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CLI for CloudHub Applications

Command Description

Lists all alerts in the environment

Describes the history of the alarm

Lists all applications in the environment

Show application details

Show raw application JSON response

Stop a running application

Start an application

Restart a running application

Delete an application

Deploy a new application

Modify an existing application, optionally updating the ZIP file

Download application logs to specified directory

Tail application logs

Copies a CloudHub application

runtime-mgr cloudhub-alert list

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-alert list [options]

This command lists all alerts associated with your current environment.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-alert-history describe

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-alert-history describe [options] <name>

This command describes the history of the alarm passed in <name>.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application list

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application list [options]

This command lists all applications available in your Anypoint Platform CLI. It returns your application name, its status, the number of vCores assigned and the last time it was updated.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application describe

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application describe [options] <name>

This command displays information on the application you pass in <name>.
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.
The command returns data such as the application’s domain, its status, the last time it was updated, the Mule version, the ZIP file name, the region, monitoring, and workers; as well as TRUE or FALSE information for persistent queues and static IPs enablement.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application describe-json

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application describe-json  [options] <name>

This command returns the raw JSON response of the application you specify in <name>.

You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application stop

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application stop  [options] <name>

This command stops the running application you specify in <name>
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application start

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application start [options] <name>

This command starts the running application you specify in <name>
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application restart

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application restart  [options] <name>

This command restarts the running application you specify in <name>
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application delete

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application delete [options] <name>

This command deletes the running application you specify in <name>.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application deploy

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application deploy  [options] <name> <zipfile>

This command deploys the Mule deployable archive ZIP file that you specify in <zipfile> using the name you set in <name>.
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.
You will have to provide the absolute or relative path to the deployable ZIP file in your local hard drive and the name you give to your application has to be unique.

If successful, this command’s output includes the deployment status of UNDEPLOYED, which indicates that CloudHub uploaded the application successfully.

The options this command can take are:

Option Description


Name and version of the runtime environment.
Use this option to specify the name and version of the runtime you want to deploy. If you don’t specify a runtime version, CloudHub API deploys the latest version available considering the values you select for --javaVersion and --releaseChannel.
Some examples of this value are 2.1.1-API-Gateway, 3.9.1-visualizer, 4.1.1, 4.5, 4.6-e-java8, 4.6-java8, and 4.6-e-java17.
Tap your tab key after this option for the CLI to show you all your available options. (This value is the latest CloudHub Runtime version by default.)


Set the name of the release channel to be used for the selected Mule version. Supported values are NONE, EDGE, and LTS. If you do not specify a value, CloudHub API imposes the default value. The default release channel is EDGE. If you don’t specify a Mule version, the default Mule version for the selected release channel is used. If the selected release channel doesn’t exist, you get an error.


Set the name of the Java version to be used for the selected Mule version. Supported values are 8 and 17. If you do not specify a value, CloudHub API imposes the default value. The default Java version for Mule 4.6 and earlier versions is '8'. If you don’t specify a Mule version, the default Mule version for the selected Java version is used. If the Java version you select is not available for the specified Mule version, you get an error.


Number of workers. (This value is '1' by default)


Size of the workers in vCores. (This value is '1' by default)


Name of the region to deploy to.
For a list of all supported regions, use the cloudhub region list command.


Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times.
The property to be set must be passed enclosed in quotes and characters : and = must be escaped.
(e.g. --property "salesforce.password:qa\=34534").

Character : is not supported for the property’s name.


Overwrite all properties with values from this file. The file format is 1 or more lines in name:value format. Set the absolute path of the properties file in your local hard drive.


Enable or disable persistent queues. Can take true or false values. (This value is false by default)


Enable or disable persistent queue encryption. Can take true or false values. (This value is false by default)


Enable or disable static IPs. Can take true or false values. (This value is false by default)


Enable or disable Object Store V1. Can take true or false values.
objectStoreV2 cannot also be provided when using objectStoreV1.


Enable or disable Object Store V2. Can take true or false values.
objectStoreV1 cannot also be provided when using objectStoreV2.


Automatically restart app when not responding. Can take true or false values. (This value is true by default.)


Set the timeout value in miliseconds. Can take values between 60000 and 300000.


output usage information

Note that from Anypoint Platform CLI you won’t be able to allocate static IPs. You can simply enable and disable them.

After typing any option, you can double tap the tab key for a full list of all possible options. For example:

> deploy <app name> --runtime [tab][tab]

Lists all possible runtimes you can select.

If you deploy without using any options, your application will deploy using all your default values.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application modify

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application modify  [options] <name> [zipfile]

This command updates the settings of an existing application. Optionally you can update it by uploading a new ZIP file.
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass. This command can take all the same options as the deploy option.

This command’s output includes Status, which is the application’s previous deployment status state.

You can also start typing your option and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it for you.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application download-logs

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application download-logs [options] <name> <directory>

This command downloads logs the for application specified in <name> to the specified directory.

You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

Keep in mind that contrarily to what you see in the UI, the logs you download from the CLI won’t separate system logs from worker logs.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application tail-logs

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application tail-logs [options] <name>

This command tails application logs.
You can start typing your application’s name and press tab for Anypoint Platform CLI to autocomplete it, or you can double tap tab for a full list of all the values you can pass.

This command accepts only the default options: --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output.

runtime-mgr cloudhub-application copy

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application copy [options] <source> <target>

This command copies the CloudHub application passed in source to the target passed in target.

Arguments source and target should be formatted as follows: ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>.

If group_id is not specified, it defaults to the currently selected Organization ID.

For example:

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application copy Services:QA/application-1 Development:QA/application-2

Copies the application named application-1 from the QA environment of the Services organization to the QA environment of the Development organization.
If the Anypoint Platform CLI is using the QA environment in the Services organization, the command can simply take the application name as a source:

> runtime-mgr cloudhub-application copy application-1 Development/QA/application-2
Running this command requires your user to have read/write access to the /tmp directory of the OS where CLI is installed.

In addition to the default --help, -f/--fields and -o/--output options, this command also takes:

Option Description


Set a property (name:value). Can be specified multiple times.

Enclose the property in quotes and escape the : and = characters, for example:

--property "salesforce.password:qa\=34534"

When copying an application containing safely hidden application properties, pass the properties in the copy command using the --property option. For information about safely hidden application properties, see Safely Hide Application Properties.