, version 3.9.x
Mule Runtime, version 4.1.2
Applications using supported runtimes before June 30th, will have to update the runtime, which can be done with 0-downtime for CloudHub applications, APIs and proxies. |