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Microsoft Service Bus Connector 2.2 - Mule 4

Anypoint Connector for Microsoft Service Bus (Microsoft Service Bus Connector) enables message integration with Windows Service Bus on-premises. The connector supports communication with queues and topics through Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 1.0. In addition, dynamic discovery and provisioning of Service Bus objects is possible using the built-in management API.

To implement message integration scenarios with Microsoft Azure, use the Microsoft Azure Service Bus Connector instead of this connector.

This connector supports connecting only to the Microsoft Windows Service Bus on-premises solution. To connect to Microsoft Azure Service Bus, use Anypoint Connector for Azure Service BusLeaving the Site.

Before You Begin

To use this connector, you should be familiar with Microsoft Service Bus, Mule runtime engine (Mule), Anypoint Connectors, Anypoint Studio, Mule concepts, elements in a Mule flow, and Global Elements.

You need one of the following credential types to test your connection to your target resource:

  • Windows credentials type

  • SAS (shared access signature) - Deprecated

  • Username and password - Deprecated

For software requirements and compatibility information, see the Connector Release Notes.

To use this connector with Apache Maven, click the Dependency Snippets link in Anypoint ExchangeLeaving the Site.

The connector supports the Microsoft Windows Service Bus on-premises.

POM File Information


Verify that the connector version corresponds to the one you are using.

To obtain the most up-to-date pom.xml file information:

  1. Go to Anypoint ExchangeLeaving the Site.

  2. In Exchange, click Login and supply your Anypoint Platform username and password.

  3. In Exchange, search for SAP S/4HANA OData.

  4. Click Dependency Snippets.

Add the Connector in Studio

  1. In Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.

  3. In Add Modules to Project, type service bus in the search field.

  4. Click this connector’s name in Available modules.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Finish.

Configure in Studio

  1. Drag a connector’s operation to the Studio Canvas.

  2. Configure the Global element for the connector.

Microsoft Service Bus connector global elements properies config window on General tab

Get Queue List Use Case

This use case retrieves a list of existing queues in a specific namespace. It returns the list in JSON format.

Studio flow for retrieving a list of existing queues
  1. Create a new Mule application in Studio and select HTTP > Listener as a source in the new flow.

  2. Add a new HTTP Listener configuration global element:

  3. Specify the Host and Port parameters with the following values:

    Parameter Value




  4. Click Save.

  5. Assign the new global configuration to HTTP Listener.

  6. Complete the HTTP Listener path with the value /servicebus.

  7. Drag a new Service Bus component operation into the flow.

  8. Configure the Service Bus connector global element with its environment values.

  9. Add a transform message before the connector and add an output like this:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
  10. Save and run the project as a Mule application.

    To test the app, navigate to

XML flow:

SSL Issues

If you get one of the following errors when performing a connectivity test or starting a Mule app, you must configure the truststore in insecure mode:

  • SSL certificate error

  • General SSLEngine problem

To configure the truststore in insecure mode:

  1. Navigate to the Security tab in the global element configuration.

  2. In the Security field, select Edit inline.

  3. In the Trust Store Configuration section, select the Insecure checkbox.

  4. Click OK.

Insecure truststore configuration
Figure 1. The graphic shows how to configure the truststore in insecure mode.

The first item shows where to select Edit inline and the second item shows where to select the Insecure checkbox.

For more information, see Failed Connectivity Test.

Service Bus Authentication

For sending and receiving messages through Microsoft Service Bus Connector, the authentication is performed through AMQP.

For the REST Management API, the authentication scheme differs based on the Microsoft Service Bus version. Windows Service Bus uses OAuth.

Windows Service Bus uses a self-signed SSL certificate to secure the communication using AMQP and HTTPS. The connector won’t run if this certificate is not locally imported in the box running Mule, unless the Ignore SSL warning check is enabled.

