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Set up Anypoint Visualizer

Configure the roles and permissions required to use Anypoint Visualizer and understand what to consider when deploying applications.

Configure Permissions

To view content in Anypoint Visualizer, you must be assigned a role that has one of the following permissions:

  • Runtime Manager > Read Applications Enables a user to view the graph of an app network, but does not allow them to make changes.

  • API Manager > View Policies or Manage Policies Enables a user to view the APIs linked to their Mule applications and the policies applied to those APIs. Only relevant for the Policy Visualization.

  • Visualizer > Visualizer Editor Enables a user to manage and customize certain aspects of the visualization of an application network. You can create a custom role and assign the Visualizer Editor permission to it.

    The Visualizer Editor permission can be assigned only within the root organization.

Select a Deployment Type

Anypoint Visualizer supports the following deployment types:

The set up process and supported Mule runtimes differ depending on deployment type. Further details are included in each section.

Deploy an App

When you deploy an app you want to view in Anypoint Visualizer, ensure that you select a supported version of Mule as the deployment target. See Runtime Manager for more information.

After redeploying an app, all metadata collected by Anypoint Visualizer is removed for that app. The number of inbound connections for the app node is reset.

Verify Supported Connectors

Anypoint Visualizer can monitor activity for outbound connections on specific connectors.

For Mule version 3.9.x, the following connectors are supported:

  • Salesforce


  • Database

  • All connectors based on the Connector DevKit

For Mule version 4.x, the following connectors are supported:

  • Salesforce


  • Database

  • Mule 4 Extension Connectors

Manage Performance and Data Collection

The agent that Anypoint Visualizer uses to collect metadata sometimes has a performance impact.

For more information about data collection and performance, see Manage Performance and Data Collection.