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DataWeave Quickstart

In this guide, you run DataWeave version 2 scripts on sample data, without relying on external data sources. Before you begin, note that DataWeave version 2 is for Mule 4 apps. For a Mule 3 app, refer to the DataWeave version 1 documentation set in the Mule 3.9 documentation. For other Mule versions, you can use the version selector for the Mule Runtime table of contents.

The examples introduce some key DataWeave concepts that you can explore further whenever you are ready, and they show how to turn the Transform Message component into a DataWeave playground.

To run the scripts, you copy them into the source code area of a Transform Message component in Studio, then view the results in the component’s Preview pane. You also load content from files so that your DataWeave script can act on it. Once you feel comfortable with DataWeave examples here and elsewhere in the docs, you can use the DataWeave playground to practice writing your own DataWeave scripts on sample data.

A script in Anypoint Studio showing a basic JSON output

The figure shows a Transform Message component in the center canvas, within testingscriptFlow. Below the Studio canvas, the Transform Message tab includes a DataWeave script in the source code area with output in the Preview pane.


Studio 7 is required. Versions 7.3 or 7.2.3 are recommended. Other Studio 7 versions are untested with this guide.

Once Studio is installed, you need to set up a project with a Transform Message component. See Set Up a Project in Studio.

Set Up a Project in Studio

Set up a Mule project that serves as a DataWeave playground:

  1. In Studio, click FileNewMule Project to create a Mule project.

  2. Provide the name testscript for the project, and click Finish.

  3. From the Mule Palette tab of your new project, click Core, and then drag the Transform Message component into the Studio canvas.

    A Transform Message component in Anypoint Studio

    (A) Mule Palette tab

    (B) Studio canvas with Transform Message component

    (C) Transform Message tab

  4. In the Transform Message tab, click Preview (on the far right) to open the Preview pane, and click the empty rectangle next to Preview to expand the source code area.

    A Transform Message tab showing an output payload in Anypoint Studio

    The source code area on the left is the place where you are going to add DataWeave scripts, and the Preview pane on the right is where you view the output of the scripts.

  5. Proceed to Start Scripting.

Start Scripting

Concatenate Two Strings into a Single String

Begin with a simple DataWeave script that concatenates two strings ("hello" and "World") together into a single string ("helloWorld").

A DataWeave script that outputs 'helloWorld' in JSON format
  1. Replace the current script in the source code area of the Transform Message tab with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    { myString: ("hello" ++ "World") }
    • The body of the DataWeave script contains a key-value pair ({ myString: ("hello" ++ "World") }). The value of this input object is a DataWeave expression (("hello" ++ "World")) for concatenating the strings "hello" and "World" into a single string, "helloWorld".

      When you are ready, you can learn about the DataWeave ++ function used to concatenate the strings.

    • The header of the script is all the content above the three dashes, ---. It includes important directives, including one for specifying the output format application/json. You can learn more about DataWeave Scripts when you are ready.

  2. See the JSON output in the Preview pane:

    { "myString": "helloWorld" }
  3. Proceed to Transform JSON Input to XML Output.

Transform JSON Input to XML Output

Many integrations require transformations from one format to another. This procedure uses the output directive to produce XML output from JSON input.

A DataWeave script that outputs 'helloWorld' in XML format
  1. Replace the body of the current script in the source code area with JSON output from Concatenate Two Strings into a Single String, and change the output application/json directive to output application/xml:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/xml
    { "myString" : ("helloWorld") }
  2. See the XML output in the Preview pane:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

    Notice that the "myString" key of the input JSON object { "myString" : ("helloWorld") } is converted to the root element of the XML output and that the concatenated string becomes the value of that XML object. So the XML output is <myString>helloWorld</myString>. That output is preceded by a standard XML declaration that specifies the XML version and encoding.

    Without a single key to serve as a root node for XML output (for example, if the input is simply ("helloWorld")), the transformation to XML will fail with a yellow warning (!) in the source code area. The warning message is Trying to output non-whitespace characters outside main element tree. If you like, you can try to produce this warning on your own.

    DataWeave supports many output and input formats. You can learn more about Supported Data Formats when you are ready.

