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CloudHub Connector 1.2 - Mule 4

Anypoint Connector for CloudHub (CloudHub Connector) enables you to connect to the CloudHub API from your Mule application.

For information about compatibility and fixed issues, see the CloudHub Connector Release Notes.

Create the CloudHub Configuration

CloudHub Connector connections use the following authentication types:

  • Basic Authentication
    Uses a username and password for authentication

  • OAuth Client Credentials
    Delegates user authentication to the service hosting the user account

The basic CloudHub configuration has the following properties:

  • Connection Provider
    One of the authentication types (Basic Authentication or OAuth Client Credentials)

  • Credentials
    Depending on the authentication type selected, you must specify your username and password or client ID and client secret.

  • Environment
    The CloudHub environment to use. By default this is the environment defined as the default in Anypoint Platform.

CloudHub Configuration using Basic Authentication example:
<cloudhub:config name="CloudHub_Config_Basic_Auth" >
  <cloudhub:connection username="${ch.username}" password="${ch.password}" />
CloudHub Configuration using OAuth Client Credentials Authentication example:
<cloudhub:config name="CloudHub_Config_OAuth_Client_Credentials" >
  <cloudhub:oauth-client-credentials-connection clientId="${ch.clientId}" clientSecret="${ch.clientSecret}" />

POM File Information

If you create your app outside of Anypoint Studio, update your POM file as follows:


Replace x.x.x with the version that corresponds to the connector you are using.

To obtain the most up-to-date pom.xml file information:

  1. Go to Anypoint ExchangeLeaving the Site.

  2. In Exchange, click Login and supply your Anypoint Platform username and password.

  3. In Exchange, search for cloudhub.

  4. Click Dependency Snippets.

List Available Environments

After the credentials are configured correctly, you can retrieve the available environments for easier configuration.

Available Environments

CloudHub Connector is sometimes unable to fetch the available environments from the /account API endpoint, resulting in an empty dropdown list. If you are using the OAuth Client Credentials connection type, the Environment field is optional so an empty dropdown list should not cause any issues.

The dropdown list will be populated with those environments belonging to the main business group of the configured credential’s user. To use an environment from a child business group, that the same user has access to, manually specify its ID on either this field or corresponding XML attribute.

Use the CloudHub Environment

To specify the app deployment environment, use the environment.id system property.

Using the deployment environment
<cloudhub:config name="CloudHub_Config" >

Creating a Notification

To create a notification, the user must have the Runtime Manager Read application permission for the specified environment.

For information about assigning permissions to users, see Granting Permissions and Roles to Users.

To create a notification, use the Create Notification operation. This operation requires the notification message and the associated domain. You can specify the domain using the domain system property.

You can also configure:

  • Custom properties

    An open object to provide additional information about the created notification

  • Priority

    Specify the priority of the notification:

    • ERROR

    • INFO

    • WARN

  • Transaction ID

    The transaction ID associated with the created notification

<flow name="cloudhub-connector-flows" >
  <cloudhub:create-notification domain="some-application-name" config-ref="CloudHub_Config"
  transactionId="#[uuid()]" priority="WARN">
   <cloudhub:message >
     <![CDATA[#["Problem occurred trying to process customer data"]]]>
   <cloudhub:custom-properties >
     <![CDATA[#[output application/java
 "customer-id" : "ASD-123",
 "date" : now()
Creating a Notification
Figure 1. Configuring in Studio

List Notifications

To consume notifications, use the List Notifications operation.

This operation requires only that you specify the domain from which to retrieve notifications. You can specify the domain using the domain system property.

You can also configure:

  • Limit

    Specifies the number of notifications to retrieve (default -1, which indicates all available notifications)

  • Status

    Filters the notifications to retrieve as unread, read, or all (default unread, which retrieves only notifications marked as unread

  • Search

    Retrieves only notifications that contain the specified text

<cloudhub:list-notifications config-ref="CloudHub_Config" domain="some-application-name"/>
Listing Notifications
Figure 2. Configuring in Studio

This operation returns a list of notifications with the following structure:

    type: object
      id: string
      domain: string
      priority?: string
      read: boolean
      readOn?: datetime
      createdAt: datetime
      href: string
      properties: object

Mark a Notification as Read

Use the Mark Notification operation to mark the notification as read.

After a notification is consumed, mark a notification as read so that the next time notifications are read, only the unread ones are retrieved.

The Mark Notification operation requires only the notification ID, which you can obtain from the id property of a Notification object.

Example of marking notifications as read
<cloudhub:list-notifications config-ref="CloudHub_Config" domain="some-application-name"/>
  <cloudhub:mark-notification markAs="READ" config-ref="CloudHub_Config" notificationId="#[payload.id]"/>

List Applications

Using the connector, you can retrieve all available applications in the given environment. No configuration is required.

<cloudhub:list-applications config-ref="CloudHub_Config"/>

You can customize how information is retrieved to get less or more information about the applications.

Retrieve an Application

The connector retrieves information about an application’s deployment. The only required configuration is to specify the domain and the application name. You can specify the domain using the domain system property.

<cloudhub:get-application domain="some-application-name" config-ref="CloudHub_Config"/>

This operation returns all information about the application deployment.

Useful CloudHub System Properties

Name Information Usage


The name of the domain where the application is deployed in CloudHub.



The ID of the environment where the application is deployed.


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