%dw 2.0
output application/json
formattedDate: |2020-10-01T23:57:59| as String {format: "uuuu-MM-dd"},
formattedTime: |2020-10-01T23:57:59| as String {format: "KK:mm:ss a"},
formattedDateTime: |2020-10-01T23:57:59| as String {format: "KK:mm:ss a, MMMM dd, uuuu"}
Format Dates and Times
You can use DataWeave to change the format of date and time input.
Before you begin, note that DataWeave version 2 (%dw 2.0
) is for Mule 4 apps. For a
Mule 3 app, refer to DataWeave version 1
(%dw 1.0
) examples,
within the Mule 3.9 documentation set. For other Mule versions, you can use
the Mule Runtime version selector in the table of contents.
Change Date and Time Formats
You can combine formatting characters, such as MM
and dd
, to write supported date and time formats. The example uses the as
operator to write the dates and times as a string.
Create a Custom Date Format as a DataWeave Type
For multiple, similar conversions in your script, you can define a custom type as a directive in the header and set each date to that type. Names of DataWeave type are case-sensitive.
Use Date and Time Formatting Characters
DataWeave supports the use of formatting characters, such as the u
(for the year), M
, and d
in the date format uuuu-MM-dd
. These characters are based on the Java 8 java.time.format
The following example formats the output of the now
DataWeave function to show
supported letters:
%dw 2.0
var myDateTime = ("2020-11-10T13:44:12.283-08:00" as DateTime)
output application/json
"dateTime" : myDateTime,
"era-G" : myDateTime as String { format: "G"},
"year-u" : myDateTime as String {format: "u"},
"year-uu" : myDateTime as String {format: "uu"},
//y is for use with the era (BCE or CE). Generally, use u, instead.
"year-y" : myDateTime as String { format: "y"},
"year-yy" : myDateTime as String { format: "yy"},
"dayOfYear-D" : myDateTime as String { format: "D"},
"monthOfYear-MMMM": myDateTime as String { format: "MMMM"},
"monthOfYear-MMM": myDateTime as String { format: "MMM"},
"monthOfYear-MM": myDateTime as String { format: "MM"},
"monthOfYear-M": myDateTime as String { format: "M"},
"monthOfYear-LL": myDateTime as String { format: "LL"},
"monthOfYear-L": myDateTime as String { format: "L"},
"dayOfMonth-d" : myDateTime as String {format: "d"},
"quarterOfYear-qqq" : myDateTime as String {format: "qqq"},
"quarterOfYear-qq" : myDateTime as String {format: "qq"},
"quarterOfYear-q" : myDateTime as String {format: "q"},
"quarterOfYear-QQQQ" : myDateTime as String {format: "QQQQ"},
"quarterOfYear-QQQ" : myDateTime as String {format: "QQQ"},
"quarterOfYear-QQ" : myDateTime as String {format: "QQ"},
"quarterOfYear-Q" : myDateTime as String {format: "Q"},
// Understand "Y" and "YY" thoroughly before using it.
"weekBasedYear-YY" : myDateTime as String { format: "YY"},
"weekBasedYear-Y" : myDateTime as String { format: "Y"},
"weekInYear-w" : myDateTime as String {format: "w"},
"weekInMonth-W" : myDateTime as String {format: "W"},
"dayOfWeekAbbreviatedName-E" : myDateTime as String {format: "E"},
"dayOfWeekFullName-EEEE" : myDateTime as String {format: "EEEE"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-eeee" : myDateTime as String {format: "eeee"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-eee" : myDateTime as String {format: "eee"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-ee" : myDateTime as String {format: "ee"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-e" : myDateTime as String {format: "e"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-cccc" : myDateTime as String {format: "cccc"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-ccc" : myDateTime as String {format: "ccc"},
"localizedDayOfWeek-c" : myDateTime as String {format: "c"},
"weekOfMonth-F" : myDateTime as String {format: "F"},
"amORpm-a" : myDateTime as String {format: "a"},
// "h" outputs 12 o'clock as 12. Other hours match "K" output.
