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CLI for Local Server Groups

Command Description

Creates server group from servers

Describes server group

Modifies server group

Adds server to a server group

Deletes server group

Lists all server groups in the environment

Removes server from a server group


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:create [flags] <name> [serverIds...]

This command creates a server group with the name passed in name using the server Id(s) passed as argument(s) thereafter.

This command accepts only the default flag --help.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:describe [flags] <serverGroupId>

This command describes the server group passed in serverGroupId. This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json. This command also accepts the default flag --help.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:modify [flags] <serverGroupId>

This command modifies the server group passed in serverGroupId. In order to update the id for the cluster, you need to pass the --name flag. Besides the --name flag, this command also has the default --help flag.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:add:server [flags] <serverGroupId> <serverId>

This command adds the server passed in serverId to the server group passed in serverGroupId.

This command accepts only the default flag --help.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:delete [flags] <serverGroupId>

This command deletes the server groups passed in serverGroupId. This command accepts only the default flag --help.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:list [flags]

This command lists all server groups in the environment. This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json. This command also accepts the default flag --help.


> runtime-mgr:serverGroup:remove:server [flags] <serverGroupId> <serverId>

This command removes the server passed in serverId from the server group passed in serverGroupId. This command accepts only the default flag --help.