  3. Proceed to Learn About Supported Data Types

Learn About Supported Data Types

Now provide a DataWeave script that simply introduces you to a variety of supported data types and shows how to add comments to a script.

  1. Replace the current script in the source code area of the Transform Message tab with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
       * A multi-line
       * comment here.
      myString: "hello world",
      myNumber: 123,
      myFloatingPointNumber: 123.456,
      myVeryBigNumber: 12341234134123412341234123,
      myDate: |2018-12-07|,
      myTime: |11:55:56|,
      myDateTime: |2018-10-01T23:57:59-03:00|,
      myBoolean: true,
      myArray: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
      myMixedArray: [ 1, 2, "blah", { hello: "there" } ],
      myObjectKeyValuePair: { innerKey: "innerValue" },
      myObjectWithConditionalField: { a : { b : 1, ( c : 2 ) if true, (d : 4) if false } },
      myNull: null,
      myBinary: "abcd1234123" as Binary
      //A one-line comment here.

    DataWeave supports multi-line comments within /* */ markup and single-line comments after forward slashes (//). It also supports many data types, shown after the colon (:) in key-value pairs, such as myString: "hello world" and myNumber: 123. These types include strings (surrounded by quotation marks, ""), numbers, date and time structures (within pipes, ||), Booleans (true and false), arrays (within square brackets, []), JSON-like objects (key-value structures within curly braces, {}), null, and binaries. When you are ready for more on this topic, you can review DataWeave types.

  2. See the JSON output in the Preview pane:

      "myString": "hello world",
      "myNumber": 123,
      "myFloatingPointNumber": 123.456,
      "myVeryBigNumber": 12341234134123412341234123,
      "myDate": "2018-12-07",
      "myTime": "11:55:56",
      "myDateTime": "2018-10-01T23:57:59-03:00",
      "myBoolean": true,
      "myArray": [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ],
      "myMixedArray": [ 1, 2, "blah", { "hello": "there" } ],
      "myObjectKeyValuePair": { "innerKey": "innerValue" },
      "myObjectWithConditionalField": { "a": { "b": 1, "c": 2 } },
      "myNull": null,
      "myBinary": "abcd1234123"
  3. Proceed to Define and Use a DataWeave Variable as Input

Define and Use a DataWeave Variable as Input

Now try a simple DataWeave script that outputs the value of the DataWeave variable myJson. You set the variable using the var directive in the script’s header.

  1. Replace the current script in the source code area of the Transform Message tab with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    var myJson = { "hello" : "world" }
    output application/json

    A JSON object ({ "hello" : "world" }) is defined as the myJson variable in the script’s header. You can learn more about DataWeave Variables when you are ready.

  2. See the output in the Preview pane:

      "hello": "world"
  3. Proceed to Use a DataWeave Function in a DataWeave Variable

Use a DataWeave Function in a DataWeave Variable

Now try a script that uses the DataWeave avg function in a DataWeave variable (myJson) to get averages of two sets of numbers.

A DataWeave script using a variable in Anypoint Studio
  1. Replace the current script in the source code area with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    var myJson = {
      a: avg([1, 1000]),
      b: avg([1, 2, 3])
    output application/json

    The avg functions here get invoked when you add myJson to the body of the script, producing the calculated averages within the JSON object you can see in the Preview pane. The structures [1, 1000] and [1, 2, 3] are arrays. You can learn more about avg when you are ready.

  2. Preview the output:

      "a": 500.5,
      "b": 2.0
  3. Proceed to Read, Transform, and Select Content from an Input

Read, Transform, and Select Content from an Input

Now try a more complicated script that reads XML input, transforms it to JSON, and only selects the contents of the car element.

  1. Replace the current script in the source code area with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    var myRead = read("<car><color>red</color></car>",
    output application/json
      mySelection : myRead.car

    If you encounter an issue previewing this example, try changing myRead.car to myRead."car". Learn more about the read function, Supported Data Formats, and DataWeave Selectors when you are ready.

  2. Preview the output:

      "mySelection": {
        "color": "red"
  3. Proceed to Read File Contents with a DataWeave Function

Read File Contents with a DataWeave Function

Now use readUrl to read the contents of a file in the Studio src/main/resources folder so you can use that content as sample data for a DataWeave script.

