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Amazon RDS Connector - Mule 4

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Amazon RDS Connector v1.3

Anypoint Connector for Amazon RDS (Amazon RDS Connector) provides connectivity to the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) API. Amazon RDS Connector enables you to interface with Amazon RDS, which provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity and automation of time-consuming administration tasks such as hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups.

Before You Begin

To use the Amazon RDS Connector, you must have the following:

  • Access to Amazon Web Services - RDS

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user account credentials to access AWS with the connector

  • Anypoint Studio version 7.1 or higher


Amazon RDS connector is compatible with:

Application/Service Version


4.1.1 and later

Amazon Java SDK for RDS




Anypoint Studio

7.1 and later

Migration Information

The changes from Amazon RDS Connector 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 include the following:

  • Added TLS configuration into the connector

  • Upgraded aws-java-sdk to 1.11.649

  • Upgraded aws-connector-commons to 2.2.0

POM File Information


Add the Connector to Your Project

Anypoint Studio provides two ways to add the connector to your Studio project:

  • From the Exchange button in the Studio taskbar

  • From the Mule Palette view

Add the Connector Using Exchange

  1. In Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. Click the Exchange icon (X) in the upper-left of the Studio task bar.

  3. In Exchange, click Login and supply your Anypoint Platform username and password.

  4. In Exchange, search for "rds".

  5. Select the connector and click Add to project.

  6. Follow the prompts to install the connector.

Add the Connector in Studio

  1. In Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.

  3. In Add Modules to Project, type "rds" in the search field.

  4. Click this connector’s name in Available modules.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Finish.

Configure the Connector Global Element

To use Amazon RDS Connector in your Mule application, configure a global Amazon RDS element that all the Amazon RDS connectors in your project can use.

  1. Click the Global Elements tab at the bottom of the canvas.

  2. On the Global Configuration Elements screen, click Create.
    The following window displays:

    Global Configuration Elements Wizard
  3. In the Choose Global Type wizard, expand Connector Configuration, select Amazon RDS Configuration, and click Ok.
    The following window displays:

    Create DB Instance Configure
  4. Configure the parameters according to instructions below:

    Parameter Description


    Enter a name for the configuration for the connector to reference.

    Session Token

    Enter the session token provided by AWS Security Token Service (STS).

    Access Key

    Enter an alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account.

    Secret Key

    Enter the key that is used as a password.

    Try Default AWS Credentials Provider Chain

    Select the checkbox to use temporary credentials.

    Region Endpoint

    Select the region to use for the Amazon RDS client. When you do not select a region, it defaults to 'us-east-1'.

    Placeholder values refer to a configuration file mule-artifact.properties placed in the src/main/resources folder of your project. You can either enter your credentials into the global configuration properties, or reference a configuration file that contains these values. For simpler maintenance and better reusability of your project, MuleSoft recommends that you use a configuration file. Keeping these values in a separate file is useful if you need to deploy to different environments, such as production, development, and QA, where your access credentials differ.

  5. On the Advanced tab, keep the Reconnection strategy default entries.

  6. Click Test Connection to confirm that the parameters of your global configuration are accurate, and that Mule is able to successfully connect to Amazon RDS.

  7. Click OK to save the global connector configurations.

Configure With the XML Editor or Standalone

Ensure that you include the Amazon RDS namespaces in your configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:ee="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/ee/core"

<!-- Put your flows and configuration elements here -->


To configure Amazon RDS Connector in your application, create a global Amazon RDS configuration outside and above your flows, using the following global configuration code:

<rds:config name="Amazon_RDS_Configuration">

If you or your Amazon Identity and Access Management users forget or lose the secret access key, you can create a new access key.

RDS Connector Operations

Amazon RDS connector supports the following operations:

DB Instances

  • CreateDBInstance

  • CreateDBInstanceReadReplica

  • DeleteDBInstance

  • DescribeDBInstances

  • ModifyDBInstance

  • RebootDBInstance

  • RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot

  • RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime

  • StartDBInstance

  • StopDBInstance

DB Snapshots

  • CreateDBSnapshot

  • DeleteDBSnapshot

  • DescribeDBSnapshots

  • ModifyDBSnapshot


  • DescribeEvents

Reserved DB Instances

  • DescribeReservedDBInstances

  • DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings

  • PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering

Use the Connector

Amazon RDS connector is an operation-based connector, which means that when you add the connector to your flow, you need to configure a specific web service operation for the connector to perform.

Connector Namespace and Schema

When designing your application in Studio, the act of dragging the connector operation from the palette onto the Anypoint Studio canvas should automatically populate the XML code with the connector namespace and schema location.

Namespace: http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/rds

Schema Location: http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/rds/current/mule-rds.xsd

If you are manually coding the Mule application in the Studio XML editor or other text editor, paste the namespace and schema location into the header of your Configuration XML, inside the <mule> tag.

