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Upgrading and Migrating Box Connector to Version 5.x - Mule 4

Upgrade Anypoint Connector for Box (Box Connector) from version 4.x to version 5.x to take advantage of new functionality.

Supported Upgrade Paths

From Version To Version



Changes in This Release

  • The prefix for all the connector operations changed from mule-box-connector to box.

  • The OAuth 2.0 configuration XML structure changed.

    In earlier releases, the XML for the OAuth 2.0 connection element looked like this:

    	doc:name="Mule-box-connector Config"

    In the latest release, the XML looks like this:

    <box:config name="Box_Connector_Config" doc:name="Box Connector Config" >
    	<box:oauth2security-connection >
    			resourceOwnerId=“resourceownerId” />
    			externalCallbackUrl="http://localhost:8081/callback" />

New Operations

New operations for Box Connector 5.0 include:

Box Operation Description

Upload file

Uploads a file to Box. For files larger than 50 MB, use the Create upload session operation instead.

Get file information

Retrieves detailed information about a file.

Upload file version

POST operation that updates a file’s contents. For files larger than 50 MB, use the Create upload session operation instead.

Create upload session

Creates an upload session for a new file. Use this operation for uploading files larger than 50 MB. Chunks large uploads into sequential parts that you can then upload individually. Parts can be uploaded in parallel.

Get upload session

Returns information about an upload session.

List parts

Returns a list of the chunks uploaded to the upload session so far.

Create upload session for existing file

Creates an upload session for an existing file.

Commit upload session

Closes an upload session and creates a file from the uploaded chunks.

Upload part of file

Updates a chunk of an upload session for a file.

Remove upload session

Aborts an upload session and discards all data uploaded.

Upgrade Prerequisites

Before you perform the upgrade, you must create a backup of your files, data, and configurations in case you need to restore to them.

Upgrade Steps

Follow these steps to perform the upgrade:

  1. In Anypoint Studio, create a Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click Search in Exchange.

  3. In Add Dependencies to Project, enter box in the search field.

  4. In Available modules, select Box Connector Config and click Add.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Verify that the Box Connector dependency version is 5.0.0 in the pom.xml file in the Mule project.

Studio upgrades the connector automatically.

Verify the Upgrade

After you install the latest version of the connector, follow these steps to verify the upgrade:

  1. In Studio, verify that there are no errors in the Problems or Console views.

  2. Verify that there are no problems in the project pom.xml file.

Revert the Upgrade

If it is necessary to revert to the previous version of box connector, change the 5.0.0 dependency version in the project’s pom.xml file to the previous version.

You must update the project’s pom.xml file in Anypoint Studio.

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