To enable the SSL checks, follow these steps to import the certificate:

  1. Use the PowerShell cmdlet Get-SBAutoGeneratedCALeaving the Site to download the certificate locally in the machine running the Windows Service Bus.
    For this example, the certificate file is exported to %temp%\AutoGeneratedCA.cer.

  2. Running as Administrator, go to %programfiles%\Java\jre7.
    You must be running as Administrator to perform a certificate import with Keytool.exe.

  3. Verify that the bin\keytool.exe tool and lib\security\cacerts exists.

  4. Enter the following command:
    bin\keytool.exe –list –keystore lib\security\cacerts

  5. Import the autogenerated Service Bus certificate by running the following command: + bin\keytool.exe –importcert –alias AppServerGeneratedSBCA –file %temp%\AutoGeneratedCA.cer –keystore lib\security\cacerts –v

  6. Enter the password when prompted (the default is “changeit”).

  7. When the tool asks you whether to trust the certificate, enter Y (Yes).

Using Restricted Access Policies

If you have restricted access to your resources, such as having a security policy with permissions at the resource level, the connector cannot perform the connectivity test when it starts. This occurs because the connectivity test targets the root level of your namespace, which might be forbidden due to the customized policy applied to the shared access key. For these scenarios, skip the connectivity test with the configuration option available for this purpose, otherwise, the connector fails to start.

Log Requests and Responses

To log requests and responses when using the connector, configure a logger by adding this line to the Loggers element of the log4j2.xml configuration file for the Mule app:

<AsyncLogger name="org.springframework.web.client"

The following example shows the Loggers element with the AsyncLogger line added:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
	    <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
	    	<PatternLayout pattern="%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"/>
		<AsyncLogger name="org.springframework.web.client" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">
			<appender-ref ref="Console" level="debug"/>

You can view the app log as follows:

  • If you’re running the app from the Anypoint Platform, the output is visible in the Anypoint Studio console window.

  • If you’re running the app using Mule from the command line, the app log is visible in your OS console.

Unless the log file path was customized in the app’s log file (log4j2.xml), you can also view the app log in this default location:


For more information about the app log, see Configuring Logging.

Windows Service Bus AMQP Use Case

This use case contains the following flows that send and receive messages for topics and queues:

  • load-http-form-flow

    Provides a web form for entering the parameters for messages.

  • topic-endpoint-flow

    Receives messages through the load-http-form-flow, stores each message as the payload, converts each message to a Java object, and sends each message to the destination topic.

  • queue-endpoint-flow

    Receives messages through the load-http-form-flow, stores each message as the payload, converts each message to a Java object, and sends each message to the destination queue.

  • queue-receive-flow

    Listens for, receives, and logs messages from the specified queue.

  • topic-receive-flow

    Listens for, receives, and logs messages from the specified topic.

Studio flows for the Windows Service Bus AMQP use case

XML for this flow:

Windows Service Bus Management Use Case

This use case contains flows that create topics, subscriptions, and rules:

  • service-bus-management-demoFlow

    Creates a topic by following these steps:

    1. Creates the topic description as specified and stores it as the payload.

    2. Creates the topic using the stored configuration from the previous step and the topic namespace, obtained from variable topic.name.

    3. Converts the newly created topic to a JSON object.

    4. Logs the JSON object.

  • service-bus-management-demoFlow1

    Creates a subscription by following these steps:

    1. Creates the subscription description as specified and stores it as the payload.

    2. Creates the subscription using the stored configuration from the previous step, the subscription name from the variable subscription.name, and the topic name from the variable topic.name.

    3. Converts the newly created subscription to a JSON object.

    4. Logs the JSON object.

  • service-bus-management-demoFlow2

    Creates a rule by following these steps:

    1. Creates a rule with the specified configuration and stores it as the payload.

    2. Creates the rule using the stored configuration from the previous step, the rule name from the variable rule.name, the subscription name from the variable subscription.name, and the topic name from the variable topic.name.

    3. Converts the newly created rule to a JSON object.

    4. Logs the JSON object.

Studio flows for Windows Service Bus Management use case

XML flow:

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