The conformance status information in the Notify Owner preview now matches that shown in the governance report.
Anypoint API Governance Release Notes
May 29, 2024
What’s New
You can now see the history of user actions related to Anypoint API Governance in the Anypoint Access Management audit logs.
See Audit Logging.
April 19, 2024
What’s New
You can now use draft profiles to test settings before revealing their targeted APIs' conformance information across Anypoint Platform.
You can now duplicate profiles to more quickly create profiles with similar settings.
February 5, 2024
What’s New
You can now use the MuleSoft-provided API Documentation Best Practices ruleset to apply governance to API documentation.
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
W-14550668 |
November 29, 2023
What’s New
Administrators can now give users, such as developers, view-only access to the API Governance console so that they can:
View conformance information for their governed APIs.
Download conformance reports in CSV format.
Governance administrators continue to have full access to API Governance.
Ruleset enhancements:
You can now use the MuleSoft-provided API Catalog Information Best Practices ruleset to apply governance to API catalog information.
You can now embed examples of valid and invalid code in rulesets to help developers understand conformance issues. For example, for the validation
:examples: valid: | /events: get: displayName: get description: Gets a stream of results invalid: | /events: get: # missing displayName/identifier description: Gets a stream of results
You can now add parameters to ruleset messages. When an API fails the validation, parameter values are resolved with contextual information. This makes messages more specific and easier to take action on. For example:
security-fields-operation-empty: message: | The security field of the operation {{}} should not be empty.
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
Anypoint CLI now properly renders reports for legacy API projects. |
W-14274588 |
October 17, 2023
What’s New
A new Mule API Management Best Practices ruleset provided by MuleSoft is published in Exchange.
New functionality is available to enable you to start governing instances by API version:
Organizations created after this release are automatically opted in.
For governance administrators:
If you don’t see an opt-in banner on the API Governance console, your organizations are already opted in.
If you see an opt-in banner, you can opt in to apply the new functionality to your organizations.
After you initiate the opt in, some profiles and APIs might show a status of In Validation until the update completes. With the new functionality you can:
View specification and instance conformance in a single summary in Anypoint API Governance.
View governance conformance information in API Manager.
View comprehensive governance reports in Anypoint API Governance and API Manager.
Govern an entire API by API version, so that you can apply governance to all instances of all versions of an API.
March 4, 2023
What’s New
You can now filter by API Instance information in your governance profiles. If you select the filter Include only APIs with instances, only specifications that have an instance in API Manager are included. You can then optionally filter by environment type and environment name. See Create a Governance Profile Using the Anypoint API Governance Console.
Rulesets now have a Governed APIs page where you can view the list of centrally-governed APIs to which the ruleset applies. See Viewing Conformance Status in Exchange.
The Anypoint API Governance experience API is now published. Access the experience API in Exchange in your preferred Anypoint Platform control plane:
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
The Anypoint CLI 3.x command |
W-12266732 |
December 10, 2022
What’s New
Your profiles can now be configured to automatically use the latest versions of rulesets in the console and through Anypoint CLI.
You can now search and filter to find specific rulesets when creating and updating profiles in the console.
You can now configure notifications using the CLI when creating and updating profiles.
The Conformance Status page for validated APIs in Exchange now shows the filter criteria that resulted in the API being validated against the listed rulesets.
October 29, 2022
What’s New
New ruleset version selection in the console: In the Anypoint API Governance console, you can now select ruleset versions while creating or updating a profile.
Improved conformance assessment and remediation: In Design Center, you can more easily add governance rulesets to an API project and create an editable branch of the API if there isn’t already one available.
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
The Fix API definition button is replaced with visible links to improve navigation and visibility. |
W-11551948, W-11764543 |
The CLI fix-me instructions page no longer has a code snippet that isn’t visible when the web browser page is sized to a narrow width. |
W-11551279 |
The Best Practices ruleset’s wording is improved. |
W-11801541 |
The search on the API Governance console is now case insensitive. |
W-11861402 |
The |
W-11324475 |
Validation of an API definition with multiple rulesets now completes successfully. |
W-11758147 |
The full API console is now visible or scrollable when the web browser page is sized to a narrow width. |
W-11798282 |
The legends in the console cards no longer wrap into the second row when the web browser page is sized to a narrow width. |
W-11798320 |
October 1, 2022
What’s New
You can now filter by lifecycle state in the API Governance profile wizard to more quickly select the APIs you want to govern.
