IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Connector - Mule 4
IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Connector Version 2.3
Anypoint Connector for IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (IBM CTG Connector) provides integration with back-end CICS apps using the CICS Transaction Gateway. For Java platforms, CTG implements the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) resource adapter to connect Java applications to the Customer Information Control System (CICS) system. The connector serves as a link between Mule apps and the IBM CTG.
Release Notes: IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Connector Release Notes
Exchange: IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Connector
Before You Begin
To use this information, you must be familiar with IBM CTG, Mule runtime engine (Mule), Anypoint Connectors, Anypoint Studio, Mule concepts, elements in a Mule flow, and Global Elements.
You need login credentials to test your connection to your target resource.
To use this connector with Apache Maven, view the pom.xml file dependency information from
the Dependency Snippets link in Anypoint Exchange.
- CICS (Customer Information Control System)
Set of enterprise application servers with support for high-transaction workloads in a secure, scalable, cost efficient environment. CICS applications are written in a variety of languages, from Java to COBOL.
- CICS Region
Named collection of resources that are controlled by CICS as a unit. A CICS resource is any facility or component of a CICS system that is required to perform a task.
- CICS TG (CICS Transaction Gateway)
Set of client and server software components that allow a remote client application to invoke services in a CICS region. The client application can be either a Java application or a non-Java application. The CICS TG is available through the following two products: CICS TG on z/OS and CICS TG for Multiplatforms.
Block of contiguous memory used to pass data between programs. It is the binary equivalent of a COBOL structure and it is character-based.
- ECI (External Call Interface)
Simple remote procedural call style interface, used for linking to CICS applications. The COMMAREA or channel is the data interface used for the exchange of data between the client application and the CICS.
Standard architecture for connecting the J2EE platform to heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), such as CICS. The JCA enables an EIS vendor to provide a standard resource adapter for its EIS. A resource adapter is the middle tier between a Java application and an EIS and connects the Java application to the EIS.
Add the Connector to a Studio Project
Anypoint Studio provides two ways to add the connector to your Studio project: from the Exchange button in the Studio taskbar or from the Mule Palette view.
Add the Connector Using Exchange
In Studio, create a Mule project.
Click the Exchange icon (X) in the upper-left of the Studio task bar.
In Exchange, click Login and supply your Anypoint Platform username and password.
In Exchange, search for "ctg".
Select the connector and click Add to project.
Follow the prompts to install the connector.
Add the Connector in Studio
In Studio, create a Mule project.
In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.
In Add Modules to Project, type "ctg" in the search field.
Click this connector’s name in Available modules.
Click Add.
Click Finish.
Configure a Studio Project
Drag a connector’s operation to the Studio canvas.
Configure the Global Element for the connector:
Field Description Required Libraries
ctgserver.jar (CTG Server Library)
cicsjee.jar (CICS JEE)
ccf2.jar (CICS Common Connector Framework)
ctgclient.jar (CTG Client Library)
Note: Use the JAR files that come bundled within the installation of the CTG server instead of downloading the SDK ZIP from IBM’s web site to ensure the compatibility between the connector and the CTG system.
Enter the host name of the CICS TG.
Enter the port on which the CICS TG is running. Default value is 2006.
Server name
Enter the name of the target CICS server as defined in the CICS TG configuration file. Optional.
Enter the CICS user ID. Optional, if security is not enabled in the CICS region.
Enter the password for the CICS user ID. Optional, if security is not enabled in the CICS region.
To add the dependencies, select Add dependency and complete the fields.
Go to the Additional Settings tab and complete the configuration:
Field Description Keystore location
Enter the location of the keystore containing the certificates required for an SSL client. Optional.
Keystore Password
Enter the password required to access the keystore for an SSL client. Optional.
Connection Timeout
Enter the socket timeout for the client to CTG. Default value is 0 (no timeout).
Response Timeout
Enter the response timeout for the client to CTG. Default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). †
CTG Trace
If set to
, enables all debug levels of CTG tracing. Default value isFalse
.† Response Timeout is overridden by the
parameter if configured on the server side. See IBM ECI Timeout.
Choose the operation.
The IBM CTG connector supports the following two outbound operations:
Name Description Execute
Invokes a CICS program with data encapsulated as channels and containers.
Execute using COMMAREA
Invokes a CICS program with data encapsulated as a COMMAREA. Requests are limited to a maximum of 32 KB.
POM File Information
Replace x.x.x
with the version that corresponds to the connector you are using.
To obtain the most up-to-date pom.xml
file information, access the connector in Anypoint Exchange and click Dependency Snippets.
Enable Logging for Requests and Responses
To enable logging of the interactions of the connector with IBM CTG, a logger must be configured in the log4j2.xml file of the Mule app as follows. Put the AsyncLogger statement in the Loggers
block in the log4j2.xml file:
Common Use Cases
Invoke a COMMAREA program
Invoke a channel program
Invoke a COMMAREA or channel program inside a Transactional Scope
Add custom metadata
To successfully run the first three use cases, the target CICS system must have the specified programs. |
See Also
High-level tutorial of JCA in Introduction to the J2EE Connector Architecture