<mule xmlns:rds="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/rds"

      <!-- here it goes your global configuration elements and flows -->


Use Cases and Demos

  • Create a DB instance of your choice over all the Amazon supported databases.

  • Stop a DB instance that is available or in a running state.

  • Start a DB instance that is in a stopped state.

  • Retrieve information on one or all available DB instances.

  • Create a DB snapshot for a DB instance.

  • Retrieve information on one or all available DB snapshots.

  • Delete a DB snapshot.

Use the Connector in a Mule App in Studio

If you are developing a Mule application in Anypoint Studio 7.0 and later, use this XML snippet in your pom.xml file:


Replace x.x.x with the version that corresponds to the connector you are using.

Create a Database Instance

This demo Mule application creates a DB instance.

Creating a DB instance
  1. Create a new Mule Project in Anypoint Studio.

  2. Add the following properties to the mule-artifact.properties file for your Amazon RDS credentials and place it in the project’s src/main/resources directory.

    config.accesskey=<Access Key>
    config.secretkey=<Secret Key>
  3. Drag an HTTP Listener operation onto the canvas and configure the following parameters:

    RDS HTTP config props
    Parameter Value

    Display Name


    Extension Configuration

    If no HTTP element has been created yet, click the plus sign to add a new HTTP Listener Configuration and click OK (leave the values to its defaults).



  4. Drag a Transform Message component after the HTTP connector to retrieve the HTTP query parameters and set the payload.

  5. Click the component to open its properties editor.
    The DataWeave script should look similar to the following:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/java
    	dbInstanceClass : attributes.queryParams.dbInstanceClass,
    	dbInstanceIdentifier : attributes.queryParams.dbInstanceIdentifier,
    	engine : attributes.queryParams.engine,
    	allocatedStorage : attributes.queryParams.allocatedStorage,
    	masterUsername : attributes.queryParams.masterUsername,
    	masterUserPassword : attributes.queryParams.masterUserPassword
  6. Add a Logger component after the Transform Message component to print the payload data that was set in the previous processor to the Mule Console.

  7. Configure the Logger according to the table below:

    Parameter Value

    Display Name

    Logger (or any other name you prefer)





  8. Drag the Amazon RDS Connector next to the Logger component.

  9. Configure the RDS connector by adding a new Amazon RDS Global Element:

    1. Click the plus sign next to the Extension Configuration field.

    2. Configure the global element according to the table below:

      Parameter Description



      Enter a name for the configuration for the connector to reference.


      Session Token

      Session token provided by AWS Security Token Service (STS)


      Access Key

      Alphanumeric text string that uniquely identifies the user who owns the account


      Secret Key

      Key that plays the role of a password


      Region Endpoint

      Region to set for the Amazon RDS Client

      When not selected from the drop down list, it defaults to 'us-east-1'.

    3. Your configuration should look like this:

      RDS use case config
    4. The corresponding XML configuration should be as follows:

      <rds:config name="Amazon_RDS_Configuration">
          <rds:basic-connection accessKey="${config.accessKey}" secretKey="${config.secretKey}"/>
  10. Click Test Connection to confirm that Mule can connect with the Amazon RDS instance.

  11. If the connection is successful, click OK to save the configurations. Otherwise, review or correct any incorrect parameters, then test again.

  12. Back in the properties editor of the Amazon RDS connector, configure the parameters for the createDbInstance operation:

    Parameter Value


    Display Name

    Enter a the name to display for the Create DB instance.

    Extension Configuration

    Enter the reference name to the global element you created.

    Db instance class


    Db instance identifier

    Enter a valid identifier to uniquely identify the DB instance.


    Choose from among the six DB engines that Amazon RDS supports.


    Master username

    Enter a valid user name for the database.

    Master user password

    Enter the password for the database user.

    Storage and Maintenance

    Allocated storage

    A number representing the storage in GB.

    Create DB instance parameter props
  13. Verify that your XML looks like this:

    	doc:name="Create db instance"
  14. Add a Logger component after the RDS connector to print the payload data that was output from the Create DB instance processor to the Mule Console. Configure the Logger according to the table below.

    Parameter Value

    Display Name

    Logger (or any other name you prefer)





  15. Drag a Transform Message component after the Logger component to set the payload that would be transferred to the browser.

  16. Click the component to open its properties editor. The DataWeave script should look similar to the following:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
        success: true,
        info: payload
  17. Save and Run the project as a Mule Application:
    In Package Explorer, right-click the project and click Run As > Mule Application.

  18. Open a browser and check the response after entering the URL http://localhost:8081/create-db-instance.
    You should see the generated DB instance ID in the browser and its information in the console.

Demo XML Code

Paste this code into your XML Editor to load the flow for this example use case into your Mule application.

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