Runtime Manager Agent 1.4.x Release Notes


June 13, 2016

Runtime Manager Agent 1.4.2 provides a new downloadable zip file to easily update Runtime Manager Agent. Download the Runtime Manager agent from the following URL.

You must supply your Anypoint login and password to access this page.

Runtime Manager Agent Install Guide: Install or Update the Runtime Manager Agent


Software Version

Mule Runtime

3.6.n, 3.7.n, 3.8.n

API Gateway


Hardware and Software Requirements

No change.

Deprecated Features and Functionality


Fixed Issues

  • CHHYBRID-1673: Log (ELK) integration doesn’t work with Mule 3.8

Known Issues



May 14, 2016

Runtime Manager Agent 1.4.1 provides a new downloadable zip file to easily update Runtime Manager Agent. Download the Runtime Manager agent from the following URL.

You must supply your Anypoint login and password to access this page.

Runtime Manager Agent Install Guide: Install or Update the Runtime Manager Agent


Software Version

Mule Runtime

3.6.n, 3.7.n, 3.8.n

API Gateway


Hardware and Software Requirements

No change.

Deprecated Features and Functionality


Fixed Issues

  • AGENT-305: Support the new version of Hazelcast implemented on Mule 3.8.0

  • AGENT-306: Upgrade the registration connection of the Runtime Manager Agent to Hybrid to use TLS 1.2

  • CHHYBRID-1544: GA - Alerts - server / servergroup / cluster - *-down condition being triggered twice in linux and windows

  • SE-3571: Unable to pair the sever with ARM

  • SE-3683: Intermittence on servers status: Disconnected,Connected and Running

  • AGENT-304: Runtime Manager Agent - bind to IP address

Known Issues



April 04, 2016

Runtime Manager Agent 1.4.0 provides a new downloadable zip file to easily update Runtime Manager Agent. Download the Runtime Manager agent from the following URL.

You must supply your Anypoint login and password to access this page.

Runtime Manager Agent Install Guide: Install or Update the Runtime Manager Agent


Software Version

Mule Runtime

3.6.n and 3.7.n

API Gateway


Hardware and Software Requirements

No change.

Features in this Release

  • Support for static IP addresses: Agent can now support specific static addresses.

  • Addition of an external handler to manage monitoring service tracked beans

Deprecated Features and Functionality


Fixed Issues

  • AGENT-275: Remove the /mule/agent/ping endpoint since it’s not used and causes the mule to exit

  • AGENT-277: Retrieve the correct Mule and GW version for the unified Mule Runtime 3.8.0

  • AGENT-278: The tracking tests are failing with a org/apache/http/ssl/TrustStrategy class not found error

  • AGENT-284: Runtime Manager Agent isn’t detecting that the 3.8.0-M1 Mule Runtime is a unified runtime

  • AGENT-297: Configuring REST transport with custom key store isn’t using the given file

  • AGENT-286: Report the runtime as Mule on server registration for Unified Runtimes

Known Issues
