Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector 2.6 - Mule 4
Anypoint Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector) enables integration with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cloud API.
This connector enables you to perform operations to:
Authorize or unauthorize server access
Create, update, and delete entities
Retrieve a single entity or query multiple entities
Associate and disassociate entities
Execute actions
Release Notes: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector Release Notes
Exchange: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector
Before You Begin
Before creating an app, you must have access to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 target resource and Anypoint Platform. You also must understand how to create a Mule app using Anypoint Studio.
Obtain a client ID and secret for your app by logging in to the Microsoft Azure Active Directory portal at
Before starting:
You need access to a Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance for which Azure Active Directory is the Identity Provider that provides access to an application.
Common Use Cases for the Connector
Common use cases for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector include:
Entity Management
Create, retrieve, update, or delete entities:
Create an account with attributes that associate an account with a contact
Create an empty contact entity
Create an empty opportunity entity
Create multiple entities of the same type in a single batch request
Delete an entity by type
Disassociate keys based on an identity ID
Retrieve an entity by type
Retrieve multiple entities using a URL request
Retrieve multiple entities using DataSense query language
Update an account with attributes
Update multiple entities of the same type in a single batch request
Automated Business Processes
Automate businesses processes across sales, marketing, social media, and customer service departments with seamless communication to keep your enterprise connected.
Data Synchronization
Perform data migration, social data synchronization, and lead and contact data sharing.
For examples of these use cases, refer to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector Examples.
New users, read:
Using Anypoint Studio to Configure the Connector to create your Mule app
Examples, which provides an example use case for the connector
Advanced users, read:
Examples, which provides an example use case for the connector
Authentication Types
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector uses the following authentication types:
Connection (OAuth 2.0)
Connects to servers that manage authorization and token access
OAuth 2.0 client credentials
Uses a client ID and client secret to authenticate the connection to the server
OAuth 2.0 username and password
Uses a username and password to authenticate the connection to the server
- Actions
Operations that allow side effects, such as data modification, cannot be further composed to avoid non-deterministic behavior.
- Complex types
Keyless structured types consisting of a set of properties. Complex types are commonly used as property values in model entities, or as parameters or return values for operations.
- Entities
Instances of entity types, for example, an account or an opportunity.
- Entity set
Collections of entities, for example, an account is an entity set containing account entities. An entity’s key uniquely identifies the entity within an entity set.
- Entity types
Structured types with a key. Entity types define the properties and relationships of an entity, and may derive by single inheritance from other entity types.
- Enumeration types or enum types
Primitive types whose values are constants with underlying integer values.
- Functions
Operations that do not have side effects and may support further composition, for example, with additional filter operations, functions, or an action.
Using Exchange Templates and Examples
Anypoint Exchange provides templates
that you can use as starting points for your apps and examples that illustrate a complete solution.
Next Step
After you have met the prerequisites and experimented with templates and examples, you are ready to create an app with Anypoint Studio.