You can now see the total governed APIs, total APIs, and subscription usage in one place in the API Governance dashboard.
anypoint cli governance
commands are enhanced to support ruleset customization. You can now:-
Evaluate the rulesets that might apply to your API:
governance api evaluate
Scaffold rules from data schemas:
governance api inspect
governance ruleset init
Customize individual rules by changing severity levels and enabling or disabling rules:
governance ruleset info
governance ruleset clone
governance create profile
andgovernance update profile
commands now have the--criteria
option, where you can specify filters for tags, categories, lifecycle states, and scope, such as API typesasync-api
governance api validate
command now has the following options:-
, to enable you to validate APIs published in Exchange -
, to enable you to validate APIs against rulesets published in Exchange
September 3, 2022
What’s New
User Interface Improvements
The Conformance Status page Fix API Definition menu selections more clearly indicate the subsequent action.
The instructions in the Instructions for Anypoint CLI page are easier to follow.
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
A subscription limit alert now appears only when the number of governed APIs nears or exceeds the limit. Multiple versions of the same API in different profiles are counted as one governed API. |
W-11611085 |
When you refresh the Conformance Status page, the conformance status shown on the page now immediately refreshes. |
W-11565896 |
August 20, 2022
Fixed Issues
Issue Resolution | ID |
The rule |
W-11324363 |
The description for the rule |
W-11500353 |
August 6, 2022
What’s New
A new Conformance Status page in Exchange enables API developers to see details about conformance of their validated API definitions to governance rulesets. For details, see Viewing Conformance Status in Exchange.
You are now notified when your number of governed APIs nears or exceeds your subscription level.
You can now review your monthly usage of Anypoint API Governance in usage reports. For details, see Viewing Usage Reports.
July 9, 2022
What’s New
You can now govern AsyncAPI APIs by selecting the AsyncAPI API type when creating governance profiles.
When you filter by categories while creating or updating a governance profile, you can now see information about categories applied to the filtered APIs. The number of categories applied to an API is denoted by Categories followed by a number in parenthesis. Hover over Categories to see more details.
Command enhancements:
anypoint-cli governance api validate
This command now accepts an API project ZIP file or folder and downloads dependencies, including rulesets against which to validate. You can optionally use the
option to specify a comma-separated list of local rulesets. -
anypoint-cli governance ruleset validate
This command now accepts the following as the ruleset definition parameter:
A ruleset definition YAML file
A ZIP file that contains an API project with an
file that specifies the ruleset as the main file -
A folder that contains an API project with an
file that specifies the ruleset as the main file
June 11, 2022
What’s New
Anypoint API Governance now groups notifications by API so that only one email is sent if an API is validated by multiple rulesets
You can now select the following recipients for the automated conformance notifications:
API Publisher: Email the API publisher by using the email address specified in the listed Anypoint Platform account
API Contact: Email the contact specified in the asset in Exchange
Others: Email to a comma-separated list of email addresses
The UI is now reactive, more responsive, and more accessible
April 30, 2022
What’s New
In the new API Governance console:
Configure profiles to apply rulesets to specific sets of APIs
Monitor the conformance status of APIs that are validated as part of the profiles
Export reports of API conformance data in CSV format
Notify API owners to encourage them to make their APIs conformant to the profiles
In Design Center in API Designer:
Apply rulesets to your APIs to see what parts of the definitions are noncomformant
Update the APIs to be conformant and republish them to Exchange
In Exchange:
Discover and view the new governance rulesets provided by MuleSoft
View conformance status for governed API assets
Using the new Anypoint CLI governance commands:
Automate governance in your automation tools, such as CI/CD pipelines or scripts