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IBM CTG Connector 2.3 Examples - Mule 4

Before You Begin

  • Java 8 or 11

  • Anypoint Studio 7.x

  • Mule runtime engine (Mule) 4.x

  • DataWeave

  • Access to an IBM CTG system 9.1 or 9.2

  • IBM SDK 9.1 or 9.2

Configure a Connection

To secure connections, you must specify the connection field values. To do this:

Create a Configuration File for a Connection

Create a configuration file that includes properties for a connection:

  1. Create a file named mule-app.properties in the /src/main/resources/ folder.

  2. In the mule-app.properties file, create a set of properties for the connection, similar to the ones that follow, replacing the bracketed text (including the brackets) with the correct values for your configuration:

    ibm.port=<port number>
    ibm.serverName=<server name>
    ibm.username=<username> (optional)
    ibm.password=<password> (optional)
    ibm.keystoreLocation=<location of the keystore containing the certificates required for an SSL connection> (optional)
    ibm.keystorePassword=<password required to access the keystore for an SSL connection> (optional)

    This may vary depending on the selected connection configuration.

For more information about creating a properties file, refer to Configuring Property Placeholders.

Configure the Connection Global Elements

Configure global elements for connection:

  1. Create a new Mule project.

  2. In the Mule Palette view, click Search in Exchange and enter ibm ctg.

  3. Add IBM CICS Transaction Gateway Connector to the Selected modules section and click Finish.

  4. Click the Global Elements tab and click Create.

  5. Select Connector Configuration > IBM CTG Config and click OK.

  6. Enter the values to configure Connection.

  7. Click the Test Connection button to ensure there is connectivity with the IBM CTG API. A successful message should pop up.

  8. Click OK.

Configure a Global Element for the Properties File

Configure a global element for the mule-app.properties file so that Mule knows where to find it:

  1. Click the Global Elements tab and click Create.

  2. In the Choose Global Type dialog, select Configuration properties and click OK.

  3. In the File field, enter mule.app.properties.

  4. Click OK.

Invoke a COMMAREA Program

This application calls EC01, a COMMAREA-based program that outputs the current datetime in a formatted EBCDIC string.

  1. Create a new Mule Project in Anypoint Studio and fill in the IBM CTG credentials in src/main/resources/mule-app.properties.

  2. Drag an HTTP Listener operation onto the canvas, leave the default values for Host and Port, and set the Path to /test/ec01.

  3. Drag an IBM CTG operation onto the canvas and add a new Global Element to configure a standard (non-SSL) client.

    Parameter Value





    Server Name






    Click Test Connection to confirm that Mule can connect with the IBM CTG instance. If the client is successful, click OK to save the configuration. Otherwise, review or correct any invalid parameters and test again.
  4. Double-click the IBM CTG component, select the Execute operation and configure the following parameters:

    Parameter Value

    Content Reference


    Request Reference


  5. Add a Transform Message between the HTTP and the IBM CTG operation.

    The connector does not provide dynamic or static metadata, but allows users to define custom types using the Metadata Type tool.

    1. Define the input metadata for Add Custom Metadata using the ec01-type.ffd schema file:

      form: COPYBOOK
      id: 'DFHCOMMAREA'
      - { name: 'LK-DATE-OUT', type: String, length: 8 }
      - { name: 'LK-SPACE-OUT', type: String, length: 1 }
      - { name: 'LK-TIME-OUT', type: String, length: 8 }
      - { name: 'LK-LOWVAL-OUT', type: String, length: 1 }
    2. Map the fields in the DataWeave transformer.

      %dw 2.0
      output text/plain schemaPath = "ec01-type.ffd", segmentIdent = "DFHCOMMAREA"
          LK-DATE-OUT: "",
          LK-SPACE-OUT: "",
          LK-TIME-OUT: "",
          LK-LOWVAL-OUT: ""
    3. Create a flow variable named commareaRequest and configure the following fields, as described in Load Java Metadata:

      %dw 2.0
      output application/java
      	channel: "EC03",
      	encoding: "US-ASCII",
      	errorContainer: "OUTPUTMESSAGE",
      	programName: "EC03",
      	requestContainer: "INPUTDATA",
      	responseContainer: "CICSDATETIME",
      	tpnName: "CSMI"
      } as Object {
      	class : "org.mule.modules.ibmctg.internal.model.ChannelRequest"

      See Load Java Metadata for how to obtain metadata for the CommareaRequest.