"hourOfDay1to12-h" : myDateTime as String {format: "h"},
// "K" outputs 12 o'clock as 0. Other hours match "h" output.
"hourOfDay0to11-K" : myDateTime as String {format: "K"},
"clockHourOfAmPm-k" : myDateTime as String {format: "k"},
"hourOfDay0to23-H" : myDateTime as String {format: "H"},
"minuteOfHour-m" : myDateTime as String {format: "m"},
"secondOfMinute-s" : myDateTime as String {format: "s"},
"fractionOfSecond-S" : myDateTime as String {format: "S"},
"millisecondOfDay-A" : myDateTime as String {format: "A"},
"nanosecondCountOfSecond-n" : myDateTime as String {format: "n"},
"nanosecondCountOfDay-N" : myDateTime as String {format: "N"},
"timeZoneID-VV" : myDateTime as String {format: "VV"},
"timeZoneName-zz" : myDateTime as String {format: "zz"},
"localizedZoneOffset-zzz" : myDateTime as String {format: "zzz"},
"localizedZoneOffset-O" : myDateTime as String {format: "O"},
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-XXX" : myDateTime as String {format: "XXX"},
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-XX" : myDateTime as String {format: "XX"},
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-X" : myDateTime as String {format: "X"},
"timeZoneOffset-xxx" : myDateTime as String {format: "xxx"},
"timeZoneOffset-xx" : myDateTime as String {format: "xx"},
"timeZoneOffset-x" : myDateTime as String {format: "x"},
"timeZoneOffset-Z" : myDateTime as String {format: "Z"}
Notice the use of the syntax to format the date or time.
"dateTime": "2020-11-10T13:44:12.283-08:00",
"era-G": "AD",
"year-u": "2020",
"year-uu": "20",
"year-y": "2020",
"year-yy": "20",
"dayOfYear-D": "315",
"monthOfYear-MMMM": "November",
"monthOfYear-MMM": "Nov",
"monthOfYear-MM": "11",
"monthOfYear-M": "11",
"monthOfYear-LL": "11",
"monthOfYear-L": "11",
"dayOfMonth-d": "10",
"quarterOfYear-qqq": "4",
"quarterOfYear-qq": "04",
"quarterOfYear-q": "4",
"quarterOfYear-QQQQ": "4th quarter",
"quarterOfYear-QQQ": "Q4",
"quarterOfYear-QQ": "04",
"quarterOfYear-Q": "4",
"weekBasedYear-YY": "20",
"weekBasedYear-Y": "2020",
"weekInYear-w": "46",
"weekInMonth-W": "2",
"dayOfWeekAbbreviatedName-E": "Tue",
"dayOfWeekFullName-EEEE": "Tuesday",
"localizedDayOfWeek-eeee": "Tuesday",
"localizedDayOfWeek-eee": "Tue",
"localizedDayOfWeek-ee": "03",
"localizedDayOfWeek-e": "3",
"localizedDayOfWeek-cccc": "Tuesday",
"localizedDayOfWeek-ccc": "Tue",
"localizedDayOfWeek-c": "3",
"weekOfMonth-F": "3",
"amORpm-a": "PM",
"hourOfDay1to12-h": "1",
"hourOfDay0to11-K": "1",
"clockHourOfAmPm-k": "13",
"hourOfDay0to23-H": "13",
"minuteOfHour-m": "44",
"secondOfMinute-s": "12",
"fractionOfSecond-S": "2",
"millisecondOfDay-A": "49452283",
"nanosecondCountOfSecond-n": "283000000",
"nanosecondCountOfDay-N": "49452283000000",
"timeZoneID-VV": "-08:00",
"timeZoneName-zz": "-08:00",
"localizedZoneOffset-zzz": "-08:00",
"localizedZoneOffset-O": "GMT-8",
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-XXX": "-08:00",
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-XX": "-0800",
"timeZoneOffsetZforZero-X": "-08",
"timeZoneOffset-xxx": "-08:00",
"timeZoneOffset-xx": "-0800",
"timeZoneOffset-x": "-08",
"timeZoneOffset-Z": "-0800"