Anypoint Visualizer Release Notes - 2019

December 18, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

When you select an edge in the canvas, you can view a metric chart for the given metric.

Known Limitations

  • Edge metrics charts cannot be shown on connections from your Mule apps to external Mule apps, such as Mule apps that are in external business groups.

  • Anypoint Visualizer does not currently support dedicated load balancers for CloudHub apps using Mule 4.

  • Inbound metrics are not supported on the connection level when the source node is a Mule 4 app. For complete information about which connections support metrics, see Supported Connection-Level Metrics.

December 12, 2019

If you are using a Mule runtime engine version that was released after December 12, 2019, Anypoint Visualizer now supports all unicode characters with UTF-8 encoding, including international characters. You are no longer limited to using alphanumeric characters when adding layer names, tag names, and display names.

December 3, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Anypoint Visualizer now includes a new metric called failure rate, which appears instead of failures. For your selected time range, failure rate is defined as the total number of failures divided by the total number of requests. This metric is available for applicable nodes and connections.

Known Limitations

Inbound metrics are not supported on the connection level when the source node is a Mule 4 app. For complete information on which connections support metrics, see Supported Connection-Level Metrics.

November 7, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Anypoint Visualizer now shows the average response time and average throughput metrics on the connection level as well as the application level.

This feature is being rolled out in phases.

Known Limitations

  • Inbound metrics are not supported on the connection level when the source node is a Mule 4 app. For complete information on which connections support metrics, see Supported Connection-Level Metrics.

  • Visualizer does not currently support dedicated load balancers for CloudHub apps using Mule 4.

October 29, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Similar to Anypoint Monitoring, Visualizer now shows inbound and outbound metric values for average response time, average throughput, and failures. The value shown on the node is the weighted average of the values for the selected metric for either all inbound or all outbound connections, depending on user selection.

Known Limitations

Visualizer does not currently support dedicated load balancers for CloudHub apps using Mule 4.

September 24, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

  • Metrics will now load progressively in batches to increase overall topology loading time.

Known Limitations

  • Visualizer does not currently support dedicated load balancers for CloudHub apps using Mule version 4.

September 10, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

  • You can now hide nodes through what you select in the canvas.

When you select one or more nodes, you have the option to hide the services that you selected. Alternatively, you can also hide the services other than the ones that you currently have selected. To simplify the process, there is a new button that automatically selects all services in a dependency stack.

  • The Display Name can now be set using the Mule Runtime property anypoint.platform.visualizer.displayName=<name>.

  • Visualizer supports Mule version 3.8.7 running on CloudHub.

Fixed Issues

  • If there has been traffic in the past 7 days from a client app that has since been deleted, the client app is still registered and is included in the count on the group node. It will appear as “1 Deleted App” in the list of client apps in the details pane.

  • You now have the ability to select/unselect and customize external Mule applications (Mule apps that are not in your root organization that are being called by Mule apps that you have permission to view). These customizations persist only for your root organization.

Known Limitations

  • Visualizer does not currently support dedicated load balancers for CloudHub apps using Mule version 4.

August 29, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Client ID nodes that used to appear in the canvas with a client ID as the label now appear with the respective client app name instead. To organize the canvas, all client apps that call the same Mule app are grouped into a single client app group node. The number of client apps in the group will be specified in the name. By selecting the group node in the canvas, you can see more details in the card on the left and access the full list of client apps.

Known limitation

If there has been traffic in the past 7 days from a client app that has since been deleted, the client app is still registered and is included in the count on the group node. However, the client app’s name will not be listed with the client app names that appear in the detail pane.

July 24, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Visualizer now has two collapsible cards:

  • The Metric card contains metric and the time range selection.

  • The View card is where you can choose which services you want to display on the canvas. It contains the menu options for defining views and filtering options by environment, tags, and services. You can also access Save and more menu options on this card.

When you select a node in the canvas, a card appears, displaying two tabs:

  • The Details tab contains service details and configuration options.

  • The Monitoring tab contains connection information.

When you toggle Show Dependencies, the dependents now appear in a list under the toggle.

The zoom to fit functions are enhanced.

To export the canvas as a PNG file, you can select Export as Image, located next to the zoom to fit.

June 7, 2019

New Features and Enhancements

Visualizer now detects running Mule applications that don’t appear on the canvas and:

  • Lists the missing applications in each environment

  • Outlines the reasons why Visualizer cannot support them in their current states

  • Directs you to where you can update the applications to make them appear in the Visualizer canvas

If any apps are missing from a given environment, an icon and the number of excluded apps appear by the environment name in the side panel. Click the icon for more details.

April 30, 2019

Visualizer now supports applications deployed to Runtime Fabric. See Set up Anypoint Visualizer for more information.

Visualizer relies on a header injection to display connections between services correctly. The header injection is disabled by default for Mule 4. The correct connections will not be displayed for your Mule 4 Runtime Fabric applications unless you enable the header injection. See Set up Anypoint Visualizer for more information.

This release has the following known limitations:

  • If a Mule 3 CloudHub app with the old Visualizer agent (version earlier than April 5, 2019) calls a Runtime Fabric ingress endpoint, there will be an extra edge from the CloudHub app to a node with the IP address for the controller. Please upgrade to the latest release of the Mule runtime engine.