  1. Add a file by right-clicking the src/main/resources folder in the Package Explorer tab, then navigating to NewFile, providing the file name myJson.json for that file, and clicking Finish.

  2. From src/main/resources, provide and save the following sample content in the myJson.json tab (or within the Source sub-tab of the myJson.json tab, if it is present):

      "hello": "world"
    A Package Explorer tab showing a sample content in Anypoint Studio
    Figure 1. myJson.json in Studio
  3. Returning to the Transform Message component within the testscript tab, replace the current script with one that uses readUrl to read the JSON contents from your file:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    readUrl("classpath://myJson.json", "application/json")

    Learn more about the readUrl function when you are ready.

  4. View the matching output in the Preview pane.

      "hello": "world"

    Note that you can also load the contents of a file through a metadata type in the Transform Message component. That procedure is covered later, in Run Examples with Longer Payloads. It uses the myJson.json file you just created.

  5. Proceed to Map Elements from an Array into an Object

Map Elements from an Array into an Object

Almost all integrations require data mappings. Here, you map elements within an array to keys and values of a JSON object:

  1. Replace the current script in the source code area with this one:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
        ["a", "b", "c"] map ((value, index) -> {
            (index): value

    The map function iterates over the array on the left to apply the lambda (anonymous function) on the right (((value, index) → { (index): value })) to elements in that array. The lambda uses named parameters (value and index) to select the values and indices from the array and populate a JSON object with key-value pairs. Learn about map, and when you are ready, compare map with mapObject, which takes an object as input.

  2. Preview the output:

      "0": "a",
      "1": "b",
      "2": "c"
  3. Proceed to Pluck Values from an Object into an Array

Pluck Values from an Object into an Array

Now use the DataWeave pluck function to iterate over values in a JSON object and output those values into an array.

  1. Replace the contents of the source code area with a script that uses pluck on a JSON object:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
      "0": "a",
      "1": "b",
      "2": "c"
    } pluck ((value) -> value)

    Notice that the input object matches the output of the map example and that the output array matches the input from the map example. Learn more about pluck when you are ready.

  2. Preview the output:

  3. Proceed to Map and Merge Fields.

Map and Merge Fields

Now try a more complex example that maps and merges fields from items in separate arrays. The point here is simply to provide a taste of DataWeave’s ability to handle more complex mappings and transformations needed for some integrations.

  1. Replace the current script in the source code area with this one:

    When you are ready to explore the language further, you can learn how the filter function used near the end returns author values from the array in the myVar2 variable. You can read about type coercion with DataWeave to see how as works with the data type in the line "cost" : item.price as Number, to coerce input strings like "19.99" into numbers like 19.99. You can see how using (shown in using (id = item.bookId)) enables you to create local DataWeave variables in a script.

  2. Preview the output:

        "id": "101",
        "topic": "world history",
        "cost": 19.99,
        "author": "john doe"
        "id": "202",
        "topic": "the great outdoors",
        "cost": 15.99,
        "author": "jane doe"
  3. Proceed to Try Out More DataWeave Examples.

Try Out More DataWeave Examples

Now you are ready to run DataWeave examples on your own. In your DataWeave playground, you can run examples from the docs whenever you want to discover more about the DataWeave language. You can play with the examples and use them to start your own scripts.

For examples that use payload to reference input data (such as the contains or mapObject function examples), you can avoid payload-related issues by using techniques described in Run Examples that Act on a Payload.
  1. Find many more examples to try out in Studio here:

  2. Proceed to Next Steps.

Run Examples that Act on a Payload

In DataWeave, payload is a built-in Mule Runtime variable that holds the contents of a Mule message. It enables you to retrieve the body of a message simply by typing payload into the DataWeave script. The docs often refer to this content as "the payload."

To try out DataWeave examples that use payload to get the contents of a Mule message, you have some options:

Alternatives that require a running Mule app (such as using Set Payload) are not covered here but are introduced in Next Steps.

Run Examples with Short Payloads

For short examples with a few lines of sample data, you can convert the input payload to a variable. You simply copy the payload’s content into a DataWeave variable (var) in the header of a DataWeave script. Then, in the body of the script, you replace payload with the name of the new variable to reference that variable.