  6. Add a Transform Message after the IBM CTG to extract the results in a JSON format.

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    	date: payload
  7. Add a Logger at the end of the flow.

  8. Save the changes and deploy the Mule Application. Open a browser and make a request to http://localhost:8081/ec01. The result should be similar to:

        date: "08/01/2019 13:41:17"

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

Invoke a Channel Program

This application calls EC03, a channel-based program that takes an input data container and returns three containers:

  • A data and time container

  • The length of the input data, use channels, and containers in a CICS program

  • An output container that contains a copy of the input data, or an error message

Channel Program
  1. Perform steps 1 to 3 from the previous example and set the HTTP path to /ec03.

  2. Double-click the IBM CTG operation, select the Execute operation, and configure the following parameters:

    Parameter Value

    Content Reference


    Request Reference


  3. Add a Transform Message between the HTTP and the IBM CTG operation.

  4. Define the input metadata according to Add Custom Metadata using the schema file ec03-type.ffd:

    form: COPYBOOK
    - { name: 'CICS-DATE-TM', type: String, length: 8 }
  5. Map the fields in the DataWeave transformer.

    %dw 2.0
    output text/plain schemaPath = "ec03-type.ffd", segmentIdent = "DFHCOMMAREA"
    	CICS-DATE-TM: ""
  6. Create a flowVar variable named request and configure the following fields, as described in Load Java Metadata:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/java
    	channel: "EC03",
    	encoding: "US-ASCII",
    	errorContainer: "OUTPUTMESSAGE",
    	programName: "EC03",
    	requestContainer: "INPUTDATA",
    	responseContainer: "CICSDATETIME",
    	tpnName: "CSMI"
    } as Object {
    	class : "org.mule.modules.ibmctg.internal.model.ChannelRequest"
  7. Add a Transform Messager after the IBM CTG operation to convert the result into a readable format.

  8. Add a Logger at the end of the flow.

  9. Save the changes and deploy the Mule app.

  10. Open a browser and make a request to http://localhost:8081/ec03.

    The result should be similar to:

       cics-date-time: "08/01/2019 13:57:25"

Add Custom Metadata

The IBM CTG Connector does not provide dynamic or static metadata out of the box, but it enables users to define custom types using the Metadata Type tool. Define input and output metadata as follows:

  1. Place a schema file under src/main/resources directory, normally in .ffd format.

    Note: These schema files must be supplied by the user. They can be obtained from COBOL copybooks, which are included in the CICS installation.

  2. Go to the Metadata tab of the connector operation and click Add metadata.

    • Select Input:Payload and click Edit to open the Metadata Editor:

      Metadata Editor
  3. Click Add to create a new type and provide and ID for it, that is, ec03-in-type for the program EC03 input data.

  4. Select type Copybook, select Schema, and provide the location of the schema file.

  5. From the list of available data segments drop-down menu that appears, choose the one you need and click Select to save the configuration.

  6. Drag a DataWeave transformer in front of the IBM CTG component in the flow.

    Metadata fields become available to build the mapping.

    Metadata fields

    Having a metadata definition is not required to use IBM CTG Connector, but it is essential to improve the usability of the connector. See Create Metadata.

Load Java Metadata

In DataWeave, click Define Metadata to open the Metadata window.

  1. Click Add and provide an ID, such as CommareaRequest.

  2. Select type Java and then select a Java object in the Data Structure table.

  3. Search the class CommareaRequest or the fully qualified name org.mule.modules.ibmctg.internal.model.CommareaRequest, and click OK.