  • If a Mule 4 CloudHub app calls a Runtime Fabric ingress endpoint, there will be and extra edge from the CloudHub app to a node with the IP address for the controller. You can use your filters within Visualizer to hide this node.

  • If a Runtime Fabric Mule app calls a Mule 3 CloudHub Mule app with the old Visualizer agent (version earlier than April 5, 2019) using its DNS, the correct connection is drawn, but there will be an additional edge from the External Traffic node to the CloudHub app.

  • If a Runtime Fabric Mule app calls a Mule 4 CloudHub Mule app using its DNS, the correct connection is drawn, but there will be an additional edge from the External Traffic node to the CloudHub app.

  • If you have an app in two different clusters with the same name, these applications are drawn as one node on the canvas. You should rename one app.

April 25, 2019

  • Visualizer editors can define views so that everyone in the organization has a dynamic and consistent view of the architecture for each project.

  • All Visualizer users have a private view, which provides a complete picture of all the apps they have access to.

See Visualizer Views for more information.

April 5, 2019

  • Anypoint Monitoring Agent Moving to Mule Version 3.9 Runtimes

    • The latest patch release for Mule runtime engine version 3.9.x (04-05-2019 or later) includes an agent that unifies the Anypoint Monitoring and Anypoint Visualizer agents. Having this single agent means that applications using this Mule version display metrics in Visualizer and the -AM runtime version is no longer required.

    • Upgrade to 4.1.x 03-22-2019 or later, or 3.9.x 04-05-2019 or later

      1. If you upgrade Mule 4 to the newest patch (03-22-2019 or later) or the Mule 3.9.x newest patch (04-05-2019 or later), you’ll notice that you can’t see your apps in Visualizer or Anypoint Monitoring. Don’t worry, they are still running.

      2. You must enable the Anypoint Monitoring agent to see your applications appear in Visualizer after the upgrade.

        Please take careful note of which Mule versions that Visualizer now supports and the necessary tasks to perform (depending on the version) to ensure that your applications appear in Visualizer and have metrics enabled.
  • Visualizer supports dedicated load balancers for apps using Mule version 3.9.x.

    While Visualizer doesn’t yet support dedicated load balancers for apps using Mule version 4.1.x, MuleSoft anticipates that support for Mule version 4.2. This anticipation is not a guarantee. Visualizer documentation and release notes will be updated when support is available.

March 25, 2019

  • Standalone Mule Only

    Due to a potential performance impact for Mule 4.1.x, header injection in the Anypoint Monitoring agent is now disabled by default for standalone Mule. Visualizer does not work properly without this header, so to see your applications correctly, you must enable the property at the server level after you install the Anypoint Monitoring Agent.

    For instructions, see Set up Anypoint Visualizer.

March 23, 2019

Version 2.1.0

New Features and Enhancements

  • Side Panel

    • Replaced Rename Node feature with the ability to modify the Display Name of a service from the Customization section of the details.

  • View

    • Layers set via application properties can no longer be overridden in the Customization section within the Visualizer UI.

    • Layers can no longer be deleted or renamed. Instead, reassign a service to a new layer to accomplish the same outcome.

      • All default layers (System, Process, Experience) will be offered by default and cannot be deleted.

  • Anypoint Monitoring Agent Moving to Non-AM Runtimes

    • The latest patch release for Mule runtime engine version 4.1.x (03-23-2019 or later) includes an agent that unifies the Anypoint Monitoring and Anypoint Visualizer agents. Having this single agent means that applications using this Mule version display metrics in Visualizer and the -AM runtime version is no longer required.

    • Upgrade to 4.1.x 03-23-2019

      1. If you upgrade Mule 4 to the newest patch (03-23-2019 or later), you’ll notice that you can’t see your apps in Visualizer or Anypoint Monitoring. Don’t worry, they are still running.

      2. You must enable the Anypoint Monitoring agent to see your applications appear in Visualizer after the upgrade.

Please take careful note of which Mule versions that Visualizer now supports and the necessary tasks to perform (depending on the version) to ensure that your applications appear in Visualizer and have metrics enabled.

Changes to Layers

  • Layer labels and names may change. The first letter of every layer will be capitalized. All default layers will be restored.

February 11, 2019

Version 2.0.3

New Features and Enhancements

  • Side Panel

    • Added Export as PNG button that allows users to export their network topology as it is currently displayed on the canvas.

January 23, 2019

Version 2.0.2

New Features and Enhancements

  • View

    • Edges shown between services are now active. This means that they appear only if there has been traffic in the past seven days. Non-active edges do not appear on the canvas.

    • When a service connects to a service in an organization in which a user does not have the CloudHub Viewer permission, the service the user does not have access to is displayed as an HTTP node.

January 8, 2019

Version 2.0.1

New Features and Enhancements

  • Side Panel

    • Changed Include related services box to a toggle named Show dependents and dependencies, which allows you to view dependencies of the nodes and services with the selected tags.

    • Updated the placement of the Select all/Select none button for filtering.

  • View - Updated icon on node to indicate if application is deployed in CloudHub or on-premises.

Fixed Issues

  • Hostname is no longer truncated in the details panel.

  • Fixed Select all/select none button functionality to work as expected with search bar within environments and services filtering.