  1. Start with this script in the source code area:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    ContainsRequestedItem: payload.root.*order.*items contains "3"

    Notice that you cannot preview it yet:

    A DataWeave script that checks if a payload contains a specific item in Anypoint Studio
  2. Now modify this example so that it uses some sample input instead of attempting to use payload to input content of a Mule message that does not exist:

    1. Add a myInput DataWeave variable supplying some input data the script can read, and change the Mule payload variable in the body of the script to the DataWeave myInput variable.

      %dw 2.0
      var myInput = read("<root>
      output application/json
      ContainsRequestedItem: myInput.root.*order.*items contains "3"
    2. Preview the results:

        "ContainsRequestedItem": true

      When you are ready, learn more about the contains function and about the built-in payload variable, in Predefined Variables.

Run Examples with Longer Payloads

For DataWeave examples with many lines of sample data, consider creating a metadata type through Transform Message. Metadata types can accept a local file that contains sample data.

  1. Use the readUrl example to create src/main/resources/myJson.json in Studio.

    You can skip this step if you still have the file in Studio. The next steps show how to use the contents of this file as your payload.

  2. Now replace the current script from the source code area of the Transform Message with one that selects the payload of the input:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
  3. Notice that you cannot preview a payload now because it does not exist yet.

    A DataWeave script that checks if a payload contains a specific item in Anypoint Studio
  4. Now provide a simple JSON object as the payload of the Transform Message:

    1. In the Transform Message tab, click the left-most rectangle from the Preview button to open the columned, graphical view next to the source code area:

      A Transform Message component to define metadata in Anypoint Studio

      If you mouse over that rectangle, you can see the label Show Graphic.

    2. In the left-most column of the Transform Message tab, find Payload: Unknown, and click Define metadata.

      If you do not see the Define metadata link, simply right-click the Payload: entry in the left-most column, and then click Set Metadata to open the Select metadata type dialog.

  5. Now load the contents of myJson.json (created in the readUrl example) into the Transform Message component:

    1. Click +Add to open the Create new type dialog.

    2. In the dialog, provide the Type id myJsonType, and click Create type.

      A dialog for creating a new type
    3. Back in the Select metadata type dialog that opens, select JSON from the Type drop-down menu.

      A Select metadata type dialog to select Type
    4. Below the new type, change Schema to Example (as shown above).

    5. Use the navigation button with the ellipsis (…​) to find src/main/resources/myJson.json, and click Open, which displays the structure of the file contents (hello: String) in the Select metadata type window.

    6. Now click Select to load the contents of the file into the message payload.

    7. Notice that the JSON object from myJson.json is now in the Preview pane.

      If necessary, you can click Preview to open the Preview pane.

    8. Now click the empty rectangle next to the Preview button to open the source code area, and change the body of the script to payload.hello, retaining the existing DataWeave header content.

      Notice that the Preview pane now contains only the value of the payload: "world".

      Here is what this example looks like in Studio:

      A DataWeave script that outputs the word 'world' in JSON format in Anypoint Studio

      Learn more about DataWeave Selectors when you are ready.

Next Steps

  • To get started with Mule app development and data mapping through the Studio UI, see Tutorial: Create a Mule app that uses the Database Connector and DataWeave.

  • Beyond the Transform Message component, many Mule connectors, modules, and Core components accept DataWeave selectors and short DataWeave expressions in their fx fields.

    To learn about the components, you can start from Mule Components.

    To try out sample data in a running Mule app, without relying on external data sources, you can use these Core components with or without Transform Message:

    • Set Payload to provide content for the payload of a Mule event.

    • Set Variable to create content in a Mule event variable.

    • Scheduler to trigger the regular generation of Mule events.

    • Logger to view output and issues logged in the Studio console.

Here is an example that uses some of these components:

A flow that outputs 'helloWorld' in Anypoint Studio
  • The fx value of Set Payload is set to output application/json --- { hello : "world"}.

  • The fx value of the Logger is set to payload, which looks like #[payload] in the UI and the XML configuration file for the project.

  • The Console tab of the running Mule app (testscript) displays the payload from Set Payload.