  4. Click Select to save the configuration.

  5. Perform the same steps to load metadata for the ChannelRequest type.

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

Invoke a COMMAREA or Channel Program Inside a Transactional Scope

This application calls EC02, a COMMAREA-based program that returns a simple run counter.

Use case flow in Studio
  1. Perform steps 1 to 3 from the previous example and set the HTTP path to /test/ec02.

  2. In the Global Elements tab, add a new Bitronix Transaction Manager without further configurations.

  3. Drag a Transactional element next to the HTTP and configure according to the table below:

    Parameter Value


    XA Transaction



  4. Double-click the IBM CTG component, select the operation Execute using COMMAREA and configure the following parameters:

    Parameter Value

    Content Reference


    Request Reference


  5. Add a Transform Message between the HTTP and the IBM CTG components. The connector does not provide dynamic/static metadata but allows users to define custom types using the Metadata Type tool.

  6. Define the input metadata according to Add Custom Metadata using the schema file ec02-type.ffd:

    form: COPYBOOK
    - { name: 'LK-COUNT', type: String, length: 40 }
  7. Map the fields in the DataWeave transformer.

    %dw 2.0
    %output text/plain schemaPath = "ec02-type.ffd" , segmentIdent = "DFHCOMMAREA"
    	LK-COUNT: "000001234TH RUN OF EC02"
  8. Create a flowVar named request and configure the following fields, as described in Load Java Metadata:

    %dw 2.0
    output application/java
    	commareaLength: 40,
    	encoding: "IBM037",
    	programName: "EC02",
    	replyLength: 40,
    	tpnName: "CSMI"
    } as Object {
    	class : "org.mule.modules.ibmctg.internal.model.CommareaRequest"
  9. Add a Transform Message after the IBM CTG to extract the results in a JSON format.

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    	count: payload
  10. Add a Logger at the end of the flow.

  11. Save the changes and deploy the Mule app.

  12. Open a browser and make a request to http://localhost:8081/ec02. The result should be similar to:

        count: "1st RUN OF EC02"

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

Use Multiple Containers

This Mule flow shows how to use multiple containers. This example uses the following operations:

  • HTTP Listener
    Accepts data from HTTP requests

  • Transform Message
    Sets the first content request and outputs the data as a flat file

    %dw 2.0
    output application/flatfile schemaPath = "ec03-type.ffd", segmentIdent = "DFHCOMMAREA", encoding="cp037"
    	"CICS-DATE-TM": ""
  • Transform Message
    Sets the second content request and outputs the data as a flat file

    %dw 2.0
    output application/flatfile schemaPath = "ec03-type.ffd", segmentIdent = "DFHCOMMAREA", encoding="cp037"
    	"CICS-DATE-TM": ""
  • Transform Message
    Sets multiple channels and content requests and outputs the data in JSON

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
    		channelRequest : 	{
    			channel: "EC03",
    			encoding: "US-ASCII",
    			errorContainer: "OUTPUTMESSAGE",
    			programName: "EC03",
    			requestContainer: "INPUTDATA",
    			responseContainer: "CICSDATETIME",
    			tpnName: "CSMI"
    		content : vars.request1.^raw
    		channelRequest : 	{
    			channel: "EC03",
    			encoding: "US-ASCII",
    			errorContainer: "OUTPUTMESSAGE",
    			programName: "EC03",
    			requestContainer: "INPUTDATA",
    			responseContainer: "CICSDATETIME",
    			tpnName: "CSMI"
    		content : vars.request2.^raw
  • Execute with multiple channels
    Calls a remote CICS program sending data encapsulated in channels and containers, enabling users to transfer more than 32 KB in a single request

    Enter the following values:

    Field Value

    Object type


    Connector Configuration


    Channel and contents


  • Transform Message
    Outputs the data in JSON

    %dw 2.0
    output application/json
  • Logger
    Performs logging

Studio Flow for using multiple containers in IBM CTG Connector

XML for This Example

Paste this code into the Studio XML editor to quickly load the flow for this example into your Mule app:

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