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Uninstalling Flex Gateway

You can uninstall Flex Gateway as a Linux service, in a Docker container, or from a Kubernetes cluster.




Uninstall as a Linux Service

Flex Gateway can be uninstalled as any other package:

sudo apt remove -y flex-gateway

Uninstall in a Docker Container

If you are finished with your Flex Gateway instance in a Docker Container, stop and remove the container.

  1. Determine the container ID.

    docker ps
  2. Stop the container:

    docker rm <container id>
  3. Optionally, remove the Docker image as well:

    docker rmi mulesoft/flex-gateway

Uninstall from a Kubernetes Cluster

To uninstall Flex Gateway from a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Uninstall the Helm release. The following example removes a release called “my-release”:

    helm delete my-release
    Update my-release to the release you have running. To see a list of all releases, use the command helm list -A.
  2. Delete the release namespace if one was specified:

    kubectl delete namespace gateway
  3. Delete the custom resource definitions:

    kubectl delete crds \ \ \ \ \