Compression Module - Mule 4
Compression Module v2.0
Compression Module supports and provides access to the most-used file archiver and compression formats through a Mule app.
A file archiver is a computer program that combines a number of files together into one archive file for easier transportation or storage, and most archivers employ data compression in their archive formats to reduce the size of the final archive. However, not all compression algorithms can archive multiple files. Some are limited to single-file data compression.
This module compresses and decompresses files for each of the available formats without losing any of the features that the format associated algorithm provides.
To achieve this capability, the module provides two pairs of operations, one for compressing and decompressing a single file, another for archiving and extracting a bundle of files. Each of these operations can be configured with the compression or archiving strategies of your choice.
Release Notes: Compression Module Release Notes
Exchange: Compression Module
POM File Information
If you create an app outside of Studio, set your POM file information as follows:
Replace x.x.x
with the version that corresponds to the connector you are using.
Compress and Decompress a Single File
Content Compression
Given an input stream, the module compresses the stream and returns a new compressed stream of bits so it can be stored in a file system or transferred to another system.
Compressor Strategies
A Compressor strategy can compress a file or a single-entry archive.
Compress Operation
<compression:content>#[payload.data]</compression:content> (1)
<compression:zip-compressor/> (2)
1 | The InputStream to be compressed. Defaults to #[payload] . |
2 | Compressor strategy to be used. |
Content Decompression
Decompresses single-entry compressed content, which is assumed to be an archive in the specified compression format.
Decompressor Strategies
A Decompressor strategy knows how to decompress a file or a single-entry archive.
Decompress Operation
<compression:content>#[payload]</compression:content> (1)
<compression:gzip-decompressor/> (2)
1 | The InputStream to be decompressed. Defaults to #[payload] . |
2 | Decompressor strategy to be used. |
Decompression Errors
If the given content does not match the format of the configured strategy, a
error will be thrown.
If the archive to be decompressed has more than one entry, this operation will
error, because it will not be able
to choose only one entry to return. For these cases, you should use the
Extract operation.
Archive and Extract Multiple Entries
Given a Map of <entryName,InputStream>
, the archiving process compresses all
the given entries into a new archive in the configured format.
Archive Operation
This operation receives a Map that identifies the entries to be compressed and their values. Each entry passed to this operation is placed inside the compressed archive bearing the name you provide.
<compression:entries> (1)
summary.pdf: vars.summary,
'details/result_001.pdf': vars.file1
'details/result_002.pdf': vars.file2
<compression:zip-archiver/> (2)
1 | A DataWeave script defining each name of the entry to be compressed as a key and the content of that entry as its value. |
2 | The archiver strategy to be used. |
The resulting archive contains three entries, one named summary.pdf
at root
level, the others called result_001.pdf
and result_002.pdf
, inside a
directory called details
+- content.zip
| \- summary.pdf
| \+ details
| \- result_001.pdf
| \- result_002.pdf
Note that the slash (/
) in the name of an entry (for example,
) indicates directory separation, so all names will be
introspected to create directories inside the archive.
If you create the input to the Archive operation using a DataWeave expression, the DataWeave expression must output an Object, which is used to build the Java Map object. For the entire object to be added to the archive, every key must be unique. |
Decompresses content that represents an archive in some compression format.
Extractor Strategies
An Extractor strategy can decompress an archive with multiple entries that are compressed in a particular format.
Extract Operation
<compression:compressed>#[vars.archive]</compression:compressed> (1)
<compression:zip-extractor/> (2)
1 | The compressed content to be extracted. Defaults to #[payload] . |
2 | The entries of this archive are returned as objects, each accessible by its name. For example, assume that an archive with three entries with the following structure is decompressed: |
+- Archive
| \- summary.pdf
| \+ details
| \- result_001.pdf
| \- result_002.pdf
In this case, you can access the extracted contents of the entries like this:
or payload.details['result_001.pdf']
Archive and Extractor Example
This example reads in all the files from a folder named input, then creates a compressed archive by creating an object with the key set to the file name, and the value to the value of the read file. Next the archive is extracted, then the For-Each scope iterates over each extracted key/value and writes the file to a new output folder with the key as the new file name, and the value the corresponding extracted file content.
<flow name="archive-extract-test" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler">
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<file:list doc:name="List" config-ref="File_Config" directoryPath="input"/>
<set-payload value='#[output application/java
(0 to sizeOf(payload) - 1) as Array
reduce (index, acc={}) ->
acc ++ { (payload[index].attributes.fileName): payload[index].payload}]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<compression:archive doc:name="Archive" >
<compression:zip-archiver />
<compression:extract doc:name="Extract" >
<compression:extractor >
<compression:zip-extractor />
<foreach doc:name="For Each" collection="payload">
<file:write doc:name="Write" config-ref="File_Config" path='#[output application/json
"output/" ++ (payload pluck $$)[0]]' >
<file:content ><![CDATA[#[output application/java --- ( payload pluck $ )[0]]]]></file:content>
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[output application/json --- payload]"/>
Common Use cases
Compress a File
This example reads a file, compresses it, and saves it.
<file:read path="file.txt"/>
<file:write path="file-txt.gz"/>
Decompress a Payload from a Remote Service
This example calls a server that returns and decompresses a Zip file.
<wsc:consume config="ZipServiceConfig" operation="returnsZip"/>