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CLI for Hybrid Application Alerts

Use these commands to control alerts for apps that are deployed to your local Mule server and managed with Runtime Manager.

Command Description

Describes an alert

Creates new alert for standalone runtime

Modifies alert for standalone runtime

Lists all alerts for standalone runtimes in the environment


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:describe [flags] <alertId>

This command describes the alert passed in alertId.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command also accepts the default flag --help.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:create <name> [flags]

This command creates a new alert for a standalone runtime with the ID passed in name. The alert name is limited to 256 characters.

Besides the default --help flag, this command also accepts:

Flag Description

--severity <val>

Alert severity

--resourceType <type>

Alert resource type

--resource [id]

Alert resource ID. Can be used multiple types. If not provided alert triggers for all resources. Depending on resourceType resource can be application, server, server-group or cluster.

--condition <val>

Alert trigger condition

--period [minutes]

Condition duration in minutes

--threshold [num]

Condition threshold number

--operator [type]

Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold.

--subject <string>

Alert notification email subject

--content <string>

Alert notification email body

--recipient [username]

Username to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 platform user IDs.

--email [emailAddress]

Email address to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 email addresses.

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:modify <alertId> [flags]

This command modifies the alert passed in alertId.

Besides the default --help flag, this command also accepts:

Flag Description

--name <value>

Alert name

--severity <value>

Alert severity

--resourceType <type>

Alert resource type

--resource [id]

Alert resource ID. Can be used multiple types. If not provided alert triggers for all resources. Depending on resourceType resource can be application, server, server-group or cluster.

--condition <value>

Alert trigger condition

--period [minutes]

Condition duration in minutes

--threshold [num]

Condition threshold number

--operator [type]

Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold.

--subject <string>

Alert notification email subject

--content <string>

Alert notification email body

--recipient [username]

Username to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 platform user IDs.

--email [emailAddress]

Email address to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify up to 20 email addresses.

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:standalone-alert:list [flags]

This command lists all alerts for standalone Mules in the current environment.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command also accepts the default flag --help.